Alliance System: The End

  • This new alliance system will break SoT. Let me summarize my first experience in Cursed Sails:

    My crew of three try to enjoy the new Brigantine. We complete the story line and set off to our first skeleton ship fight. We get there and start battling in a crazy storm that lasted forever. We then notice no skeletons are present on the ghost ships. This goes on for a few waves when an eight man alliance shows up. They sink us and we join there alliance recognizing an 8vs3 situation being near impossible.

    We sink the final skeleton ship as an alliance. Not more than a minute later, we are killed and the alliance is disbanded. They form a new alliance and my crew gets nothing. The alliance system is going to cost Rare a lot of fans at this rate with its trolling potential.

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  • I have always tried to support SoT. However, enough is enough.

  • Sorry you had that experience, but mine was the exact opposite. My regular crew took down 3 skelly bosses and i was pretty suprised at the allience. Im a shoot first, kill anything that moves pirate, but the new mechanic actually changed my outlook about working with other crews.

  • @lord-dyonsus agreed this is going to promote more friendship than punishment. I'd even be cool with taking the 50% cut most times if it helps settle worries. Also if you divide up the treasure you can split 75% each . like say 2 chests worth 100 gold each. you could turn them both in and team one gets 200 and team two gets 100. Or you could each turn in one and each team gets 150 as you get 100% on half the loot and 50% on the other makes it 75% all around. Its a great deal.

    YES THERE WILL BE BETRAYAL. but as it is now theres no reason to work together and you will be attacked for the loot always.

  • @revanjstone said in Alliance System: The End:


    Why? Currently there is no reason to betray other than to deny the other crew the rewards from the loot that is on your boat, and that's just rude lol.

  • @jonaldinho Human nature. Some people will never miss an opportunity to screw over another human being even if they gain nothing from it. To them the pleasure of knowing that their actions have negatively impacted upon the lived experience of another human being is reward enough. In the UK they call them Politicians, but they exist in all cultures and societies.

  • It's really no different than pre- alliance mechanics really..

    This happened all the time, and sometimes people worked together all the way to hand in.

    I don't see how that will cost a loss of fans

  • @jonaldinho

    Well the crew turning in gets 100%, the others get 50%.

    Let's say my galleon joins a bunch of sloops to help them take down the skellyships, but then we see that one of the sloops has already loaded up a bunch of loot.. if we were greedy, that might be reason to betray the alliance.

  • Upset about Pirates, in a Pirate Game? This again? Lol

  • @jonaldinho yah like @Nebenkuh said. If you and i get 10 chests each worth 100 gold each and go to the same outpost after working together we could turn in our stuff and you get 100% of yours 1000 and you get 50% of mine so 500 thats 1500 for you. OR you could kill us and get 100% of it all so 2000. But I agree that I wouldnt do this haha still it could happen. but without alliances thats the only option lol so it minimizes betrayal for sure.

  • @nebenkuh said in Alliance System: The End:


    Well the crew turning in gets 100%, the others get 50%.

    Let's say my galleon joins a bunch of sloops to help them take down the skellyships, but then we see that one of the sloops has already loaded up a bunch of loot.. if we were greedy, that might be reason to betray the alliance.

    That I can understand, but in a lot of these threads people are talking about leaving the alliance right before they turn in just to keep the other crew from gaining the 50% reward. I dont really see the point in that other than to be a ****

  • @jonaldinho
    My guess is that the majority of those cases don't yet understand how the alliance system works exactly and think they will lose some if they turn in while in an alliance. Did Rare offer an exact guide on how it works btw?

    When we did our first raid, we loaded up everything onto our galleon and were prepared to sink the two brigs and the sloop who allied with us, because we didn't yet know how the loot would be divided. However, they did honor the alliance and we are nice people who like to see the game succeed, so we decided to honor it as well and went to the outpost and turned everything in - except for a select few items we had hidden away.
    We then sailed to another outpost, left the alliance and handed in that loot, simply to see if we'd get the same payout or not.
    Now we know that it's 100% for those turning in, so we still make sure to grab as much of the loot as we can in the confusion. So far, nobody has challenged us, but we did allow one crew to just help us unloading, essentially giving them their fair share anyway.

  • I understand you guys but the only thing that's worth in alliance system is to battle the war together, that's all I can see. It's a pirate game and we all know that we can't rely on each other that's a fact. If I want to get loot I will play single player and do the trading companies assignments. That's my opinion, we have to fight the war and forget about loot.

  • @pereraaa
    I haven't played since the beginning .. and I have saved up almost a half a mill so far. Really just saving for all the legendary gear. I can totally agree with you on that tho because since I started playing I learned that it's about the fun of the game.. I've been salty a few times... But I'm always part of a crew that will go back for revenge and we've hit good revenge a few times.

    Some legendarys flanked us at a skull fort once we hunted them down for our revenge and I guess they were impressed with our ability to stay consistent lol ... We ended up becoming friends with them and they gave us most of our loot back.

