It's all starting to look silly!

  • I am of course referring to the once beautiful looking horizon on this game.
    Gone are those days, lazily sailing across the seas marvelling at the wondrous looking horizon in its various stages of day/night and weather. Now all I notice is silly glowing nonsense ruining the atmosphere.
    Skull forts and the fleet clouds and even the FOTD all fitted in visually, in harmony with the amazing surroundings of the game.. But this year. We have had several types of spiralling lights shooting up to the heavens looking very artificial, which was followed by a stupid head that won't stop talking to you as you sail anywhere near it and now we have a massive firestorm tornado up in the sky that also starts chatting to you as you get closer. Whatever next??

    What I wouldn't give for a 2019 patch right now where the game looked visually amazing and not how I find it in its current state.

    Agree or disagree??

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  • @needsmokes said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    I am of course referring to the once beautiful looking horizon on this game.
    Gone are those days lazily sailing across the seas marvelling at the wondrous looking horizon in its various stages of day/night and weather. Now all I notice is silly glowing nonsense ruining the atmosphere.
    Skull forts and the fleets clouds and even the FOTD all fitted in visually, in harmony with the amazing surroundings of the game.. But this year. We have had several types of spiralling lights shooting up to the heavens looking very artificial, which was followed by a stupid head that won't stop talking to you as you sail anywhere near it and now we have a massive firestorm tornado up in the sky that also starts chatting to you as you get closer. Whatever next??

    What I wouldn't give for a 2019 patch right now where the game looked visually amazing and not how I find it in its current state.

    Agree or disagree??

    how about sea of thieves classic like wow classic and yes I agree

  • Disagree. Depends on where you are looking...
    Dont look toward the threat, look away and it be glorious.

  • Hard disagree.

    Flameheart and the light spirals are really the only two that don't look natural. Flameheart is on a rotation of the 4 other more natural looking world events and the spirals are easily ignored.

    The reason i don't include ashen winds with those two is because they don't start talking till someone starts the event, and a fire tornado is actually kind of cool to see off on the horizon especially in the right lighting.

    Even if you do include ashen winds that's still only three of the ten or twelve other weather/horizon visuals.

  • Tornado looks awesome more often than not

    I still stop on a regular basis and enjoy how beautiful this game is at times. Never been a fan of the skulls in the sky or the fleet I'd rather them be marked on the map or something but I personally think the game is still stunning

  • @needsmokes I would like the ability to disable the world event indicators without disable the event themselves. I think just happening upon it might encourage someone usbqhobare sick to death if them to do them now and again.

  • @sailorkek said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    @needsmokes I would the the ability to disable the world event indicators without disable the event themselves. I think just happening upon it might encourage someone usbqhobare sick to death if them to do them now and again.

    Those indicators are rendered client-side IIRC, since the Skull Cloud always faces you regardless of where you are in the world.

    If I'm mistaken, and they're server-side, then you're out of luck.

  • You know, I was at golden sands outpost stocking up and captain flameheart's head was floating nearby and he was just randomly screaming stuff like "All you see is mine to command" then moments later "Your supplies will be dwindling by now"

    It was pretty funny but got me thinking, how annoying and terrifying it would be to be one of those NPCs living at the outpost.

    Some floating head hurling insults like they ate living in the Rick and Morty universe!

    Its quite funny!

    I agree though, I think they should tone them down a bit. What @SailorKek said about turning the visuals off in the menu would actually be a really cool idea.

  • toning down flameheart is sort of a must. I love the event, and i'm actually a fan of the big menacing head in the sky, but he does sort of spew his dialogue unnecessarily frequently

  • @needsmokes agree

  • @daringclarky said:

    Some floating head hurling insults like they ate living in the Rick and Morty universe!

    Its quite funny!

    Yes. Yes it is. Now...


  • Alright, to start off, the tornado does not chat with anyone. These events all look pretty cool honestly. If you want a screenshot of just the scenery look in a different direction.

  • @illbushido305 said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    Alright, to start off, the tornado does not chat with anyone. These events all look pretty cool honestly. If you want a screenshot of just the scenery look in a different direction.

    And no one said it did, they were talking about the Flameheart cloud above his fleet - the previous event before the Ashen Lords.

  • @galactic-geek said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    @daringclarky said:

    Some floating head hurling insults like they ate living in the Rick and Morty universe!

    Its quite funny!

    Yes. Yes it is. Now...


    lol THE WAVES ARE MINE TO COMAND it would also be funny if larrina said something like hey ugly shut your blow hole

  • @needsmokes said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    and now we have a massive firestorm tornado up in the sky that also starts chatting to you as you get closer.

    @dlCHIEF58 he did actually say that.

  • @illbushido305

    Yes, I did say that. It does chat a bit if it's active and you happen to be sailing close by, but it's more the visual spectacle i was getting at.

  • @needsmokes I’m sorry dude, I have never in my 2 year + SoT career heard any event speak to me other than flame heart. The tornado just has a theme that plays when you approach it( sounds very cool too by the way) what chatting are you referring to coming from the tornado?

  • @illbushido305
    Have you never heard an Ashen Lord searching for you if it is active and you sail past calling you a coward and to stop hiding away?

  • @needsmokes usually flame heart is the only one speaking. Ashen Lords only speak after they have been summoned and if you’re right beside them. They otherwise would not speak from far. To be fair I have never heard them use those lines either. Those sound like flame heart lines that are said if you are near the island he has ghost ships haunting.

  • I sail on the daily and have only ever heard Flameheart from afar.

  • @galactic-geek

    Me too. Which is why I said when I sail near it.
    But this is more of a visual complaint rather that sound.

  • @needsmokes I think Flameart looks rather funny at a distance - makes it easier to laugh at him, because we all know he's 1 big joke.

  • @galactic-geek said in It's all starting to look silly!:

    @daringclarky said:

    Some floating head hurling insults like they ate living in the Rick and Morty universe!

    Its quite funny!

    Yes. Yes it is. Now...



    Oh my god..
    Could you imagine if he summoned several ships of pirates to him.

    You gotta park near him and play your own sea shanty from scratch.

    The ships that fail to entertain him burst into flames!

    When private servers drop! Somebody has to make this haha


  • I understand your point of view, but I think these flashy ones are inevitable without resorting to indicators on the map.
    That said, I don't think Rare should add more pop-up events of this type and focus on other things...or at some point go remove any of them.

  • The events are meaningless to me, they are just annoying. the fireworks lighting up a reaper chest can go away, if you find it, great! let it put you on the map, otherwise everyone seems to ignore it, assuming everyone is going to it, so no one goes to it and i see fireworks for 2 hours straight.

    Flameheart, we dont need his head in the sky, if anything they can put a marker on the map or just make it a surprise. having a fleet of ghost ships appear out of no where would be way more engaging and fun to do then avoiding flameheart cuz he constantly spouts off.

    I dont have a problem with the tornado unless im doing a random voyage that takes me there and then i have to deal with some sort of world boss while trying to do my normal thing with the island.

    Havent done any of the skull forts yet because of the same thing as the reaper chest, except that the skull forts give a bigger payout i guess? since people actually go and do it, i just wish they would do more then one skull fort at a time.

    Not constantly attract everyone on the map to one area for a half PVP half PVE event, give me full PVP events and give me some really hard PVE events that require cooperation, like forced and agreed to co-op, not this flimsy stuff since i wont trust anyone and will just PVP them to death and do the event on my own lol.

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