Camping at reapers hideout is not the most exciting thing but for the sake of being a ninja it had to be done. And I needed rep for reapers if I want the skeleton curse, hey it's not going to just magically happen. You might wonder why I want to be a ninja, simple answer cannons suck, they are loud obvious and inaccurate unless you are very skilled. Stealth is more fun to me giving me multiple tools to silently take care of my enemies, so after about an hour of hiding in a barrel this grade 5 reaper handing in his loot gets sunk in the dumbest way possible. I didn't have to fight him multiple times because he forgot he had 5 holes in his boat, an easy steal if I do say so myself.
The perfect moment to strike
Stealth plays against random boats is one of the most challenging ways to play the game. Especially if someone isn't crew'd up and if they aren't on the higher end of pvp skill.
Even more than solo naval because more random things can go wrong and it's even less forgiving than solo naval is.
Never let anyone get to you about stealth steals in this game as an underdog, very valid style, challenging style, and requires a lot of patience and performance.
Experienced players abandoning stealth plays to ambush boats as crews led to a lot of unsustainable activity in the game, risky stealth plays are good for the ecosystems on servers.
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