Forsaken Shores and Cursed Flame Cannonballs (Ignisball)

  • So the Forsaken Shores is around the corner! The hype train is boarding and we are ready for the ride!
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    On September 19th we'll be traveling to an entirely new area to the east of Devils Ridge. With the Forsaken Shores we will be introduced to treacherous terrain but never fear, the rowboat is here! Or at least it's on the way. But I'm not here to tell you what you already know, I'm here to talk about the possibility of new gameplay mechanics and the tease of the infamous Captain Flameheart.

    Captain Flameheart was teased during the Cursed Sails and if you've kept up with the lore you know the thrilling tale surrounding this great pirate and the curse that drove him mad.
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    I think it goes without saying that we will eventually encounter this foe but I was thinking, wouldn't the Forsaken Shores be a great place to get our first tease? Erupting volcanoes, flying molten rocks, fire everywhere, sounds like his kinda place to hangout. Which brings me to my next point.

    The Ignisball
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    A cursed cannonball that has the potential to engulf a ship in flame. Created by Captain Flameheart himself this ball when fired at a ship creates a small patch of fire in the spot it made contact. Don't panic as a single bucket of water can render this flame inert. But if not taken care of quickly it can spread, breaking apart the integrity of the ship.
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    I know Rare has talked about adding more cursed cannonballs and items to the game so I thought this would be appropriate. As for Flameheart himself, although the Forsaken Shores campaign may not be centered around him I think it would be cool to get a glimps of what's to come as it's been stating that Flameheart and Wanda will be antagonist in a future expansion.

    What do you think about a Captain Flameheart appearance and the addition of the Ignisball? And what other goodies do you think will be released in the Forsaken Shores when it drops this September 19th.

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  • @dcr-lt-kanada Great thread bud! I love these kinds of topics it’s a nice change from the usual pace.

    I don’t believe the Ignis balls would cause fire if they was added. I’m more of wondering if they will be like mini explosive barrels you can fire?

    I love the idea of fire and personally hope it is the case as you describe! Especially since we have the bucket so it would make a good tool to counter it.

    Here’s hoping your theories will come true! :)

  • @dcr-lt-kanada wanda is gone she got sunk and killed

  • @roughleech03117 You know nothing John Snow. In an interview it was revealed that she would be back. We only delayed her.

  • @knifelife thank you for the vote. I hope it does too.

  • Great ideas mate, I hope we come face to face with FlameHeart in Forsaken Shores.
    Forsaken Shores
    I'd like to send him down to see old Hob myself.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada no

  • I believe the last image is from Kung F* Panda....

    Edit: ...Really they censor that?

  • @dcr-lt-kanada sorry to burst everyones bubbles here, but they have already confirmed that there will be no fire damage to the ships. not to mention that we already have every cursed cannon ball

  • @omega-131313 In regards to them never doing it, a phrase like that for Rare is never set in stone. As you may recall if you've kept up with the development of the game since launch, AI ships was something they said they would never due because at first they wanted that feeling of if you saw a ship on the horizon you knew it was another player. They shifted that after seeing feedback.
    And as for us having "all the cannonballs we're going to get" if you watch Tuesdays's Sea of Thieves stream with Joe they said that they're talking about adding more cursed cannonballs into the game.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada and still, hey said that they wernt going to add fire based attacks into he game. and I mean why would you want fire added? poison is already a thing and its hell

  • @omega-131313 They said they weren't going to add skeleton ships into the game. And I think it would be cool. I don't have an issue with the venomball. And I feel as though only pirates that aren't quick on their feet would have an issue as you only need a bucket of water. Don't have water? jump off the ship, scoop some water, grab the ladder. Not skilled enough to do that? Then anchor the ship, scoop some water, raise the anchor.

  • I like the sound of it, minus the fire. Doesn't sound like a very fun mechanic, and no mechanic should have a counter of "jump off your ship, grab some water and grab your ladder". Maybe if there was a more meaningful way to put it out than that, I could see it. But this would just lead to frustration and make a cursed cannonball a meta PvP tool. Even in Blackwake, a game where you can grab buckets of water right off the deck of your ship, fire is more annoying than anything, and there it has far less potential to do damage due to the larger crew sizes.

  • @drunkpunk138 I see your point. Alternatively what if you could put it out simply from jumping on top of it? And I know when we see Flamehaeart he will have some type of special perk or weapon so if not a Iginisball than what else?

  • Sweet christmas

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Forsaken Shores and Cursed Flame Cannonballs (Ignisball):

    @roughleech03117 You know nothing John Snow. In an interview it was revealed that she would be back. We only delayed her.

    What is dead may never die!

    Also, this is a great idea. Maybe even have the ability to light your cutlass on fire!
    @dcr-lt-kanada said in Forsaken Shores and Cursed Flame Cannonballs (Ignisball):

    @drunkpunk138 I see your point. Alternatively what if you could put it out simply from jumping on top of it? And I know when we see Flamehaeart he will have some type of special perk or weapon so if not a Iginisball than what else?

    Flaming sword? Ooh, GREEK FIRE.

  • @hg-plainview21 I think Greek fire may be a bit much lol seeing how some people are concerned about regular fire. Him having a flaming sword sounds cool though.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada captain flameheart was a xbox player who played against pc thats why is mad now .... o wait thats my story ...

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Forsaken Shores and Cursed Flame Cannonballs (Ignisball):

    @drunkpunk138 I see your point. Alternatively what if you could put it out simply from jumping on top of it? And I know when we see Flamehaeart he will have some type of special perk or weapon so if not a Iginisball than what else?

    I could dig it if there was some method of putting it out that didn't require jumping off the boat and they weren't too common. I could see Flameheart having a flaming sword that does some DoT, but I suppose that depends on how/where we fight him. If it's a ship to ship battle, that might not make so much sense, but if it's on a volanic island where our ships are far away then it would fit.

  • I always love fire area's in games.
    I hope there will be a ice area in the future true.

    Real pirates whent north so...
    and i think it can make nice gameplay changes with a icebreaker for the ship. ice skeletons you need to burn with light or something.

    can't wait for Forsaken Shores


  • The Forsaken Shores or the suggestions I made? lol

  • @perviouscello34 I think it would cause a sense of fun panic and be a hot addition to naval combat.

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