Nice guys finish last-

  • I agree- and so does he apparently

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  • 13
  • L**o. Noice

  • lol Well a pirate's time is precious. You can never be too laid back.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

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    We need to find the legendary developer who sneaked this in.

  • @pugmie So tell me. Did you end up crossing swords with good ol' Quick Dicken?

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Aye, but my cutlass had a bigger basket.

  • @pugmie Good job. No use pulling out your long barrel when you have a hair trigger and accidentally shoot off a round to the face.
    It takes forever to reload.

  • yeeeeeep

  • That dev needs a severe payrise! Hahaha

  • Beware his brother Deep

  • Our in-game skeleton captains carry the pirate names given to all Rare staff members and some superfans also included in the game! This one is named after one of our members of staff, seems to be a fan favourite.. not sure why though!

  • This Quick Dicken fella once didn't spawn for me on Devils Ridge, the entire crew felt b***d.

  • @khaleesibot
    Wait, so there's a guy at Rare and people call him Quick Dicken?
    Did everyone come up with their own pirate names, or were they assigned or something? °_°

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