Brigantine & Kraken Unfair and Bad design that need to be FIX ASAP !

  • The brigantine is a ship that can be sink very fast since all its holes are created on the same level and unlike the sloop or the galeons No holes can be ignored for any times ...

    The Kraken attack that tangles itself around the ship have this tendancy on the brigantines to compleatly cover up the entrance of the bottom deck and will sink the ship before its even remotly possible to untangle it and can only be achieve with sword since weapons amo are trap below the tantacles that compleatly obstruate the entrance of the bottom deck ...

    This need a solution ASAP the kraken tantacles shouldnt be compleatly blocking the entrance to the bottom deck of a brigantine at any point or time ... it simply 100% make that your ship will sink and you wont be able to do anything about it ... especially faster if a megalodon atack at the same time as the kraken and it happen while fun it isnt fun to be compleatly block and " cheated " in that sort of way to force you to sink even if you dont deserve to ...

    Its a very unfortunate and unworthy way to loose your ship and need to change ... kraken should never totally block the entrance to the bottom deck totally preventing any possible repair before your ship sink ... text alternatif text alternatif

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  • Considering that this Kraken technique isn't a new feature, maybe it is time to change your strategy. Play the stairs and snipe tentacles, if you get wrapped you are now in place to patch holes. Another strategy is to keg it, I understand that you will take damage, however the brig and sloop are easily bailed ships. Repair and move on with the fight.

  • @nabberwar You dont understand do you ? when a kraken wrap around the entrance of the bottom deck , you cant force it out before your basically sinked .. You cannot bail water when a giant tantacles is basically blocking the only access in and out of the bottom deck ... do you get this ? look at a picture and see where the tantacles end up

    I do not need " tips " to take down a kraken ... i have taken down more kraken than most peoples in this game let me assure you of this ..

    What i want is a solution and designers preventing the kraken to wrap around this particular area of the ship or at least make it that it is avoidable with game mechanics that correspond to this ...

    their is randoms wrapping that happen on this particula area and it as nothing to do with " strategy "

  • @stew360

    We fight from the bottom deck.
    SO when this happens we are down where we can bail water past the tentacle. No need to run out. To me its part of the risk fighting a karen.

    SO it does have to do with strategy. U play in a way that if this happens u are blocked from bottom so u sink. We fought karens with these wraps and made it out. Change your tactic.

  • @stew360
    I understand quite well actually. It seems the other way around. What I'm saying is fight the kraken while IN the stairwell. If it decides to wrap over the entrance, you and others, are now sealed within the hull. Now you have at least the option of patching. You cannot bucket, but you can delay while you or the team breaks the grip. You have also seem to skip over the keg suggestion.

    Your picture demonstrates to me that none of you were already downstairs before the kraken wrapped. I see 2 top dock, the third could be out of frame or downstairs, who knows.

    Edit: Kraken has always had the ability to wrap over the entrance. Kraken isn't a pushover anymore. Either learn to adapt or sink, your choice.

  • FIX THIS RARE NOW .... WE LOST ONCE AGAIN almost 95 % of our loot between , sunken grove and galeon grave because the kraken once more wrap around the bottom deck entrance there was no way to get it out before our ship sunk ... and we hit it non stop ...with 3 players ...

    Also our rowboat sink as well now ... two time it happen today ...

    we lost loot from an alliance armada of ships that we have defeated + 2 forts and all because of a UNFAIR and broken PVE mechanics that need a fix now ...

    I dont mind loosing loots to otherplayers if they ever play well wich they rarely do ... or loosing it because we dont care about it and just want to jokes around with others players ... but loosing it to the bottom sea because of a broken kraken mechanics that prevent you from accessing the bottom deck , or bailing water is straight up cheating from the part of the NPC and i never like feeling i have been cheated ... its bad fix it

  • The brig needs a second set of stairs

  • @Stew360 When it wraps around, tentacles will pop up really close to the left and right of the ship, you need to hit those. One hit with the cannon makes them go away and they may pop up around 3 - 5 times but after that they go away and you will be unwrapped.

    I thought the same as you until I found this out, it's actually quite easy now.

