Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Knives Out' Screenshot.

  • Knives out

    Capstan: PutiFlameheart
    6Pack: Creacki

  • Hi,

    This is my first time taking part, so I hope it is a valid entry!


    Never go out the back! It is not safe!

    6-pack: Kokokatten
    Capstan: Kokokatten

  • Outside, the storm rages, a feral roar,
    Rain taps the panes, winds shake the door.
    Yet by the fire, the Pumpkin King stays,
    His knife held high in the flickering blaze.

    A cobweb sways, thick with gloom,
    Shadows dance in the dim-lit room.
    The lifeless gourd beneath his blade,
    Silent as the thunder fades.

    Is this the birth of light or end of breath,
    A spark of life or touch of death?
    The storm outside, the stillness within—
    Both bow to the carving of the Pumpkin King.

    Capstan to Jamestgreat

    6-pack to Kiny Bleu

  • Always trying to improve skills

    Sixpack: Ravioli5822
    Capstan: CaptainOats420

  • Dropping anchor!

    Back tomorrow with the winner and more honourable mentions. Huzzah!

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