New features that would be interesting

  • Weapons

    • Fuse grenade: who remembers seeing the pirate that had these in pirates of the Caribbean. Ever since I played sea of Thieves I wanted those they wouldn't be as powerful as kegs and they wouldn't damage ships but they would be unique throwables or able to be fired out of a cannon. As a throwable I'd say there'd be an animation of lighting the fuse and then you have certain amount of time to throw it or you might end up hurting yourself once it's thrown the the moment the fuse goes out boom a small explosion. If it's fired out of a cannon it would work like a normal cannonball but when they hit the ship it'll actually visually still be available to see till it explodes and does the same thing as the thrown.

    • Boarding axe: everyone wants it and see if he's already has a model and one of the weapon shops or all of them I really haven't been paying attention

    • Hollow cannonballs could be filled with explosives giving new use to kegs as gunpowder supply

    • Stinkpot produces a could that makes people nauseous and visually impaired
      ** Dual wield weapons

    • Dual swords removes lunge but adds ferocity

    • Dual pistols longer to reload but while aiming allows V shooting

    • Dual throwing knives only allows throwing

    • Throwing knife fan... I just want it
      All of these were used in the real pirate era

    • Keelhauling

    • Marooning would turn off mermaid and send player to random island. Would last till crew decided to bring them back or if that player returns naturally or would allow you to remove selected member from crew but not kicking him from game but sending him to a random Island with no crew

    • Walk the plank would only be usable with anchor dropped and would attract sharks while making victim unable to move anywhere except into there demise.

    • Ship in a bottle like from the VR pirate game Sail would be amazing for this game. Imagine this u start the game and instead of your ship already being available u go to shipwright to get your ship in a bottle throw it in water and there's your ship. If your ship sinks it will respawn as a ship in a bottle. In captaincy only a captain will be able to use this feature and in random anyone can do it.

  • elaborate on the keelhauling please


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