Hi there devote Sailor here with an Idea for additions to the game.
As a sailor myself and also history buff, I've noticed that the ships in Sea of Thieves feel a little bare too me. It is my belief that a nice small addition of some extra rigging and sails could really help some of the ships feel more alive, and allow for some extra immersion for players. below I've included my personal renditions of some basic additions to the mast area of our 3 ships, these are the,
- Mizzen (the sail on the very back which was used for steering),
- sails between the masts (these small sails were used for additional speed),
- Jib (used for also used for speed).
these sails were Quite common among Square Rigged ships of the 17th century.
the idea for these additions would be strictly cosmetic in that you don't pay for these and they don't effect the ships, there merely there to make the ships look more majestic, and maybe you could give them the normal sail effects and sounds when interacting with wind and clainshots.
Many might say this clutters the deck and masts and decreases visibility, and would just be too much. I'm just getting this idea out there.
What do you guys think of this concept? should we see more ship additions. like name plaques, Cabin customization, and an actual Anchor.
Thanks for listening
Your Matey,
CuRe Death :)