New Flags, Updated Flags, and Flag Meanings

  • EDIT: FULL ALBUM Link with all current flag proposals!

    With the introduction of the flags, there has been a lot of mixed interpretations on what each of them means. I for one followed the pattern set out below...

    *White - Pacifist. Prefers to run rather than fight.
    *Checkered - Goofing around.
    *Yellow - Gold Hoarders. It looks like an abstract chest, and the color matches the faction.
    *Blue - Merchants. A stretch, but could be an abstract globe, and the color matches the faction.
    *Red - Order of Souls. It looks like an abstract pattern seen with OoS, and I thought the faction symbol was red at first...
    *Rainbow - Just having a fun time.
    *Black - Defender. Not pirating, but will defend themselves if provoked.
    *Jolly Roger - Pirate. They want your booty, not necessarily your life.

    Now, I realize (now) the Order of Souls is actually a shade of purple, but I like the above interpretations. In order to help clear things up, I propose 2 alterations.

    1. Change the Red flag to a Purple flag, but keep the pattern.
    Order of Souls - Purple

    2. Add an actual basic Red flag, or Red Jolly Roger flag.
    Red Jolly Roger - White
    Red Jolly Roget - Black

    I don't believe the current red fits the idea of "Arrrr, KILL ON SITE". A more basic red flag feels more accurate. In addition to the above change, to go along with the abstract faction flags, I propose one for the Bilge Rats, and Athenas.

    1. Bilge Rats
    Bilge Rats

    2. Athena
    Athena - Symbol

    And for the heck of it, here are some additional base colors (Blue, Yellow, Purple) with a faction symbol.
    Blue - Symbol
    Yellow - Symbol
    Purple - Symbol

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  • @archangel-timmy

    Wow. Well done! I really like the Athena one!

  • @skulliah Thank you! I don't have the Athena stuff handy, so I hope I googled the correct symbol, lol.

    I didn't have a chance to look into the Bilge Rats much either, so they only have the abstract flag without a symbol attached.

  • You'll get a 10 outta 10 for this old boy!
    Must have taken you hours to get all this together!

  • What a great concept and design!

  • @archangel-timmy

    Well I think it's more the legendary symbol but it's on the legendary chest for the Athena's reputation so it must be the same symbol for both of them. We already have a legendary flag, but I prefer yours :D

    For the Bilge Rats maybe you should take the same colors of those used on their commendations section (brown tints I think, correct me if I'm wrong). Not sure if they have a symbol.

    And the flags for each factions are really nice too btw!

  • Loval these! Gimme flags! Maybe the bilge rat flag could have a rat on it?

  • @Skulliah @SimplyButta Good ideas on the Bilge Rat flag. I will try to get into the game tonight for more references. I quickly whipped that one together from memory at the last minute since I had to get to work.

  • I actually would like to design my own flag. But to do so we need "factions" for idk maybe Alliance's to wear that Alliance's flag to let others know who we work for. The leader can design the flag using a designer that devs provide so we won't see any "bad" flags.

  • @realbabbus I like this idea, and have seen the idea passed around as well. I feel it would be a cool idea for established fleets (clans, clubs, etc..) to be able to design a flag or even a sails and hulls.

    I think the issue with a designer is that someone will find a way to make it inappropriate.. It could be moderated or have an approval process, but all of that takes time and money. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was CoD that had the emblem designer and people got quite creative, lol.

  • @archangel-timmy Yeah but GTA Online has clubs and emblems for them but... I guess that game is +18 so thats easy for them to deal with the inappropriate things. Well Worlds Adrift has something like that idk some ready logos maybe? Lots of them? But that takes time and money as well.

  • @archangel-timmy orange (drooling)

  • Really loving the faction symbol flags as well as the red Jolly Roger flag. Definitely would help to recognize if I should defend myself or RUUUN depending on my attacker's intent.

  • @archangel-timmy It would be great if there was an established meaning to the flags and pirates followed them. Probably wont happen but it would be nice...

  • @theothervillain That is one thing I was hoping these updates would help with :)

  • Alright, I had a chance last night to pop on and grab a screenshot of the Bilge Rat emblem off of the reputation screen for a direct reference, and I came up with 3 sets. The first is my favorite :)

    Bilge Rate 1
    Bilge Rate 1 with Symbol

    Bilge Rate 2
    Bilge Rate 2 with Symbol

    Bilge Rate 3
    Bilge Rate 3 with Symbol

  • Love this post! Great Ideas nothing to add but keep it up.

  • @archangel-timmy Unfortunately i bet other than the most dedicated role player not many players would follow the code

  • @archangel-timmy: I fully agree with the addition of the red jolly roger flag

  • These are awesome looking 👏 & a lot more tasteful than that ugly aweful rainbow one

  • I'd just like to see a greater variety of flags in general.

  • @archangel-timmy

    Hard to choose, but I like the third with the rat :P

  • @archangel-timmy
    Great suggestions, I think it would make the flags more useful if people get a better idea what they could be used for.

  • Another one I thought would be fun, perhaps a limited April Fools thing or something. Doesn't look as good as what I envisioned, but figured I would still share it.

    The Drunken Sailer
    The Drunken Sailer

    The flag itself would be transparent except for the pirate who would appear to be swinging from the flagpole.

  • Should have shared a concept image as well for the above Drunken Sailor Flag.

    Sloop - Drunken Sailor

  • Here is a link to the whole Album in case this thread dies out and I add more.


  • this is great! glad to see people actually care and understand the colors as well as the meaning of each one, really like the faction/legend flag ya made! can only hope we get more flags like this to better tell what another ships intentions are

  • With the most recent update, they appear to have changed the Bilge Rat symbol on the rep screen, so I have created a new Bilge Rat flag with and without the rat symbol.

    Bilge Rat #4
    Bilge Rat 4

    Bilge Rat #4-S
    Bilge Rat 4

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