Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Mimic Me!' Screenshot.

  • @legendary-liz
    GT: Mioxity (6pack and Gilded Ship set please)


  • Obsidian 6 Pack & Gilded Phoenix Weapons

    Who's the real one? :

  • GT: Zenekpatafian
    Obsidian 6 pack and GP Weapon Set

  • Mimic me!

    Obsidian 6 pack: Revonita
    Obsidian Capstan: Revonita

  • @cpt-theghost You apparently didn’t take into account that the competition rule allows the presence of your GT in only one post. Do not break the competition rule by making four posts

  • Image

    6-pack & GP Shipset: Unknwn Monster

  • Obsidian 6-pack & Gilded Phoenix Ship set
    GT: Unknwn Monster

    "Camp Discovery"

  • hunted by the dutchess

    its shockingly hard to transport the mimic effect without losing it

    ant deluxe: 6 pack
    pysla: gp shipset

  • Getting trapped in a box

    6-pack: Cpt Stinkalot
    Capstan: I David101 I

  • Alright you lubbers! Time to drop anchor and take a good look at your screenshots.
    I'll be back tomorrow with some honourable mentions and the winner as per usual.

    Fair winds!

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