Looking for some long term crewmates

  • I’m looking for some crew mates that are decent at both pvp and pve and know how to play the game well
    Ideally people who can play most of the time on weekends and can do long sessions
    Age 12-15 (I’m 13)
    Reply with your discord name and I will dm you asap (probably on the weekend)

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  • @anonymous37051 hey, I am with the Royal British Navy of SoT, a Discord-based light military simulation inspired by the Napoleonic era of the 1800s. We are dedicated to maintaining a completely toxicity-free environment. We have over over 455 members from around the globe, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a seasoned sailor, a newcomer, or a little rusty—we’re all about creating memorable experiences on the seas.

    If you are interested send me a friend request on discord - gamerx.in

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