Not getting gold or Reputation from last night

  • My crew and I did a fair amount last night including Athena voyages which raised our emissary flag to grade V, a FoF, the Athena Emissary voyage, etc. When we turned in we weren't getting gold or rep which I'm used to sometimes the game bugs or lags out and it comes later but after logging in this morning I still had the same amount of gold and my Athena rep hadn't increased. Has anyone else been experiencing this over this weekend? Could it be because the amount of processing that's happening from flags of friendship and the servers are behind and lagging a bit like in year 1? My crew has also confirmed that they have no received any of their gold/rep either this morning/afternoon. Thanks.

  • were you in an alliance? there is some random bug in alliances that has been around years that messes with getting gold.

    Not exactly sure what causes it but I know it's been around a long time.

    I rarely am in an alliance and I've seen it multiple times in my own sessions so I dunno if that means it happens quite often or if I am just unlucky the few times I've been in one.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I believe that we were since it's Flags of Friendship. Still hadn't added this afternoon while voyaging either. I'll check again tonight and submit a ticket or w/e to support if I don't see it by tomorrow afternoon.

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