    I now have the realization of you win some you lose some.. I'm more about trying to level up tho .. and achievements ...more then the gold.

    Parts of the alliance bothers me only because you won't get the achievement afterwards. If they could make it that you still get the achievement at least ... And possibly not being able to kill your alliance that'd be great bc some people get stab happy on the ships and don't realize they're stabbing their alliance lol.

  • you had a bad experience we had 5 Brigs 15 people on skelly ships It was an amazing night took down 20 ships.
    We dueled played & hot potato Last night in the Pub

  • @l-mrmoonlight-l
    Yeah agree... And in sot there is always a chance of bad experience lol.

  • @m0ther0fall3vil Exactly my friend! During the campaigns and events I'm all about getting doubloons for the new cosmetics, achieving commendations and having fun to it's maximum, passing that I get back to do assignments and other stuff.

  • @pereraaa

    Yes!!!! Excetp I usually waste my Doubloons on leveling up my merchant 😂😂 I hate doing merchant, it makes me feel like a bit of a cheater lol but no one likes merchant votages let's just admit that lol. Skele is where all the funs at!! I love the added gun powder barrels too... Even tho I die a lot from skele sneaking up on me with them lol... It's entertaining to see how many times you can die on one island or how many you can kill in a row after luring them lol.

  • Last night I had 3 Brigs (a 4th joined up later) and a sloop, we fought and defeated the Skeleton ships. Afterwards took a group picture then had drinks at the tavern. I wouldn't let the bad eggs spoil the fun and benefits of this new alliance system. That being said, always keep your guard up and keep sailing.

  • @m0ther0fall3vil Yeah! I even suggested once that Rare should make more events like gunpowder skeletons but to the others trading companies to inspire us to do those assignments. GS brought so much fun to OoS missions.

  • Have to say my initial experience with the new alliance system thus far has been rather weak to say the least.
    Due in part to not a single Alliance being either accepted or offered from others left myself hunting the Cursed Sails campaign solo after finding nothing but getting insta briged and or asked to leave in random crews.

    This lead to nothing but server hopping and countless battles with groups of other ships (most screaming with the speaking trumpet words to the effect of "You have to die, now give us the ship we need it for another crew of friends we want in our alliance") and an all together painful 5 hours sailing trying to speak to NPC's and find the quest items all the while being either chased, sunk and screamed at or all at once (probably my own fault here for being stubborn and sticking it out solo in a sloop but hey that's mainly how this Pirate sails)

    I'll see how this evening fares but i suspect i'll be back to my chicken, pig and snake catching to earn some good coin soon enough and trying my luck in pre made crews for the actual Cursed Sails Skellie ship hunting.

    @m0ther0fall3vil said in Alliance System: The End:
    I hate doing merchant, it makes me feel like a bit of a cheater lol but no one likes merchant votages let's just admit that lol.

    I beg to differ fellow Pirate, i really enjoy my Merchant voyages my gripe is with the Gold Hoarders. I just can't get into the "X" marks the spot fun, Riddles are a good giggle but i suspect most dislike them.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Alliance System: The End:

    @jonaldinho Human nature. Some people will never miss an opportunity to screw over another human being even if they gain nothing from it. To them the pleasure of knowing that their actions have negatively impacted upon the lived experience of another human being is reward enough. In the UK they call them Politicians, but they exist in all cultures and societies.

    Yep. A small number of people will go out of thier way to cause harm for no benefit.

  • @pereraaa
    I think that's a great idea!! I wish they'd also allow us to have more people on a server so we could have at least more then four working on what we need to work on together. Or possibly a bigger ship if that's possible lol.

    I wish they'd also make wood planks crates ... Banana crates and cannon ball crates are hard enough to find .. yes .... Butttt.... If they'd make it purchasable at the merchant I'd even pay 200 gold for them lol only because of the fact that they don't offer wooden planks on the skele ships . Which I don't understand... And barrels are far and few bewteen.... We actually had a brig sailing back with some of our crew mates off the galleon helping the brig bucket water bc they were out of wood planks and we had like five lol so anyways they bailed and our crew mates ran the ship and went to the nearest island to catch up on some wooden planks and once they had been stocked and loaded .... Is when the glitch happened we weren't sure if they weren't there that theyd get the achievement so we tried to hold off a bit on the boss and booya a huge glitch by the time they made it back so we couldn't finish lol go figure.

  • @ghostpaw Now I want a pet turtle. Ships cat bedamned, I want a pet turtle that can function as a spare cannon ball if my pockets are empty during a scrap.

  • @ixxolos
    Hopefully you have a better experience today! Because it really can be fun! I agree hopping servers is insanely annoying !!

