Community weekend HG exp

  • I don't feel like HG exp is affected by community weekend, last time on Community Weekend in season 9 one won fight granted full level now it grants 8/10 of level, same was on first community milestone and now it's the same on fifth, I can't see the difference.

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  • @piteq200 said in Community weekend HG exp:

    I don't feel like HG exp is affected by community weekend, last time on Community Weekend in season 9 one won fight granted full level now it grants 8/10 of level, same was on first community milestone and now it's the same on fifth, I can't see the difference.

    AFAIK higher levels go slower.

  • I know, but I was grinding Athena Guardian, and went from 44lvl to 100lvl on season 9 CW, but now I tried leveling Flameheart faction from lvl 10 and I don't think it would take more than one win to lvl up

  • @piteq200 Its definitely boosted.

  • Same I believe they just bosted the wins if you lose its the same rep as normal from what I read someone said they nuff it so players can't farm losses which I feel is trash but its rare so 🤷

  • A win is normally about a quarter of a level, it was boosted to about 3/4

  • @hiradc yeah a win as a champ was worth a level. it was pretty nice helping my friends grind curses

  • Both loosing xp and wining was boosted.

  • @ghutar said in Community weekend HG exp:

    Both loosing xp and wining was boosted.

    And losing and winning

  • Someone else who spent the weekend's precious boost on HG... Man HG is just the most soul destroying, unenjoyable game mode currently. I don't even want to think about attempting any progress outside of community weekends because the progress is so slow otherwise. I made level 50 in Athena's Fortune this weekend, took a few hours to get 6 levels as I'm horrible at PVP but I'm maxed out in everything else. I wish the grind wasn't so unenjoyable, I'm sure quite a lot of that is me making the experience worse for myself by hyper-focusing on how much I dislike running HG.

    I think my biggest complaint is just the waste of time when you are pretty even, I probably wasted an hour or two of my gaming time going back and forth with someone equally inept at PVP. I would much rather the arena circle got smaller pretty quickly or it was points based and whoever had most after say 5 minutes would win. The 20/30 minute stalemates frustrate and demoralise me so bad.

    *edited it down from 7 to 6.

  • @hijack-hayes
    That's true, if there were some way to lvl up without long playtime, even if you go with hauling treasure to grade five and selling the HG it still brings not enough exp.

  • @piteq200 said in Community weekend HG exp:

    even if you go with hauling treasure to grade five and selling the HG it still brings not enough exp.

    Yeah, I tried a little trial and error on Saturday morning to see if going the 'Athena's shield' route of vacuuming up loot to sit on board with potential emergent foes would yield some healthy rep. That was extremely underwhelming, although the community was only at grade 4 at the time.

  • @hijack-hayes
    As a game developer (not Rare's gamedev) I can safely say that the changes need to happen, I am not a pro in Pvp, and right now PvP factions are for two kinds of people: PvP Pros and lose grinders

  • @piteq200 I definitely fall into the second camp for sure. To make it worse sometimes I play on my handheld device that turns my iPhone into my gaming screen. I don't think I've ever won a game on there. Not the dev team's fault but I say that to say I know they want us to play and make use of all the aspects of the game they have developed. My personal situation plus the difficulty of the mode has me habitually quitting it until community weekends to try and make any headway. Like I said, I went up 5/6 levels this weekend. That's all.

  • Rare has officially stated that there are no plans to change anything related to hourglass progression.

    I mean how fast do you want to level up?

    A win is already worth about 1/4 to 1/3 of a level.

    There are 9,999 allegiance levels per faction so 19,998 levels total that can earned.

    So that would take about 59,994 - 79,992 battles won to max both factions.

    We can’t possibly increase the allegiance rewards for winning because if we did players may be able to max out their allegiance to quickly.

    Who cares if 80% of the playerbase struggles to maintain a win streak?

    There’s no rush to earn the curses. We can’t devalue all the hard work and effort from the 0.07% of players who have already earned their curses now can we?

