Skeleton Curse Cosmetics. Customization Mechanics Issues

  • Hello everyone, I have long wanted to discuss the skeleton curse that we have now. Why and how can we change its customization, what it will look like and why these changes are needed.

    Note: this article will not talk about using cosmetics from a regular pirate, but with what we have now, that is, I propose to split some of the EXISTING and future cosmetics into separate components, which will expand the customization settings.
    There are pictures in the article, if you don't see them, turn off AdBlock

    All photos of skeleton cosmetics used in this article are taken from here -


    I propose to split skeleton cosmetics from 4 to 13 customization points. This will expand the players' ability to decorate their bones and there will be MUCH fewer people in the game who wear absolutely identical clothes on their skeletons.

    Let's start

    Skeleton skull:

    I suggest dividing the skull settings into 4 categories:

    • Hat
    • Skull shape
    • Mask
    • Jaw

    Example, Blindfolded Skull and Bearded Skull:
    Blindfolded Skull will be divided into a hat and a mask.


    Bearded Skull will be divided into a hat and a jaw

    Skull shape:
    You can put an Obsidian Skull into the skull shape, which will change the skull itself by adding Obsidian growths.

    And also in this category you can add skulls similar to regular skeleton skulls, those with scratches and broken/damaged skulls.

    All components that I propose to separate:



    Skull shape:






    Torso and Arms

    The Torso and Arms can be divided into 5 categories:

    • Jacket
    • Rib cage
    • Arms
    • Hook
    • Belt

    Example, Greatcoat Upper Body and Lobster Pot Upper Body:
    The Greatcoat will be divided into 3 items: Arms, Jacket, and Necklace in the rib cage
    Lobster will be divided into: Arms, Lobster in the rib cage, and a hook claw

    All items:



    Rib cage

    Rib cage





    Belts, this category includes the reaper dress, reaper Leather and skeletal Skirt



    Legs can be divided into 3 categories:

    • Pants
    • Boots
    • Peglegs

    Example, Reaper's Bones Lower Body and Sunken Stump Lower Body:
    Reaper Bones legs will be divided into pants and boots
    Sunken legs will be divided into pants and prosthetics

    All items:







    Bone color
    I have nothing to add here, since this component does its job perfectly

    Examples of what we might get if the mechanics are changed based on the feedback from this article

    P.S: I opened the skeleton curse a month after the release of the eighth season, at that time I set myself the goal of opening all the cosmetics for the skeleton. I completed my task, but I can not combine all these cosmetics with each other so that it looks adequate. To assemble the perfect beautiful skeleton, you need to use only parts of one set, which is very sad, because designers say that they make clothes so that different clothes combine with each other, but unfortunately this does not apply to the skeleton curse . I am writing this article with the hope that Rare will someday make similar changes, as it was with the sails that allowed you to have an advantage due to large cutouts and the recent change to all pistols, which made it so that now all pistols are centered on the screen. If you agree with me, leave a comment with your opinion or describe your vision of the customization option for the skeleton curse.

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  • As a side suggestion, I can add that this change will allow the following cosmetics to be added, if Rare does so, in the future:

    Gold Hoarder Eyes and Jaw. The eyes will be considered a mask, and the golden jaw will be placed in the jaws section.

    Hair and Beards for Skeletons.
    There are Skeleton Lords in the game with hair or beards: Flameheart, Graymarrow, Two-Faced Scoundrel, Mutinous Helmsman. Similar beards and hair or others can be added to the jaws and hats section as an analogue to the pirate beards and hair, which will also add variety to the customization of the skeleton curse.

    Ashen Lord Rib cage.
    An open Rib cage with ashen heart inside will fit perfectly into the Rib cage section that I suggested in my article.

