Let us purchase plunder pass levels

  • Ive probably already made a thread about this but its weird how this still isnt an option when every live service ive played (except Helldivers 2) lets you do this.

    I wasnt in the mood to do the last 10 levels of multiversus season 2 and just paid up for them right before season 3 started so its useful to some players and means Rare gets more income. Please add the option thanks.

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  • Seeing how one can reach lvl 100 without leaving an outpost. Why though?

    What if you don’t finish a plunder pass? The items you missed will be available later in the future.

  • Pay to win.

    Are the developers still against this? After some of the about faces they've made hard to trust dev's "vision"

  • @burnbacon Because i either want to play other games, am unable to play or just dont feel like playing the rest of the season because the content doesnt appeal to me? I just said virtually every live service game lets you buy battle pass levels including other microsoft games like Fallout 76 and Halo.

    Its an optional choice with no downside unless theyre afraid people will just buy 100 levels and not play in which case Rare makes an insane amount of money from whales stupid enough to do that.

  • @xlrking

    The Plunder Pass is rather easy to level up. The only option that would make sense is some form of catch-up feature where you can get a few levels when the season is nearing it's end.

  • 50k per lv, 5 million for 100...

    For that price I would accept it

  • IF your able to buy levels, Why bother playing at all then? Get all rewards by "purchasing them" no work required. So the rich earn everything while those who dont have to actually play the game.

  • Fortnite and especially now Multiversus also have easy to level up passes since the latter lets you stack daily missions. Its not a matter of whether its easy or not its a matter of giving the option to people. If i wanna spend money on my last 15 or so plunder pass levels thats my own business. Some whales absolutely do buy entire battle passes the moment they release but thats their problem not mine. I dont think Epic cares, they get paid in the end.

    I do agree with a catch up feature though since its not standardized in enough games.

  • @xlrking all special cosmetics come back to the outpost stores anyway, and the plunder pass cosmetics come to the emporium.

    The ONLY things ypu cant get again is the season specific titles, tattoos and scars.

    Meaning most you just get, especially plunder pass specific all come back.

    The things you cant buy later you have to… wait for it, earn.

    This is a no for me

  • @th3-tater pay to win??? You aren't gaining any advantage over other players from the plunder pass, if you did the pass itself would be pay to win.

  • @xlrking buying levels is possible, you just pay for the cosmetics 2~3 months later... nothing is exclusive to the plunderpass.

  • @captain-fob4141 Ok so do a lot of games but the point is when a battle pass is active thats your chance to get everything in it for less than paying for each individual item. Im not paying for the entire damn pass i just want to pay for the last 10 or so levels.

    If Rare ever adds the option this thread sure would look silly because its more less an industry standard across live service games.

  • @xlrking Its also an industry standard for fully leveling a Battlepass to take a LONG time to complete. (I still haven't finished the final reward in the Hunt: Showdown Battlepass and I have played it for about 50+ hours this season.

    Fortnite, even with the quests, still takes a long time to fully level up.

    I typically can finish the Sea of Thieves Battlepass in just over 20 hours of gameplay... and technically Sea of Thieves also has the quests to do which give you additional renown, they just aren't listed front and center.

  • "let me pay to not play"

    fix your fomo

  • Cool idea. Many games with this function

  • @xlrking other people doing it is never good justification for doing it yourself...
    Either play the game or pay for the missing pieces when it comes out. Also surprise, buying levels usually makes you pay more when the items become available, you just get them earlier.

  • @il-truth-li Been playing since launch day and ive completed every season except the 1st. Im level 80 in this season so implying i dont play the game is honestly pathetic especially when each seasons main content drop might not be that appealing to every player, like flameheart's ship currently. They might actually just want the cosmetics and thats literally how Rare makes their money.

  • @xlrking considering you have played as much as you have... you know the entire plunderpass cosmetics become available for individual purchase later... for both dabloons or ancient coins... so again, no need for this.

  • Are you referring to the entire season, or just the plunder pass? The plunder pass items always arrive in the store at a later date, but the entire season doesn't.

    I'm not against the idea entirely, I have definitely put Sea of Thieves down for now as I'm playing quite a lot of other games, but it would be nice to get some things I simply don't have time for, or for circumstances with adults with busy lives, getting close to finishing the whole season, but then they're going on vacation with the family and won't have time for it and whatnot. I know I missed out on a cosmetic I was interested in getting in the regular season because I just simply didn't have time to reach the level it was at, but had gotten pretty close to it.

    It would also be nice if for the last week of the season, they have double renown for the season for people who want to catch up.

    All of these are not new ideas, a lot of other live service games already do this. I think the extra funds could help Rare out, but I'm wondering if some players may view it negatively. (Some people will pay vs. work for the 'prestige' of earning said cosmetics outright)

  • Why stop at plunder pass levels? Why should we play the game at all when we can pay to have voyages, tall tales and commendations completed?!

    This game is meant to be fun in grinding and yes sometimes even hardcore players get burnt-out but this is not the solution. Just play something else or take a rest before heading back.

  • I genuinely dont get it, i usualky complete my whole 100 levels within the first month by playing once a week.

    That would mean 4 play sessions in 3 months time is enough to get to 100 how is this hard ?

  • @xlrking

    Thats not a response. You are asking to pay to not play,do you realize that.

    You should fix your fomo,its a serious problem.

    Its not even hard getting 100 levels in a season,actually u get them by not even trying. Other games instead require you weekly effort;in sot you dont Need that.

    So even your whole argument about other games its not correct,they require much more time spent in them compared to sot.

  • Yeah, like Rare won't get scoffed at or memed on for providing a way to buy plunder pass levels. No thanks.

  • Seems fine to me, I'm all for Rare getting more money from those who want to give it.

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