Tiny zoomed map to the left of ship's wheel

  • Do you guys think it would be nice to get a tiny zoomed in map to the left side of the ship's wheel? Map to the left of the wheel could not be zoomed in or out.

    On the right side - The compass stays (obviously).
    On the left side - A map the size of the compass (super zoomed in).

    Why even add a tiny map to the right of the wheel?
    Perfect example would be the sloop maps placement. All you need to do is look right behind/below you for the map. Sure it isn't super annoying, but I think having a mini zoomed in map the size of the compass on the left side would be a little helpful, especially if you are sailing alone. Sometimes you need to get the right angle to properly get a good look of the map cause of waves.

    What do you guys think? Pointless, OP, Helpful?

    Pics of where it would be/how zoomed in it would be.

    This would especially be super helpful for Galleon riders.

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  • Im not sure about this tbh, maybe for the Sloop i could see it work, but deffo not the Galeon, it would kinda defeat the point of the map table and having someone checking it telling the player at the wheel where to go.

  • @venmann 17th century google maps? I think not.

    The reason its below deck is to force teamwork, cooperation, and create work.

  • Get the picture of the map that has been floating around. All the island locations are correct. And then spend like 5 dollars for a large printout. I’m personally going to make a poster sized one to put in my game room, so I can just look over at it.

  • @magbastrd81s great minds think alike buddy !

  • bad idea

  • @heartlesshammer What kind of Marine would I be if I weren’t absolutely prepared? Semper Fi!!

  • I'm note sure about this. It would make things a bit easier, sure. But having to look over to the map to see you bearing is kind of a pretty cool thing to do.

  • I made this... it´s not the beautiful map in the world... but helps a lot!!

  • Nope not needed if it was added then they might as well remove the map table and reduce the crew sizes to 1 and make it so you can control the anchor and sales while at the helm too......

    If you play on the sloop all you have to do is turn round and look over the bar at the back of the ship at the map.....

  • We pirates know not of this..."mini map" you speak of. This be some kind of dark magic....A curse from Davey Jones himself this be, sez I! Yarrrrr!

  • No Thanks,
    No mini maps, markers, or anything else that takes jobs away from others... I'm all Union here!!

    As far as the wheel goes, really, I spend very little time actually holding on to it. I just grab to adjust heading... To much other stuff that needs attention...

  • Yesterday I even had a bug with the map table that I could not click on it to see the map ... I had to orient myself on the map I've done since alpha and I've been updating it ever since. Next version I'll put the rocks.

  • @leo-villaz said in Tiny zoomed map to the left of ship's wheel:

    I made this... it´s not the beautiful map in the world... but helps a lot!!

    ooohhh... I like it, but your missing the uncharted island with underwater caverns and air pocket caves...
    You can find it at ...... nahhh... not going to spoil the find for ya... YARRRR

  • @imaelstrom hahahahah i know mate...I´m update the map... I've heard stories about these places ... but I have not had the opportunity to go there and investigate.

  • Careful about making real life maps with the grid on it. If the add more islands it cold change the grid size or even to total layout. Id hate to see a giant poster sized printout become outdated.

  • @goblobsters This is not an exact map .... the sites are approximate from the actual sites ... even the why many of the islands are between the grids.

  • @goblobsters yah thought of that but it’s ok. I have disposable income and I enjoy this game so to me it’s worth just makeing a new one.

  • @magbastrd81s
    10-4 boss. Do it up then!

  • Have to agree, the point of the table maps is to force teamwork. One player on the wheel, another navigating. With the sloop you can look over the bar behind you to check the map. It's not a car, we don't need GPS and it would take away from the "experience" Rare is trying to create.

  • @goblobsters Oh you know I will

  • Nope, they've already scrapped enough co-op elements (everyone has a map instead of 1 player who would show it...which sucks, no need for mates holding lamp for you to see at night etc).

  • No.
    SLOOP: you turn 180 and look down at the map.
    Galleon: you ask to someone else, you have 4 people.

  • Nah. It's set up so you can't steer and read the map at the same time to promote team work, and it works. Although if it was up to me the map wouldn't track your ship like some GPS either, but they have to make it easy to attract more players I guess...

  • @magbastrd81s My dude! I saw the 81s and I assumed.. but i wasnt going to bring it up...

    Semper Fi! Great Minds DO think alike.

  • @heartlesshammer you should hit me up on Xbox gt is the same. Lvl 26,30,25 Would love to put together a bunch of Marines on a gally.

  • @magbastrd81s brother we already have an all Marine club. Mostly 03s. There is a 11B army friend in the club too. But he is ok. Ill hit you up today.

  • @heartlesshammer Nice!!

  • @magbastrd81s are we cleared hot to dog the 11b?...... just a lil bit!!!

  • @venmann As helpful as it'd be I'm going to have to disagree. I don't think that should be added because I feel like on a galleon the communication is something that makes it that much more fun, granted if your crew doesn't communicate then good luck. But also in the sloop all you need to do is turn around behind the anchor and you can see the map entirely.

  • @nivekbe It's not needed on the sloop either, you simply look over the rails to your rear and see the map.

  • I would feel having a mini-map like that would go against the immersion of the game.

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