    Bonus: Skeletons with skins of some skeleton lords, such as Rathbone's eyes (mask) and jaw, Coral on the right hand, Helmsman's hair (hat) and goatee (jaw), Bonechiller's beard (jaw) and Two-Faced Scoundrel's Skull shield

  • skelleton curse is awesome, but it fell less customizable than ghost curse.

    a bit more of flavour would be amazing, i miss have hair, beard, or be able to put some of my normal clothers

  • Totally agree, while I feel there are alot of cosmetics and the grind is very long to obtain them, the WAY you can customize it all is very limited.

  • Yeah, there's not a single issue I can see with this considering the skeleton model is see through, any jacket already has the inside model to use

  • Phenomenal post! Completely agree with everything shown, we need a lot more individual customisation to truly make our own skeletons and avoid everyone looking the exact same.

  • This would be pretty flippin' cool.

  • I wanted to write this, but forgot to add it to the final text.
    This customization mechanic, consisting of four categories, is very similar to the costumes from Pirate Emporium. They are also limited and only allow you to wear a full suit without separate setting.
    The change I've proposed could even allow people who use the Skeleton Curse to participate in contests like Style of Thieves.
    Rare, please note this

  • Wonderful idea, I will never be a skeleton for more than a week precisely because of the limitation. A game without progression and with only cosmetic rewards needs to invest heavily in customization, it's sad that after 6 years we still have so many limitations.

    If your solution is not possible, I would be happy to have the same current slots but be able to alternate the appearance of the same cosmetic, using only one part or another of the skin.

    I suggest a new tab, "effects", where you can apply the ghost curse, ashes (like ashen skelletons), shadows (like ghost skeletons)...

  • I'll hope that Rare will notice it

  • I agree with that , skeleton cosmetic feels uncomplete and unfinished. We need this!

  • Totally agree with everything here, this would be amazing! Then we can also hopefully get more variants of default pirate cosmetics as skeleton cosmetics or vice versa too, since they'd be on slightly closer systems!

  • @odin299 This, THIS... ESPECIALLY THE SKELETON LORDS AND GOLD HOARDER COSMEDICS. If all these were added and these changes were made I'd acually want to grind the curse

  • This definitely needs to be added in at some point, this is 🔥

  • Amazing suggestions, I fully support this! The skeleton curse has always felt a bit limited in it's current state to me, so I'd love a change like this!

  • Really well thought out and argued! Looks like a fantastic idea for sure

  • Every single individual I’ve ever met that loves the skeleton curse couldn’t agree more! Rare, PLEASE! No one would look down on you for making this change. The amount of people I’ve met that were disappointed at seeing the restrictions on the skelly curse was disheartening. So, please PLEASE, Rare, make this change, then go on to add more cosmetics that NPC skeletons already have. Basic things like bandanas, jackets, hats, eyepatches, pants, and the bags the Shores of Gold skellies have. So many missed opportunities for us skellies out there.

  • This post was good enough to actually make me comment on it. I never comment on the forums. Well done!

  • This would add more uniqueness for the skelly curse and more personalization options and I’m 100% here for it 👍

  • I would suggest one more category.


    The ability to select different eyes to go into the skeleton curse skull's eye sockets.

    This would let you pick gemstones of various colours, like Rathbone's green gem eyes, or the Ruby eyes on the Spinal costume , to an innumerable number of other gemstone colours. Or glowing eyes like what Flameheart or the ashen lords possess. Even more "funny" ideas could be done like one of scattershot balls, or a glass eyes that looks like human eyes. Large pearls could also be used too.

    I of course want to see all pirate clothing sets be made available for the skeleton curse players, but that aside skeleton pirates getting all these unique categories like your suggested "Jaw" or "Skull Shape" categories, would help balance out the fact there are some pirate categories that simply can't ever be used by skeletons, like Scar sets, tattoos, hairstyles or beards.
    And for both human and skeleton pirates I hope to someday see Left and Right hand categories for legs and hands, so that we can choose going double hook or double pegleg, or simply would prefer our hook and/or pegleg being on the other side.

