@thegrimpreacher said in Skeleton Fleet Raid Voyages:
Literally ALL world event-level raid voyages are like this. One really valuable raid treasure and three to five "dinky in comparison, but still valuable" company-themed treasures to go with it. Gold for gold it ends up being more valuable than a standard world event with 20 odd bits of loot spread across three companies.
That was literally the whole purpose of raid voyages.
Raid voyages when originally released were all terrible however after backlash from the community Rare made all of the events aside from skeleton fleets and ghost fleets better in terms of treasure you get from doing them.
Athena Skeleton Forts which Rare put below Skeleton/Ghost fleets come with a Talisman worth 10k gold and 3 legendary crates which were buffed in gold value plus 5 other pieces of Athena loot. The 5 trinket sized pieces are rng based but you can get LotV trinkets which are valuable.
Hmm, 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 pieces total for an Athena raid on a skeleton fort
Athena raid on a skeleton fleet = 1 talisman worth 15k gold and 4 pieces of trash worth 600 gold each.
So how about they finally fix raid voyage rewards for skeleton fleets and ghost fleets as suggested?
Actually that’s a really good point. The state of raid voyages on release really showcases the disconnect between the developers and the community. I really don’t understand what they were thinking. Neutering the quantity of treasure you get from world events as if that was going to be well received by the community. It’s scary actually.
We got an update to help us sell lots of loot really fast. We have rowboats we can use. We can walk on harpoon lines. We can run with small treasures. We can harpoon treasure.
So what does Rare do?
Let’s reduce the quantity of treasure for events after we did everything in our power to make moving and selling treasure a breeze.
Did they forget this game is literally about collecting and turning in treasure?
You can’t make this stuff up. I’m worried.