    Don’t worry you’ll eventually make it to allegiance 100 in both factions. It could take a few months or maybe a few years but eventually you can get it if you try a lot.

    This entire post is 100% sarcasm. I cannot believe how out of touch Rare is with the majority of their players. Rare can only be accurately described as stubborn and incompetent in this particular scenario.

    A win should yield at least one whole level of allegiance during non-event days to allow players to progress even if they don’t win all that much.

    And to encourage good faith efforts rather than loss farming by ensuring a victory is appropriately rewarded.

  • @solddata6679138 said in Community weekend HG exp:

    This entire post is 100% sarcasm. I cannot believe how out of touch Rare is with the majority of their players. Rare can only be accurately described as stubborn and incompetent in this particular scenario.

    I was about to say! You had me going. We may see it adjusted, who knows. I just want to get 100 in Athena so I can get the blessing and be done. I won't ever get 100 in Flame, I basically gave up on Reapers as a faction months ago. It just doesn't suit my personality or play style.

  • @hijack-hayes

    I can play adventure mode for hours and only get mildly upset even if I sink and lose.

    I play hourglass for one hour and I want to uninstall SoT.

    Victories need to feel rewarding because to the average player a victory in hourglass can be very challenging to get.

    Battle boundaries need to dramatically shrink.

    Curse the masts/sails of the ships fighting to force a battle sail configuration which will limit the top speed of ships significantly.

    Not only will this curse make running away to reset more difficult to do, it will also allow for more cannon shots to be fired during passes and it will work better than allowing full sail gaming with the newly improved and drastically smaller battle boundaries which also help to force the fight and prevent resets.

    The goal of the smaller boundaries and ship curse is to make battles come to a conclusion faster.

  • @solddata6679138 said in Community weekend HG exp:


    I can play adventure mode for hours and only get mildly upset even if I sink and lose.

    I play hourglass for one hour and I want to uninstall SoT.

    This is literally me. I like your ideas. I understand why a seeding for players could be abused and potentially cracked but wouldn't it be nice to play against someone more your level than a 990 Sweat who just crushes you just enough so you have no chance of winning but not enough to sink you. Over the weekend I had one guy who was I guess invisible, I passed him standing at my helm, then he one blundered me. I respawned and he did the same again. I'm not sure how prevalent something like that is though, I don't play HG concentrated and consistently enough to get a feel for the degree of cheating in the mode.

  • @hijack-hayes

    Players below our skill level do not touch the mode because they honestly feel like they have no shot at obtaining the curses because they don’t think they can win and even if they do win once here and there it still amounts to no real progression.

    Rare is completely blind to this issue.

    They totally revamped captaincy and made it actually relatively painless and enjoyable to unlock stuff there but just can’t see the same treatment is desperately needed to get more players of average and beginner skill levels battling in hourglass.

  • @solddata6679138 said in Community weekend HG exp:


    They totally revamped captaincy and made it actually relatively painless and enjoyable to unlock stuff there but just can’t see the same treatment is desperately needed to get more players of average and beginner skill levels battling in hourglass.

    I wonder if a leaderboard like with emissary would work, match the players into their respective 25% quarters they were in the month before or something? Using that data for matchmaking. I'm not smart enough to come up with a bullet proof way to fix the issue but I think there's value between our ideas being floated around here. We just need some Dev buy in & brilliance to make the game mode a lot more enjoyable for all.

  • @hijack-hayes

    I’m extremely confident my 3 suggestions would dramatically help increase player participation with the mode.

    Reduce the focus on streaking a little and just reward winning more in general.

    Shrink the zone and curse the ships to shorten the battles.

    Very logical and not hard to implement fixes that would make a significant impact.

    I also think any crew on a 10+ streak should automatically be opted in to fighting any crew size.

  • @solddata6679138
    Where are Rare devs when we actually need them on thread?

  • @piteq200

    Oh they read it but half to most of the time they think they know better than everyone.

    Plus no matter what you say there’s always a group of people that reply they hate it anyway.

