weapon slots on character (this will solve the double shot problem)

  • I understand it sounds repulsive to many bug users who use double shot, but nevertheless I have to suggest this
    the idea is that the character has two slots for weapons
    one slot for ranged weapons
    the second slot for swords/knives/harpoon
    that is, two ranged weapons cannot be taken at the same time;3
    this would balance the players a little bit between themselves
    ?also maybe traps in a separate slot up to five pieces?

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  • what do you mean bug users using double shot?

    taking aim with 2 guns and hitting both shots isn't bug abusing, it's just preference in the sandbox.

  • I mean people somehow manage to shoot faster by switching between two weapons

  • @pipk90 said in weapon slots on character (this will solve the double shot problem):

    I mean people somehow manage to shoot faster by switching between two weapons

    That's a matter of fixing what they consider to be exploits.

    Removing an entire style isn't a good solution for exploits in a sandbox.

    2 guns isn't even as common as it used to be, now that people have knives and blowdarts, etc. There are more viable options now in random sea of thieves combat.

    People often organically branch out as they have more options added to the game.

  • everything you wrote is great, of course, but it only describes the fact that the developers are trying to introduce many new mechanics related to pvp/pve content
    (thank you very much to the developers for this)

    my post contains a proposal for a solution that will once and for all make you forget about the double shot

  • Why stop there? Just delete the whole game! No one can do any exploits then.

  • @rambobrad its called banning people....

  • Devil's advocate here.

    I think forcing sword into player loadouts is what Rare should've done LONG ago.

    They've spent lord knows how many dev hours trying to fix/prevent quick swapping in its various forms throughout the years. And all their efforts to "balance" double gunning have just made combat feel progressively worse with all the input delays and whatever other spaghetti code they've thrown in there.

    The game is and will continue to be worse off because Rare caters to players that feel like somehow they would win so many more battles if only they would just get rid of quick swapping and quick scoping. The reality is that the whiners will lose the same fights they lose today if double gunning is eliminated.

    The upside to getting rid of double gunning is that they could stop investing time trying to balance it with the knock-on effect of making the game feel worse.

    It's sad to see combat (and the game in general) in as poor of a state as it's in.

    Might as well put the final nail in the double gunner coffin and see if a better game emerges on the other side.

  • By the way they didn't patch quick-swapping between a gun and a sword last year, you can still do that. And people still bug abuse the sword lunge cancel, which has been in the game forever.

  • @rambobrad

    Of all the weapon abuses quick swapping is then most common and OP. Canceling the sword lunge does not even get close. I would love to see the end of quick swapping but forcing a choice is not the way to do it. Don't get why there can,t be a weapon cool down on the fire button.

  • @miserenz Sword lunge cancelling cancels the risk/reward of charging a powerful attack. I would like to see Rare mention their opinion on it. At the moment you can get a exploited timing of a lunge to a quick-swap to a pistol to kill people.

    I also think forcing a choice is a bad thing. I just feel like everyone only mentions 2 guns when they talk about quick-swap exploits.

  • What.....

  • @pipk90
    A wretched idea. This will remove 3/4 of loadout creativity and evaporate the pvp community like never before seen

  • @reaperxaniel said in weapon slots on character (this will solve the double shot problem):

    A wretched idea. This will remove 3/4 of loadout creativity and evaporate the pvp community like never before seen

    evaporate the pvp community?
    Are you saying that most of the pvp community uses double shot? maybe you're right

    ok, let's increase the damage of the sword/saber? (and "creativity" will not be affected);3

    I proposed a solution to get rid of bug users without "crutches" and other new bugs (related to quickly switching between two shooting weapons)
    as a compromise, you can make more cartridges for weapons

    p.s. if anything i'm just posting my thoughts that can balance the situation in pvp for everyone

  • @pipk90 Did you hit your head? Buffing the damage to 3 hit instead of 4 hit would make sea of thieves unplayably bad

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