Sea of Thieves Coming March 20th 2018 - Pre-Order Now!

Release date announced, pre-orders unleashed and fresh content added to the website!

You’ve been asking, so now we’re tellin’! We’re delighted to announce that we’ve lowered our sails, raised the anchor and now we’re speeding towards launch. March 20th 2018 will mark the fated day on which we will release Sea of Thieves on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC for pirates of all creeds to enjoy.

That’s right, your days of plundering, braving the seas, solving riddles, stealing treasures, battling skeletons, drinking grog, dancing to sea shanties and more are drawing near at last.

To celebrate, we’ve put together this official Sea of Thieves Release Date Announce Trailer which is packed with plenty of piratical fun and a bunch of things we’ve never shown you before. Can you spot them all?

Official Sea of Thieves Release Date Announce Trailer

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For the early birds and those partying on the hype ship, we’ve made Sea of Thieves available for pre-order, which of course comes packed with juicy bonuses. Pre-ordering will grant you access to the Sea of Thieves Closed Beta when it arrives, and you’ll also get your mitts on some exclusive cosmetic items dubbed the Black Dog Pack. Visit our pre-order page and drop some doubloons! Were you an Insider before December 1st? You’ll be invited to our Closed Beta even if you don’t pre-order!

We want to extend a massive treasure-filled thank you to our incredibly enthusiastic and patient community who have been with us on this epic voyage over the course of development. Your feedback has helped us shape Sea of Thieves and your enthusiasm has driven us forward and motivated us.

Want to know more about Sea of Thieves? Have a browse through our game page, it’s new and overflowing with info! Don’t forget to check in with us across our social media channels, where we often share information and excellent GIFs.

See you soon… very soon!