  • @solddata6679138 said in Community weekend HG exp:

    ( ... ) They totally revamped captaincy and made it actually relatively painless and enjoyable to unlock stuff there

    You mean that overnight regular players had loads of their milestones on a level that gave the max trinket ? It totally ruined any sense of accomplishment or longevity from Captaincy for me - Only getting a ship to Legendary, so I can buy a new one.

    but just can’t see the same treatment is desperately needed to get more players of average and beginner skill levels battling in hourglass.

    I do hope they take smarter decisions regarding Houglass than they did for Captaincy.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Community weekend HG exp:

    I do hope they take smarter decisions regarding Houglass than they did for Captaincy.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on what they could do to make HG better. As someone with many hours in the game, what’s your thoughts matey?

  • An hourglass win should = 1 level and a loss should = 1/5 level

    Hourglass should have a shrinking zone to limit the length of battles to 30 mins

  • Hourglass needs to reward defensive play more. I think it would be more popular if it wasn't just submarine simulator. You'd see greater participation if defensive mode was viable where the loot bonus affected loss rep and could also be used to hand in for a small fraction of allegiance even with no streak if you have loot grade 5. Then also the hourglass value for a streak being taken away from you if you lose is pretty demoralising. You should be awarded half your hourglass value when you sink. The rep gain doesn't necessarily need a buff, there just needs to be more ways to obtain the rep.

  • @ian333333 Personally i would say 1 win should equal 3 losses, so that lower skilled players still get enough allegiance to make it worth it for them to (slowly) grind.

    And i can agree with the time limit, but then i do think you should also introduce a 'draw' for in case nobody of the two sinks in the time limit. (a draw would teleport both away, but would however not break a streak or add to a streak)

    For bonus allegiance and the streak money:
    I would no longer give extra allegiance for streaks anymore. This is something that is only discouraging casuals, since the gains for wins and losses are based on the amount you can get when you're on the 'max streak' of 4. Casuals feel therefore as they are double punished: they lose the most of their matches and can also not reach the streaks needed for some decent gains. That is why i would remove that, since the goal is also to get those back.
    I would however give more allegiance for people who are flying the correct emmisary flag (athena for guardians, reaper for servant) and handing in broken flags should still give bonus allegiance.

    You would for instance then get the allegiance like this:
    win = 1 level with correct flag, 0.75 without correct flag
    draw = 0.67 level with, 0.5 without
    loss = 0.33 level with, 0.25 without

    bonus allegiance for handing in flags:
    0.1 level x the grade of the flag (so a grade 5 flag would give 0.5 level).

    That bonus allegiance should not be limited to the correct flags, but should count to any flag, so if someone have a guild flag on to make progression for their guild, it should still give the winner bonus allegiance for getting that flag.

    The money gains for streaks i would keep, but tweak it a little bit. Now often people are lowering their hourglass to cash in, just to reactivate hourglass again. This also prevents people from encountering champion ships for their commendations. So make it that the streakmoney is always handed in when the streak is broken, not just when lowering hourglass, but also when sunk. For the commendation for reaching 'max rank' (streak of 4) it should be changed so that every multiple of 4 count, so people don't have to lower and reactive to make gains for that. So if you reach streak 8, it will count as reaching 'max streak' twice, 12 would count as 3 times, etc.

  • For now I can only advice to sell if manage to get strike 2.

    I found it moat conssistent way of progression when I was solo sloopin to athena blessing.

    But I know it's easier said that to be done, on sunday my crew (and we are at least decent) get squashed 5 times in a row, tough luck.

  • @piteq200
    Average of 2 levels per game for me with streaks is fine.

  • @solddata6679138

    Why would you punish the good people tho? Give more reputation for sinking champs/people with streak.

  • @sandfeld2004
    I know, I think the real challange should start after lvl 100 where people who want to grind to unlock golden skelly or golden ghost. Casuals could be given a chance to unlock without such problems as not being able to reach streak two.

  • @piteq200
    The first 100 levels is several easier than the rest, it has already been taking care of.

  • @sandfeld2004 I don't know, it feels tedious as hell to grind to level 100

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