Xbox Live and Achievements Appear to Be Coming to Nintendo Switch and Mobile.

  • Just found this article and thought you pirates might be interested in it. Looks like the horizon is being expanded once more!
    Full story below:

    ”Microsoft is apparently poised to bring Xbox Live to Nintendo Switch and mobile platforms, including Android and iOS. According to Windows Central, the platform-holder is looking to debut a new cross-format development platform at GDC 2019, with a view to bringing Xbox Live to other formats beyond Xbox and PC.”

    As an addendum please do not turn this into a crossplay argument thread, we have a mega thread for that already, and if does I’ll request the thread locked. Have a great day! :)

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  • @knifelife Ooooooooh very interesting... I suppose with a few mobile games on the way this seems to make sense...

    PS I'm keeping a close eye on this thread ;D

  • @musicmee It’s my hope in the future soon we will finally be losing all this platform exclusivity.
    Imagine having SoT on all the other platforms and the amount of players we had, or being able to play Zelda on your Xbox or The last of us!

    Mann that will be the day, and it does seem it could be slowly happening with steps like this! Interesting times ahead indeed! :D

    Also thanks 🙏 :)

  • Sea of ​​Thieves on Nintendo... Rare coming back to make games for a Nintendo platorm... A new Donkey Kong... Sea of ​​Thieves with Captain K. Roll... Let's hope...

  • @targasbr As long as i can throw barrels at people I’ll die a happy pirate!! Wait...conspiracy hat on! Bananas in SoT, Donkey Kong collects bananas!

    Illuminati confirmed they have been planning this all along! XD

  • @knifelife disse em Xbox Live and Achievements Appear to Be Coming to Nintendo Switch and Mobile.:

    @targasbr As long as i can throw barrels at people I’ll die a happy pirate!! Wait...conspiracy hat on! Bananas in SoT, Donkey Kong collects bananas!

    Illuminati confirmed they have been planning this all along! XD

  • Just as some fiod for thought.. and so I’m not creating another new thread:

    If you could pick any exclusive/game to be made avalible on your platform of choice what would it be? (Not including SoT)

    For me it would have to be the new Spider-Man game, the Arkham series was and is one of my all time favourites and I was gutted when it didn’t come to Xbox, if I was richer I would have bought a console just for it! xD

  • There could be no issues with cross play between consoles

  • @knifelife What they dont tell you is it will be brought to you by the Xbox App....

  • @knifelife disse em Xbox Live and Achievements Appear to Be Coming to Nintendo Switch and Mobile.:

    If you could pick any exclusive/game to be made avalible on your platform of choice what would it be? (Not including SoT)

    It's a difficult question, as I have many good games that I would like to see on the Xbox. Spider Man would be one of them, the new game of Hideo Kojima that will come out, all the nintendo games... Xcom, Little Big Planet, Little Big Adventure... Many...

    I've always found that gaming companies should stop with this exclusive thing... But I can not blame the companies for my lack of money to buy other consoles.

  • @targasbr I agree, exclusivity is silly and it only hurts the game and consumer.

    Also if you mean XCOM enemy unknown they are on Xbox. I love them! :D

  • @knifelife disse em Xbox Live and Achievements Appear to Be Coming to Nintendo Switch and Mobile.:

    @targasbr I agree, exclusivity is silly and it only hurts the game and consumer.

    Also if you mean XCOM enemy unknown they are on Xbox. I love them! :D

    I really miss this game. I have it on Steam, I did not know I had it for Xbox. I think if I find it I'll buy it. Thanks!

  • @targasbr Yepp, the first one is backwards compatible, so if you can get it of the MS store.
    Or if you have a game shop near you and can find a disc version on the 360 that will also work.

    As for the second game you can get that and there DLC pretty cheap aswell, I would recommend getting the one with all the DLC, I believe they call it War of the Fallen its soooo good!!

  • I would love to have sea of thieves on all platforms! Cross play would be amazing with Ps4 and Nintendo players. SOT would sell and player base would be insane.

    Just give them exclusive sails so we know who they are when we sink them.

  • @knifelife I doubt Nintendo will let their main franchises go to other main platforms (xbox/Playstation). It's what drives their sales of their consoles to much. Interesting none the less.

    It does make sense however for Microsoft to want their games on a very successful portable platform. I glee with excitement over the possibility of portable crossplay SoT!

    Nice post, Thanks

  • @barnacle-blake Could you imagine the forums if you had Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo sails!!

    My god the console wars would be at a whole new level! It would be the war to end all wars 😂

    But the main thing is I’m sure everyone will band together to take on those mobile gamers 😂

  • @knifelife LOL, I may have to buy it for every platform in that case! NINTENDO SAILS!!!! MY GOD I need that in my life.

  • @captn-crushem Maybe we can get a Waluigi figure soon? xD

  • @knifelife said in Xbox Live and Achievements Appear to Be Coming to Nintendo Switch and Mobile.:

    @barnacle-blake Could you imagine the forums if you had Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo sails!!

    My god the console wars would be at a whole new level! It would be the war to end all wars 😂

    But the main thing is I’m sure everyone will band together to take on those mobile gamers 😂

    This would be such a insane move....Insane in a good way. Talk about a game changer.. get PC.Nintendo and Sony together. SOT would be 1st to do so...breaking down walls with cannon balls

  • @knifelife I wonder if sea of thieves will be for the switch soon?

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