A backstabbing betrayal

  • So it was my first time capturing the burning blade tonight, I did it alone and was sailing around and had two rituals done. I was going to go sell because I wanted to get off for the night but as I was traveling to reapers I heard somebody say hello. We talked and the person seemed like a nice guy and it seemed he was helping me by showing me the ropes of stuff I didn’t know. He convinced me to go to a third ritual so I could get a commendation. He told me to go down once we arrived there (keep in mind he rode with the burning blade the entire way and I didn’t see any other ships insight, I still don’t know how he got on the ladder to my ship) I started to get my first hint of suspicion, why would he not want to go down with me? I went down and completed the ritual but I forgot to break the orb because I’m stupid. I came back up to a whole brig lined up next to the burning blade. The guy I meant earlier was the only one talking, and he eagerly rushed back into the ritual with me because I realized my mistake. It seemed he was trying to help me because he was showing me a book in the ritual room, but little did I know he was stalling. I got really suspicious that I heard cannons and I felt like he was trying to buy time for something. For some reason I thought that the cannons I was hearing the intense music was part of breaking the orb to finish the ritual, because the ritual I was at seemed to be self destructing with magma on the walls. I’m still pretty new so I thought it was just part of the ambience. A message came up on my screen telling me my ship sunk. I knew it all along that I couldn’t trust him, but he was really nice to me and seemed like he wanted to help, which reminds me of a guy I ran into on my first day of playing named minejax. He was really good at the game and owns a large guild, he invited me into it and showed me how to play. I am still in his guild and he is still a good friend. That’s what I thought this guy was. But in the end he just sunk my burning blade. I still don’t know what the point of that was, I’m not sure if you get any gold or if it was just to make me mad. I laughed and called myself an idiot when the message popped up, and he ran off to teleport back to his ship without saying a word. I talked to him a lot on the way to this ritual and he seemed very friendly, we talked about the grappler and the new blow dart. I guess you never really can trust a pirate.

  • generaljust for funcommunity
  • You aren't stupid or an idiot. All of us are always learning in everything we do, it's always a journey of figuring things out.

    I often suggest to people that they should not give up on what they enjoy just because an encounter didn't work out. It's not fun to try to have a friendly encounter and then it ends in betrayal but you did nothing wrong by taking that chance.

    It says nothing negative about you or your intelligence, it's just an encounter that didn't go the way you had hoped.

    Hold on to that hope because every encounter is new. You can adapt and you can play safer and take less treasure/commendation risks but next time might be different. You don't have to trust a pirate to give one a chance. They are different people and will do different things (maybe).

    Nothing to feel bad about yourself over, you didn't do anything wrong. You adventured, you gained experience, it all adds up over time and works out in the end, if you keep trying.

  • You’re good! You did piratey things, they did piratey things.

    They sunk the ship for the Blade. In my opinion, the way they went about it, in a roleplay style, is a better experience than being res killed over and over.

generaljust for funcommunity
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