    EDIT: Also it's best that someone stays below deck all the time, they can still shoot from the stairs with eye of reach though.

  • When he wrapped around your ship, did you attack the tentacle that was blocking the stairs, or it's "head"? You are supposed to look for the closest tentacle in the water, because that's the head of the one that wraps you. Shoot a few cannon balls at it and he will release his grip.

    I don't know how many times you need to hit it on a brig, but on my solo sloop I always do it whenever he blocks the stairs and it works perfectly. Just make sure everyone has enough cannon balls on them while fighting him.

  • This "I beat it, therefore its fine" mentality has to stop.

    No other ship in the game has this issue. Blocking the stairs to the bottom deck on a ship with only one level is a guaranteed sink if you don't already have someone down there.

    It needs to change. It is entirely unfair and makes kraken fights an absolute pain on an otherwise enjoyable ship.

  • I can see both sides of the argument here. The Brigantine is a tricky ship to keep afloat while battling the kraken this is true. While being bigger it does also have just the one deck below to fill up before the ship is doomed, and if you cant get below deck to bail or repair that can be frustrating. On the flip side the same thing can happen to a Galleon, I actually got stuck below and couldn't get out to throw the water out. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tweak its behavior a bit for the individual ships as long as its still a challenge to take down. Personally I love the Kraken update and its new attack. It was far too easy to take down before, now its a true threat. I have died twice from that thing since the update and that just makes me want to get back out there and hunt that thing down. I cant wait till the next encounter.

    One small tip, I would make sure to always have a row boat with you. If it looks like things are going to go south, abandon ship with all your goodies in the row boat. We had to do that in a galleon and it paid off. All but one of us died, so three of us spawned in the new ship and met up with the guy in the rowboat and our loot.

  • @octopus-lime i know very well how the mechanics work it isnt the problem ... the problem is that it compleatly shut down any possibility to bail water out or get amo to shoot at the heads your talking about ... the amo are stuck on the bottom deck and you cant bail water so your screw with a sword trying to cut the tantacles wich is your only remaining options and thats if 2 of your team maters as not been swallow at the same time and mostlikely can sink you if there was any remaining water in the bottom deck wich happen to us 3 times and yesterday a storm was raging while battleling the kraken , this would never have happen on a galeons ... wich is a totally stupid design .. i dont want tips i dont need tips ...

  • @blindnev The tantacles tangles itself on the ship while one of us was in the bottom deck he was trap , i had no amo left and got swallow and my other friend had no amo left as well and only sword remaining the only ones who had access to amo was trap on the bottom deck and we didnt had access to the bottom deck ... so the only option left was to atack the tantacle itself that tangle the ship , and we sunk in no time because there was no other way around ... Its basically cheated , its unfair and its stupid especially considering the brigantine is a very tricky ship to keep afloat as soon as you have water pooring in

  • @stew360 said in Brigantine & Kraken Unfair and Bad design that need to be FIX ASAP !:

    @octopus-lime i know very well how the mechanics work it isnt the problem ... the problem is that it compleatly shut down any possibility to bail water out or get amo to shoot at the heads your talking about ... the amo are stuck on the bottom deck and you cant bail water so your screw with a sword trying to cut the tantacles wich is your only remaining options and thats if 2 of your team maters as not been swallow at the same time and mostlikely can sink you if there was any remaining water in the bottom deck wich happen to us 3 times and yesterday a storm was raging while battleling the kraken , this would never have happen on a galeons ... wich is a totally stupid design .. i dont want tips i dont need tips ...

    Well I wouldn't say that would never happen to a galleon because I was in that very same situation and our galleon sank right out from under us and that was while we had everyone on the boat with the stairs open to us. Battling a Kraken in a storm is almost an automatic death sentence no matter what kind of ship you are on.

  • @stew360 said in Brigantine & Kraken Unfair and Bad design that need to be FIX ASAP !:

    @octopus-lime .. i dont want tips i dont need tips ...

    Well then there is no helping you and you will continue to sink.

  • Stop complaining, listen to others who give you new ways to fight, and adapt your gameplay.