    But like any change, especially significant ones that require alot of work, like your suggested new categories, or the much requested idea of making regular pirate clothing work on skeletons, the idea requires an investment that will return a profit for Rare. New Categories that are exclusive high level content of skeleton curse users would theoretically require something that can be purchased in the pirate emporium within these new categories. And the only way that can happen is Rare makes a change to the emporium where there are items which can only be purchased after a player has made progress in specific areas of the game like unlocking the skeleton curse. I for one would love to see an ancient skeleton curse unlock, being that the ancient skeleton is themed for ancient coins, and thus the pirate emporium, I would like to see Rare "Achievement Wall" (As opposed to Paywall) certain areas of the pirate emporium to enable the funding of production of fancy new things like this for skeleton curse pirates.

  • @captin-crooked eyeballs for the skeleton it's more like the "mask" category, see the second answer in this thread, I described how you can add new skins to this mechanic in the future

  • @odin299
    But mask's and eyes are not the same thing. Putting them into the same category means they become inherently incompatible because you cannot equip more then one item per category.
    Now, if all masks covered both eyes, then this wouldn't be an issue. But they don't, even in your very own listed mask category examples you have shown masks that only cover one eye, which goes against your goal here of making more cosmetic categories to allow for us to make more unique combinations, combinations that logically shouldn't be incompatible.

  • @captin-crooked I'm afraid it's impossible :(
    Even an ordinary pirate cannot put an eye patch and a mask at the same time. Likewise, some hats are not compatible with masks. Even if there is a separate category for eyeballs, we will sometimes have to choose one of the two, since we will not be able to equip them at the same time

  • masks and eyepatches being incompatible makes sense though, they are both objects that go on your face, and therefore will in many cases occupy the same space.
    But no mask is going inside your eye socket is there? Of course not, which is why an eyeball category can function alongside a mask category.

  • I’m all for this. Completely agree.

  • 10000% Agree, this is a phenomenal suggestion, and very well thought-out! I hope Rare sees this, and gives us more freedom with our calcium costumes.

  • we need something like this, it would be really cool if they added something like this to the game

  • Rare remember: if you add those customization, skeleton fans, would buy more in the game store for awesome skeleton with those clothes!

    also, it would be great have the Monkey Island skeleton skin too. half ghost, half skeleton.

    maybe if you have both curses?

  • @odin299

    Wipes Tears

    I can never made such a detailed and beautiful suggestion such as this!

    I've always wanted this kind of customization to be implemented, but unfortunately there are a certain group people who are vehemently against this because they don't like the player character to look like NPCs, which is just foolish.

    Totally agree with this suggestion, and I am sure as hell will make sure that this suggestion never gets buried like the others!

    PS: Also, just as an extra suggestion, some of the skeleton head cosmetics actually turns your skeleton head into one of the premade NPC skeleton heads. Two of those examples are:

    Reaper's Bones Skull

    Reaper's Bones Skull

    Obsidian Branded Skull

    Obsidian Branded Skull

    And so, I suggest that we can also toggle an option to wear these pre-made skulls instead of our own modified skulls.

  • Also, another extra suggestion:

    Skeleton structure/effects

    Not many people know this, but the new Obsidian NPC Skeleton actually has a different bone structure than the playable ones. They have sharp protruding edges on their bones while player owned ones do not.

    NPC Skeleton:
    NPC Obsidian Skeleton

    Player Skeleton:
    Player Obsidian Skeleton

    So I suggest having an extra option for called bone effects that lets you apply this new body types as well as other effects such as shadow skeleton's shadowy effects, or gold skeleton's clinking sound effects.

  • This is the most beautiful, constructive and well-designed proposal that I have seen in this section of the forum!

  • A slight change that makes a significant difference! Love it

  • A little follow up to my previous post - I hope there could be a phantom skeleton effect, like what can be shown when a skeleton is in the Ferry of the Damned.

  • Woah this is very detailed.

    I'd +1'd this but I wish the Skeleton customization aren't too demanding on levels...

    If they reduced the level requirement or add level 1-99 rewards that would be nice.

  • @siegnard fun fact the phantom naked skeleton model is used to represent a model from a player that hasn't been loaded to the memory yet.

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