Too many twisting red sky beams

  • I feel the team needs to come up with something a bit different than twisting red sky ribbons to mark the locations of things. We have them for certain world events. We have them for reaper's chests. Now we have them for the Burning Blade ship. The Burning Blade ship should have something a little different. It's all too similar to me. Maybe something orange and more firy, instead of just more swirling red ribbons. I know this is a nitpick, but it's something that stands out to me as repetitive.

  • @tedakin Reaper's chest are red with green, so there is a clear distinction. Besides: the red with orange is already taken for the Blade of Souls.

    And if you think red with green is to simular with completely red, then how do you distinct the 3 different forts wich are all marked with a skull?

  • i like them. for super secret pirate reasons i cant share.

  • best way to get rid of them is to...take care of them.

  • I think it would be cool to make a setting to see them or not see them in the sky. Same as world events.

    Mark everything on the map and let people clear up the sky.

    Imo it always added clutter and immersion interference in an otherwise very pretty environment.

  • @super87ghost The three skulls are too repetitive too. The Fort of the Damned should be a ghost face or something different.

  • Seems like a waste of development time, tbh.

  • Some of them are tricky to tell apart due to colour blindness, especially when partially obstructed via Clouds etc.
    It would be nice if any future stuff on the horizon avoided using any more green or red.

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