Bigger Ships

  • Man Of War -6 player ship
    I wanna see something like this implemented due to the fact that whenever a new build is brought into the game whether it be a new dlc like forsaken shores or even the bilge rat adventures, I’ll have 5-7 friends that all want to play together and with only having a max of 4 and not being able to really get the whole “crew” of the 7 of us into one server. It’s near impossible to enjoy this with everyone.
    In my opinion I don’t see this ship as being over powered in the sense that it will literally be the biggest ship in the game so it will have a bullseye on it already and yes it may attack ships due to the overwhelming number of players on board but that will also increase the number of alliances created. With 6 on the man of war it will make the brigs sloops and galleons of the server have to team up and slay the beast if it’s terrorizing the server.
    If anyone has anything to say for or against this please say so I’d like to have a discussion on this

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  • If there would be a thing like that, it would dominate a quarter of the map. No, I don't need a nautical dinosaur and don't want to have them. For my taste, they add nothing to the game.

  • Actually my Crew of a 4 men galleon is always splitted, 2 stay on the boat and 2 can sink all other ships on thier own, what a mess if we could sail a 6 men ship, i guess its no good idea...

  • I got 9 friends. Now we get 10 person ship?

  • @weakdexx didn’t ask how many friends you had asked for your opinions on the man of war

  • @zannarii I don’t think you understand what I meant by splitting up my group of friends. I meant we can’t all play together in one server. I don’t care about you sinking a ship with 2 on and 2 off. That’s generally what most crews do.

  • @waterbuffa1oman U can actually play with all your friends in one server. We ally up a boat we find. Befriend them and ask if we can join his crew. Than when they done we give them bit of our loot and we get his boat. Now we load in more friends into same server.

    Its a bit of a workaround but it works.

  • @goedecke-michel it wouldn’t “dominate” anything. It would wreck all of the players who aren’t any good. But if you know how to play and are actually good at the game you’d have no issue against it.

  • @weakdexx to much hassle when all it should take is having the option to invite friends into that server and they get their own ship

  • @waterbuffa1oman If it was to be implemented, it would have to have big drawbacks so it is not overpowered... So maybe it sits lower in the sea so the upper decks fill up as well and could be extremely bad at manoeuvres to make up for the large amount of fire power and speed.

    Question is:
    Would it be longer than the galleon, or more wide?
    Or possibly would it have 3 levels instead of the 2 like the galleon?
    How many cannons are fair?
    How many sails are fair?
    how long should it take to raise anchor?

    Its not so much about why people want it (and those that complain rather than discuss clearly don't care to improve the game) but its more of a balance issue... It would take ages to make sure this ship would fit in okay and not bully or get bullied by other boats.

  • @chewywarden thank you, that’s literally all I asked when I made this post I wanted opinions and thoughts on it

  • They have mentioned they might possibly add in the Man-O-War further down the line, but said they aren't sure yet. There have been some teases in the form of the unfinished ship on Thieves Haven and the shipwright at DaggerTooth even mentions she is building a large ship.

    My guess is it would sacrifice speed and maneuverability for fire power (more cannons) and the larger crew. Additionally, just imagine how long that anchor will take to raise. Probably wouldn't be the best against sloops either if you think of how large of a target it would be.

  • @sargent-sully sagte in Bigger Ships:

    They have mentioned they might possibly add in the Man-O-War further down the line, but said they aren't sure yet. There have been some teases in the form of the unfinished ship on Thieves Haven and the shipwright at DaggerTooth even mentions she is building a large ship.

    My guess is it would sacrifice speed and maneuverability for fire power (more cannons) and the larger crew. Additionally, just imagine how long that anchor will take to raise. Probably wouldn't be the best against sloops either if you think of how large of a target it would be.

    I say I would sink each of them, solo slooping.

  • @goedecke-michel Probably would be a fair chance of that. I could also see alliances using them as treasure vessels, so it could be worthwhile.

  • @waterbuffa1oman Also cursed cannon balls would take huge effect because it might be such a large target to hit

  • @chewywarden yes they would the player effect ones atleast would suffer but the others would wreck that ship

  • @sargent-sully that’s a very good idea, but I could also see alliances having to team up to bring one down, if the right crew is aboard it

  • If a "Man of War" were shot with one or two of those cursed ballast increasing cannonballs, would the sea level of the surrounding island rise by how many meters?

  • @goedecke-michel island? What are we doing algebra or something now haha were pirates

  • @waterbuffa1oman yes! I would love a man o war @Rare-Ltd please add this guys people have wanted this for a long time

  • @waterbuffa1oman perhaps they could have one of those small water pumps if the ship is huge cause i doubt someone can bucket up and down a ship that large

  • Personally i would love to see such a large ship! Ever since hearing of such a vessel (including seeing the shipwreck and talking to the shipwright) i have been disappointed at now being able to sail one. I think the vessel should spawn with a rowboat on it/on the beach. The reason being if the ship sits lower then the galleon it would run aground on every island. the vessel should have just a bit better range (on top deck only), but slightly slower speed then the galleon. Such a vessel should have 2 firing decks with 8 guns on each side 4 guns on each deck. The helmsman should have more difficulties as well maybe an extra rotation of the helm or less visibility. Sorry as i'm writing this I keep thinking of new ideas. To spare your time i'll just leave one more idea. To help with the ship's slow speed give it a battering ram and 4 harpoons instead of 2. the top deck are normal harpoons however the bottom deck are heavier harpoons that have a shorter range. Their purpose is to catch speeding ships that come by and reel them in towards a collision on the ram. countermeasures might be like the players can remove the harpoon or cut/shoot the rope hoping ot be fast enough to avoid the pull. If the rope is cut the player operating the harpoon must reload. (i would not suggest have finite ammo for the heavy harpoon as other ships would have no need for finding such items unless they can be sold.)

  • @waterbuffa1oman a ship with 6 hardcore pirate legends no thanks no but in all honesty sloops would stand no chance against a man o war its difficult enough for one player to take on 4 people in a galleon then theres no point going sloop outmanned and heaavily outgunned so no the balance of the game would be ruined with this idea

  • A bit late to the party but since the thread has been open for a year and last reply was two months ago I will continue.
    The idea of a man o war is great people say they would be over powered but right now you always see multiple ships in alliances so what would be the difference if anything it would be a lot easier to lose one man o war than two brigs or one galleon and one sloop and as for the comment talking about having 6 pirate legends on one ship being op time played doesn't equate to skill I have seen pirate legends miss every cannon shot and new players never miss it all comes down to what you have actually done in the game and how good you are at firing projectiles so in short I say bring it on would love to see that behemoth roaming the waters also imagine having to fight a skeleton man o war as the last ship in the skeleton vessel

  • Man-O-War sea of thieves

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