    You remind me all these players crying about the volcanoes' aim in the Devil's Roar... The region was supposed to be dangerous and that's why the rowboat has been implanted in the game, but now it's just a random region with volcanoes to make the environment different and beautiful.

    Come on... We talk about the Kraken, we should sink 4/5 times we meet this creature and survive to the encounter should be a great reward without being rewarded with loot (no sense to find treasure when defeating a tentacle...). But people cry, in other game, we don't get any reward for killing enemies or bosses sometimes, and nobody complain about this...

    Things that need to stop is only complain about everything, everytime... There are way to prevent your ship to sink against a Kraken with EVERY ships.

  • Yes thank you! I agree this is a major problem and keeps me from wanting to take a brig out onto the seas. The only solution I would say here (other than a fix from Rare) would be making sure someone is on the bottom deck ready to fix holes at all times as soon as the water goes black, but even then there's no way to bucket the water out of the ship. This certainly needs a fix

  • @stew360

    1: The tentacles take less damage the further down you attack it. If someone is on desk, they can shoot cannonballs or even slash or shoot guns at the tentacle's mouth, which is always either hovering nearby or on the deck. Damaging this is very effective, and a couple cannonballs into it and it will give up and release your ship.

    2: Someone trapped belowdecks is locked in with all of the holes and planks your ship has. They should have nothing to do except repair holes and take a bucket from the ship once they can take the full amount the bucket can carry. You can also throw water into the ocean from inside by throwing it just below the tentacle.

    3: The brigantine is meant to be easier to sink, as it is also the fastest ship in the game. This makes it balanced, as it functions as a fast attack craft, darting in, doing damage, and getting out. Despite this, it can still take quite a bit of damage and survive.

    4: The holes in made in the back of the brigantine do function as the non-critical hits. They do not always fill, again proving it's role as an fast attack craft. It can do damage and run away, taking less damage in the process. (the sloop is meant to flee or be a support craft, justifying it's similar critical hit zone)

    Next time do some research and ask for help before stating a rant as 100% facts please. Thank you.

  • @ultmateragnarok You realise everything you said is irrevelant to what is the problem here ?

    I do not need or ask for " tips " and my request isnt a ignorant one ... its a statement that its stupid and make anyones who experience these situation " cheated on " by the game ... i like chalenges not been cheated on by the game ...

    you cannot hit a head of the tantacles with a sword when you no longer have amo and the amo are trap inside ... also the kraken ofen atack at the same time as megladon , storms and what not wich is all situational ...

    Stop pretending been a " god " at the game and pretend you have a solution for everything .... its a bad design to make the kraken tangle over the only access to supplys , Guns amunition , bailing waters ... that you can " glich " the bailing in somes ways dosnt make it a good mechanics its stupid and awfull ...

    Well you could also argue that we could store supply on a rowboat or on bana crates and cannon balls crates etc..etc..etc.. but i guess with someones like you arguing is useless because i know what your trying to do .. and i know everything that need to be know ... but you simply dont want to understand the situation and how its bad ... this isnt chalenge this is stupid

  • @grievous32 I have zero problems with having the kraken to be 10 times as hard as it is ... but i have a problem when your powerless and its basically cheating on you ... the tangle over the entrance of the bottom deck as no work around unless its a glitch there is no real proper mechanics to this boss ... this isnt a WOW or a TERA online boss mechanics we talk about here ... its cheap and uninspire of that i can say ... but having cheap mechanics that are unavoidable and garantee your loss in many situation is bad ...

    I am all for stronger kraken that actually require skills and is fun to play agains and chalenging ...

    you took the worst exemple possible the " Aimbot " of Devils Roars volcano wasnt a " chalenge " it was bad because it couldnt be avoided , and sometime could kill your entire crew with direct impact lol just like the first few version of skelly cannon aiming ... who were 100% insane aimbot .. this isnt fun this isnt chalenging , its just stupid and feel bad ...

    Artificial difficulty isnt difficulty ... a game that was handeling difficulty well and made it fun was F.E.A.R they didnt rely on stupid aimbots and insane health buff bullet sponginess to create artificial difficulty ...

