Gold and Glory Weekend???

  • We have a new banner on the site with a countdown saying:

    “The gold and glory weekend begins in...”

    Ideas people??

    I cannot get a picture so I will just link it to you all instead! :)

    Edit:- The timer has been removed so i got rid of the link as it leads to just the main page now. However for context of the thread I have stolen (Like a true pirate) @PirateCraggy ’s screen grab just for context for any new readers.

    Thanks and well played to Craggy for being quick on his peg leg!

    Edit#2 While I know I’m not breaking any NDA by making this thread, I can remove it if Rare or any mods would like me to. Just let me know. :)

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  • Maybe it is for the current new Reaper's voyage? Clicking banner takes you to the old sail with friends page.

  • @knifelife Oh reallly......

    Stay tuned guys, looks like the forum/website is having a bit of an update.

  • @musicmee I think I’ve just figured it out 😂

  • @knifelife Say no more....

  • @musicmee

  • I wonder

  • @knifelife

  • Some pre-Anniversary Party?

    Count me in!

  • @Musicmee @KnifeLife @Tre-Oni @Skulliah I hate all of you pioneer folk... -_-

  • @xcalypt0x said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    @Musicmee @KnifeLife @Tre-Oni @Skulliah I hate all of you pioneer folk... -_-

    its okay matey

  • @xcalypt0x Not long now till you will be one of us!! One of us, One of us! 😂

  • @xcalypt0x said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    @Musicmee @KnifeLife @Tre-Oni @Skulliah I hate all of you pioneer folk... -_-

  • @knifelife

    Arrghhh... Think I broke the countdown... sorry guys!!!

    Frozen in time :)

  • @piratecraggy Seems more like you stole it!! It’s gone 😂
    Typical pirate!

  • Rare is watching......

  • @knifelife

    RIP weblink... we loved you!!!!
    You were so young to be taken down so soon :)

  • very interesting

  • the real question is, is that countdown still going? Ie will G&G (whatever it is) trigger on March 15? Or was the countdown also released too soon...?


  • @vorondil1 said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    the real question is, is that countdown still going? Ie will G&G (whatever it is) trigger on March 15? Or was the countdown also released too soon...?


    Or maybe its just a timer test...

  • @xcalypt0x why

  • @piratecraggy when was this screen shot taken?

  • @closinghare208 I believe he is being sarcastic mate. I know he loves us really 😂

  • @knifelife lets hope so

  • @knifelife said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    @piratecraggy Seems more like you stole it!! It’s gone 😂
    Typical pirate!

    lol bloody pirates

  • @knifelife I'm thinking that this is for the mega update

  • @closinghare208 said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    @knifelife I'm thinking that this is for the mega update

    7 days is not the 20th.

    20th is also only confirmed as a sort of reveal date.

  • @closinghare208 If the timer is accurate, this event would start before the mega update contents are even announced, let alone ready for release.

  • My guess is it's a bonus weekend to get to Pirate Legend for all those trying to before the 20th since Joe said there will be rewards for those that reach PL before the anniversary.

    Probably gilded returning?

  • We'll have to wait till either Next week's Weekly Stream or Developer Update Video to find out more, that is if the SoT twitter stays quite about it.

  • @closinghare208 said in Gold and Glory Weekend???:

    @xcalypt0x why

    Because I'm salty and jealous that I'm not one of them and don't have that insider information xD

  • so what you're saying is there will be gold......and glory? hmmm...........

  • Hmmm.... maybe a double gold/rep weekend?

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