• Here's OUR Sea of Thieves "Photo Album!"

    Ever took the most awesomest screenshot or SOT selfie???

    Come, Cut, Paste, and even Caption those
    Precious Pirate Moments,
    ...but why stop there???

    Go ahead and share the story BEHIND that beauteous shot!

    Or help caption the captionless! R'D

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  • ~~ Greetings from The Sea of Thieves ~~

    ONWARD, MEN!!!!!!

  • Just a quick break, me matey!
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  • My friendly pirate mate having a nightynightnight.
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    Me pointing the ghostly way forward.
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  • ..not necessarily photos but can make perfect Living ScreenSavers!

  • ..a few great sunsets..

  • Suddenly the Skull cloud puts on a jaunty hat.

  • @aod-redshirt said in [Fer the LOLs] Our SEA of THIEVES PHOTO-ALBUM:

    It does!!!! That's perfect! So glad you were able to catch it R'D

    ..before my ship got sunk and me shot in the back, i was able to take these :'P...

    [The Dear Remains of Captn Jack O'Lantern ... .. . the mate was Irish R') ]


    [Hidden Treasure? Aye, I knows wherrre t' tis but won't be telling ye either...]

  • Playing solo as usual when my sloop was anchored off an outpost, and a default galleon passed by and tried to rake fire into my stern. I dropped what I was doing, rushed aboard, set sail, patched up, cleared water, and returned fire. We duelled for a few minutes, I put some more holes in them, eventually they gave up and fled. I followed for maybe 15 minutes. Saw them attack a green galleon, anchored. I stayed on'em. The green galleon followed suit and then we were both chasing this default galleon. Eventually the hostile galleon scuttled and after a few, uhm, deaths on both sides I came aboard the friendly green galleon and sailed and fought with these guys for a while.


  • Another "Living Screen Saver" brought to you by the Game knowing when and where was the perfect time to put me in-game R')

    But for the Pic!

    ["Muertes Moon'...or is it "Mauraders Moon". . . .]

  • ..adding a couple of pictures to the album with some quick stories..

    Quick Story #1

    When @stacky-a said that sailing with her husband would make a Skull Voyage go faster, I'd say sure. Thinking that meeting a person in her RL would be awesome. Next thing I realize, @Tartansnake-8's name pops up in the Crew queue. For a split of 4 seconds, I'm thinking, "oh cool. she was able to invite Tartan--ohmygawh! She's married to Tartan!!! [explainable gleeful gibberish] it's an awesomely small world!!"

    LongStoryShort... Tartan gets the puffy pants and because you can't see much detail when you're not using the spyglass, it looks like Stacky is booty gazing P'D

    Quick Story #2

    After a long session of firsts (first time me fighting inside a Bone Fort, being scared to death by a sea of ink, and totally spewing out pure 90 proof greek brew of the entrance to a Legendary Tavern) with @Bern-Dimall, Iceman, @LMurphy94, @MyTerryFlap, and @BRADBRE-360 -- who was being able to join -- we were able to relax at the bar :3


  • @captnjaq It's always fun sailing with you Cap!

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    Here's the story:

    I'm walking around Lone Cove, trying to find the resident hidden chest, when I see smoke from the corner of my piratey eye. At first, I think it's a skullie crawling out of the grave, but nope. It's just this boar skull chillin' and smokin' up a storm.

    ...I know there's a caption here but can't think of any. Could any pirate help me?

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