  • @stew360 its quite sinple really all ships can get wrapped over their stairs,

    Yes a gally has top and bottom decks but in a minor way so have sloops and brigantines, holes in the back of the ship dont take on nearly as much water as holes in the middle/fromt of the ship.

    Yes its a tough nut to crack but with a good team of 3 it should be easy to handle.

    I have beaten kraken’s solo on both sloop and brig and yes it was clutch sometimes on the brig when they wrapped around the stairs but if you act accordingly it is tough but managable.

    Also saying that their is no way to combat any of the situations that can occur with the kraken is plain wrong or ignorant, just slash the living hell out of it with a sword and it releases in no time flat, but always have one crewmember downstairs to take care of the holes that occur, no you cant bail but if fixed asap only small amounts of water get in which gives enough time to other crewmembers to slash the tentacle away

    Also keep in mind that the brig was designed for a crew of three so if someone solos it and that way cant handle an emergent threat its not the games design that is at fault.

    The kraken is finally a risk on voyages, something to be prepared for at any time, no change needed

  • Like a few others have said, I can see both sides of this debate.

    Personally I like the Krakens challenge. A lot of battles are simply a test of time and resources. The Kraken is once again a genuine challenge.

    I disagree with the point that there shouldn’t be treasure for defeating the Kraken. I love how Shrouded Spoils has introduced rewards for most features. Why shouldn’t these time consuming diversions provide me with some reward towards Pirate Legend?!

    There’s only so many times I can boast surviving a Kraken Battle before I just start rolling my eyes every time the sea turns black. Now it’s an opportunity for more treasure and it welcomes my engagement against the Kraken.

    I agree that wrapping around the entry point to lower decks is very harsh design. But I also understand the tips about how to defend against that. If I was trapped below deck with holes and ship filling, I would be patching holes and fill the largest bucket of water I could to sustain the ship. Especially if I’m the only person downstairs capable of doing so. If nobody was below deck we’re screwed. So the tip about keeping someone camping the stairway to snipe the Kraken is great advice. I kinda do this anyway, because I stay with the stairs to go back and get ammo, and to patch up and bail water immediately when we get whipped by the Kraken.

    Fine to request for the feature to be nerfed but don’t expect that to mean you will see a patch for this. Take on the advice and you should be alright.

    I really do see both sides, and I’ve already lost a lot of treasure to a losing battle with the Kraken too. I was dragged off ship by a tentacle and drowned. When I returned from the Ferry of the Damned the ship was sunk. So it’s rough, but I also quite like the difficulty of it.

  • @stew360

    If you don't want help why are you here? You say the kraken fight is too hard, yet you don't want to know how to make it easier. If the game is cheating you out, then why not do everything in your power to exploit it back?

  • @ultmateragnarok I do not ask for help of randoms forumers of wich a vast majority loose their loots all day to me and 1 or 2 of my friends ... i know this game i dont ask for tips ..

    I am here to ask RARE to do something that make sens about it and even buffing the kraken difficulty in itself but remoove this wrapping around the bottomdeck entrance or make the tantacles that wrap around having no colision with players or something like this anything that would aliviate the non sens that this flaw bring to the table ...

    My sens of fun base on chalenge isnt the fun of been " aimbotted " .. playing agains hackers who use aimbot is chalenging in your sens of a chalenge ? Not for me its simply stupid and unfair ... i want to play agains good players that arent cheating .. same with Ai .. i want fair and Fun and chalenging stuff not insanely aimbotty or insanely bullet sponge ai and what not wich i call " lazy fake difficulty " and the same is true with the kraken , it isnt chalenging ... its stupid we only die to it if there is lets say a pirate ship a megaledon and a kraken at the same time of wich i have no problem with if we sink ...

    But when the kraken wrap around the bottom deck preventing you from taking any amo ( no amo no shooting of the head) or bailing water its simply stupid beyong the word and you only feel cheated ... its not a chalenge or it can trap all players almost on a brig in the bottomdeck till it sink lol etc..etc.. its bad bad bad and flaw design not fun , not chalenging

  • @stew360

    If a full brigantine crew is belowdeck why can't you repair and shoot it until it gets off? If you are trapped with the ammo you keep mentioning, you should be able to effectively remove the tentacle, especially if your entire crew is there. The head often rests on deck, so you can sword it. I believe it can hover in the water if it isn't around the stairwell. You need to pay more attention, the kraken is designed for this.

