New Aussie player seeking guild

  • Hi everyone,

    I've picked up the game relatively recently and been playing with a few US friends - which I've been able to do the last couple of weeks thanks to the Christmas/New year holiday break - but hoping to also crew up with some likeminded Aussies.

    I'm fairly easy going, not great with pvp (I generally prefer pve contents but don't mind some pvp but I'm not very good - I generally just stick to shooting cannons and repair/bailing/putting out fire etc)... I've got most of the basics down but have still a lot to learn about the game.

    Timezone wise I'm on the east coast (Melbourne/Sydney based).

  • @chojey hey mate m, I’m same Timezone as you and have sent you a friend request love to have you join in on some voyages.

  • Hey Gunboots thanks for the reply - are you on xbox or steam? I do play on Steam on PC but I linked my xbox to steam and also logged into xbox social and cannot see any friend request pending

  • @chojey

    Have spaces for active Aussie timezone players in DropBears guild (on the way to Distinction 3).

    Hit me up on Discord - DocYaar

  • @docyaar Hey - I just tried to add you but Discord is saying username ("Docyaar") doesn't seem to exist/work - try adding me, my discord username is Chojey

  • I'm an active daily player and would love an invite to an Aussie guild.

    User name: Denorris
    Discord: .denorris

  • @docyaar I’m good my guild is over lvl 70 so it’s busy enough won’t have time for another guild.

  • @denorris added you on both.

  • Whoops, gt is DocYaar, discord is hvymetalpalaeo

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