    Pardon me, I should had said most of everyone gets annoyed with merchant it's just not as fun to a lot of people . I'd love to be able to find someone to help with merchant. But I never can. I actually like the gold hoarders some of the riddles I can agree are annoying and sometimes have horrible hints... I am getting better at them tho.. there has only been a few x marks the spots I've had problems with but I can't remember which island that was off hand. Normally before getting off the boat I double check the map on the boat for exact location of docking pull out my compass and we have a nice competition on who can find it first.

    The most annoying of the riddles is the placement for some things... Like once we had to shine the lantern and we did so several times in the same spot... But not the " precise spot" that I guess between four of us some how didn't get in the exact spot between the stupid fish rocks lol.

  • @ixxolos

    In fact , last time I got a crew to do merchant everyone ended up getting bored and we all ended up finding ways to kill each other... Hot potato with gun powder barrels chasing one another with snakes and locking different people in the brig drowning them lol... It ended up actually glitching out on us and putting the entire crew in the brig 😂 it was fun.. but def didn't get much merchant done

  • Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. My alliance of two brigs and a sloop ended up teaming up with another alliance of a brig and a sloop, and ended up splitting the loot. Was there some arguing about the split? Yes, of course there was. Had to threaten to fire on several of my allies just to get them to hush up and then promise to make it up to them with a gold hoarders haul. But we managed to hold our peace until all the loot was turned in, we then partied in the tavern and each sailed off for the night.

  • Our brig was just letting the water rise on the final Skeleton boat when a galleon rolled in, joined the alliance (whatever, I'm fine with that), then sunk us to grab all the loot and disband the alliance.

    I was a little surprised there was no timer in place at the end of the event, but I guess Rare didn't see any worth in making alliances count for anything.

    Clearly they prefer people to #BeMorePri.. than #BeMorePirate.

    I can see this causing a lot of ill-feeling and I really expect the crossplay/hacking/unfair conversations to fire up again.

  • No alliance or pre-alliances. It’s really that simple. This issue stemmed from the whole big treasure load fad. I have no idea why Rare implemented this style of play into actual game dynamics. Were pirates all buddy buddy on the seas? Get real.

    Multiple crews joined equals less skill and more trolling. Pirates don’t share. What happened to #BeMorePirate? SoT is currently #(ELE)EverybodyLoveEverybody

    My point isn’t the single experience either, it’s the potential for disaster I am focused on.

  • @augunslingin L**O

  • @augunslingin said in Alliance System: The End:

    No alliance or pre-alliances. It’s really that simple. This issue stemmed from the whole big treasure load fad. I have no idea why Rare implemented this style of play into actual game dynamics. Were pirates all buddy buddy on the seas? Get real.

    Multiple crews joined equals less skill and more trolling. Pirates don’t share. What happened to #BeMorePirate? SoT is currently #(ELE)EverybodyLoveEverybody

    My point isn’t the single experience either, it’s the potential for disaster I am focused on.

    Any alliance - formed when starting or during an event - could be permanent during and for two hours after an event finished.

    Not only would that allow lots of PVP/loot selling time, it would make alliance loot distribution more probable as people would actually want to turn loot in, rather than run away for two hours.

  • I'm tired of people offering or joining someones alliance only for them to steal your stuff when they see you're at an outpost. They're going to get a cut of it the only reason is to kill me then leave the alliance and then get it all for themselves. Then they say their PL and they have nothing better to do. That's great that you finished the games how about you not ruin it for others so they can enjoy it like you did.
    What the point of it if people can attack you while they're in it (it gives them such an advantage to know where you are and to have an idea what you're doing). And if they leave the alliance they should forced to leave the server so they cant just leave and then attack you for you're stuff. If you want to pvp do it the right way. It's called the reapers mark. This is a game. You don't need to be jerks to other players just because it's a 'pirate game'.

  • @vexed-anemone I hate this. Happens all the time. And then when you're on xbox they dont show up in your recent players so you cant report them. So many people use the alliance as bait to lull you into false security and then attack you for the loot when your not watching them. I get this is a 'pirate game' but that doesn't give you an excuse to be a jerk to another players and ruin their experience. This system seriously needs to be fixed.

  • I have seen both the bad side and the good side of the Alliance system.
    The Good side is, i have had many alliances when i have done merchant quests and they did the same. Wich means in the end faster REP and lvling.
    I have also tried alot of alliances when me and my crew were on a Skeletonfort and we helped each other and split the loot.

    On the bad side. i have tried where an alliance was formed.
    The person from the other ship entered my ship and started talking and made jokes while crawling up in the crows nest.
    The second i saw he went on top. i knew what was gonna happen!
    He jump off with an explosive barrel and exploded on my ship!
    Funny enough, i had seen it comming so i was off the ship befor it happend, i went on my ship and saved it and canceled the alliance.
    Didn't lose any loot or anything it's just so... frustrating... and annoying... to see people ABUSE such system.

  • Be wary of all on the seas. Sailors can't be trusted.

    For a more peaceful time, join a discord crew as they do server wide alliances which makes it very peaceful (and boring).

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