    Also, if you hate the brigantine tentacle so much, what prevents you from getting on a galleon instead?


    Learn how to fight the Kraken. If you don't make it, die like a man and not like a wimp. Brigantine and galleon have many advantages. Their susceptibility to the octopus is a disadvantage.

    That's how it is: advantage and disadvantage are in balance.

  • @stew360 you have been told many times now to attack the head, not the end. You will find the head next to the hull of the ship. Stop your rude rant.

  • @goedecke-michel I did not ask for tips or advice , this topic is directed for the developpers , not for some randoms thinking they can school me on my experiences , i did post this in the proper section of the forums and there as been many similar topic wich proove many peoples relate to this issues ... and its not out of ignorance i know very well how the mechanics works , i know very well the inside out of this game and i havnt played for months and still i have many millions golds in my account and made about 800k in 3 days with the new loots tables so yeah...

    My request is legitimate and i shouldnt have to " justified myself " to randoms peoples ... this is directed to the devs and its a legitimate issues that need to be look at

  • [mod edit]
    Anyway... I doubt this is an intended feature, therefore I would say it should be fixed, regardless of whether or not there are workarounds.

    However, if it is true you can still bail water out of the ship while the tentacle wraps the stairs by throwing the water under the tentacle then leaving one person below deck at all times should be the strat going forward. Submit a bug ticket and use this strat until it's fixed.

    If that's not the case.... raise some hell ;)

  • @xcalypt0x i doubt its a bug it as been in the game for ages now ... and with the more frequent kraken encounter since it as been reintroduce , its way more common to have PVP pirateship and kraken at the same time , or megalodon and kraken at the same time etc.. wich making Amo unavailable make it impossible to hit the head and now the arms themself that are tangle around the boat are insanely resistant and basically impossible to force them to untangle in time so the ship wont sink on a brig ...

    once again this isnt a community request " teach me how to play " .... i am pirate legends since about 1 month after release ... i have millions in my account i have most tittle in the game i do not need help or requested help ... i have requested the devs to make something about this ...

    wich the most logical solution would be preventing the kraken to tangle over the bottom deck entrance or make the tantacles that does less resistant or to remoove player colision with the tantacles that wrap around the brig or something of that nature ...

  • @stew360 Just because it's been in the game since launch doesn't mean it's not a bug or unintended feature. The kraken has had very low encounter rates so it's not unfathomable that people just didn't really notice before this update.

    Also, I agree with you. I said it should be changed, regardless of the fact there may be workarounds.

    But, until it's fixed... you either do what people are suggesting or sink. There's only two rules after all, what a man can do and what a man can't do.

  • @stew360 not at all. you rant the devs for your weakness.

  • @stew360 But @UltmateRagnarok gave you tips and you refuse it while it could save you next time. So stop complaining and try it before and if you can't face the Kraken AFTER TRYING THIS, then come back and we'll talk about it again.

    Also, the volcanoes aim was not really cheated at all... You had the possibility to avoid depending the ship you had, AND you also had the possibility to survive. The thing that people most complained about was the time between 2 eruptions that could be really short and prevent people to walk on island for their quests.

    It's part of the game to anticipate these kind of damages the volcanoes or the Kraken can make to your ship and crew. Remember : The game does not have to adapt to players, players have to adapt to the game.

  • @stew360 Oh and... Be a "Pirate Legend" doesn't mean "be better than other Pirate who are not Pirate Legend yet". Obviously, you're complaining because your ship sink everytime the Kraken wrap your ship there... But you still have tips to not sink, people gave you some of those. Rare will not listen someone who doesn't try new things to completely prove he's right. Because at least, this is not cheated and you can survive this, now take your weapon, anticipate this possibility, and try tips some people gave you. You can be a Pirate Legend and without knowing every tips of the game.

  • @xcalypt0x Please avoid using cancer as a derogatory term, as it is an issue that is all too real for far too many people. Your post has been edited accordingly.

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