Rare made a beautiful game...

  • ...and 80% of its paying customers will only get to see maybe 10% of its lovingly crafted content, all because of Rare's inability or refusal to combat the toxic pvp problem. I get that pvp is an aspect that makes the entire experience for some players and there is nothing wrong with that, just as there is nothing wrong with pvp in general, is that not what the arena mode was specifically made for? What there IS a problem with however is people who attack players who don't want to pvp. This beautiful game has some great tall tales and can tell some wonderful stories, but you know how many of those tall tales I have completed as a pirate legend myself? Two, and that's already more than most players will ever see. If there was a system where people had to opt in, such as only letting people flying reaper flags engage with each other in pvp or making separate servers for pvp and pve, this game would be fixed. There might be a few jerks who suck at pvp and only play to pick on the maiden voyagers they can find because it brings them some kind of sick satisfaction to their sad, pathetic lives who will quit if that happens because they no longer have easy targets, but those people honestly deserve no pity or thought. Rare, your policy of "tools not rules" is complete bs and is an exclusionary, lazy, and downright shameful policy that is making your game something that very few people will get to experience and enjoy the way the crafters of the experiences intended. Instead its a family-friendly murder fest where the chat filter bleeps the name of a beloved disney movie for some reason, but its filled with toxic jerks who attack poor inexperienced players and drive them away from the game while screaming obscenities at them over voice. And yes, if you attack someone not flying a reapers flag with no provocation, that makes you a toxic player, a jerk, and a real life horrible person. You are actively ruining another real persons entire day potentially, and it's not just good fun, it's not "gg man" it's a truly horrible thing you're doing and you should feel bad. I say should although I know most probably don't because sociopaths typically don't feel bad about the horrible things they do. Also before everyone goes saying "duurrrrrr it's sea of thieves not sea of friends kekekeke" Try and imagine for a moment if there were some reasonable restrictions on pvp, imagine what kind of communities could spring up right inside the game spontaneously, you could actually dock next to other ships at outposts and join them in the tavern for a grog and a shanty without having to look over your back every 2 seconds, alliances would be able to be formed more easily, and heck it would probably even improve the quality of the pvp itself! As it is now almost every pvp encounter is one on one, every ship for themselves, because nobody is able to trust each other for even a second, not even people in their own alliances. With some reasonable restrictions on pvp, people could set up alliances more easily to do larger-scale battles, with fleets of ships on both sides fighting it out, the pvp combat could be grander and more exciting with more going on. Instead of this pathetic excuse for actual gameplay that is one tryhard pvper with hundreds of hours practicing the easiest way to sink maiden voyagers. As it is now it's just boring and frustrating for every honest player and the only people who like things the way they stand are toxic jerks who completely ruin your beautifully crafted experience for everyone but themselves, so why are you catering to them? Reasonable restrictions on pvp would improve the quality of the pvp and pve experience both, and would probably even cause the game to become more interesting to watch on twitch also, I mean heck right now Sea of Thieves is less popular on twitch than RAFT, both games you spend time cruising around the sea but somehow the one where you literally just play on a freaking raft is beating your pirate game Rare, how does that make you feel, to be beaten by RAFT. Fix the pvp, stop burying your heads in the sand, and stop worrying about what the toxic pvpers think, they're not important, your players who are actually decent humans are who you should care about.

  • 38
  • The reality is that players that don't get to see all the game has to offer quit too easily and have an entitled mentality in a game that requires effort and dedication. Adventure and tales of gold and glory are not given they are earned. The game just provides you blank pages and opportunity YOU have to put in the time to fill the captain's log

    Quit or put in the time and effort while altering your mindset to not be dependent on never failing or losing that is up to you but the unique game that we signed up for and enjoy shouldn't be changed with a cookie cutter and topped with sugar coating just because you lost in battle. We all lose in battle sometimes. Good. It makes victory taste sweet

  • Such a misleading title for a wall of text that's just another rant against Rare and thier core concept for SoT.

    OP has a lot of assumptions about how players should play, yet cant abide the open violence that is possible.

    At it's core, SoT is about player interactions WITH YOUR FRIENDS.
    Not Rares fault every pirate is not a lively personality looking to party and have fun.

    Also not thier fault players join a multiplayer only game, to only play solo.

  • @fayere426237

    There is a lot of truth in your statement but ...have you followed Sea of Thieves from the start? And i don't mean playing from the releasedate .

    In the very beginning there was a man called Mr Chapman ,who ,with full passion made very clear , even for foreigners like me who sometime struggle with English , how this game was intentionally be played . It was pretty simple , you buy a map , in order to get that skulls or treasure and made sails , what followed ,and was intented , was an adventure ,that could never be repeated because the game was full with things that would come to you unexpected or ..not...

    People players even added to this adventure , in the beginning , people weren't as toxic as they are today , i have made some 200 Friends with Sea of Thieves as most people just played in those days ...Yes , they attacked us , yes ,they sunk us , but mostly without uttering vile words...
    And sometimes ,we made an Alliance that finished untill one of the crews stopped playing, sharing stuff or even seeking eachother for protection...And , yes ,sometimes an Alliance got betrayed , yep after all , it's a Pirate game and Pirates only behaved if they had common goals...

    i will tell you how we , and luckely still so many others play, we sail and don't attack unless attacked upon, i sometimes taunt but in a way with stereotypical dialects ,comming from movie stereotypes that my crew and the "enemy" start laughing , in other words , we , the players can decide sometimes the outcome of a battle ...But ... You are right , there has changed something because i too see an increase in anger , from the very start when you meet a crew , you get vile words ,if they speak or tactics like boarding and spawncamping till you just have to scuttle because the unsportmanshipness doesn't allow another to have a second chance...

    i think that this is also a consequence of certain " popular" streamers who humiliate every other pirate , and even Developer of this game ...Sadly , they are very happy if they get invited in the weekly Rare Stream , a hypocrisy i never understood...

    In short ,before i truly sail away with too many words ... i don't disagree that there are much toxic players in SOT , but ... i can name you a dozen other games that also have this problem and where the Developer team , ranging from 200 to 500 and even more are used to work on this or other games . They simply don't have the time nor the man/woman power to be moderators over some ten maybe more thousend of servers where there game is played upon...

    Any muliplayer game can be broken because of badly behaving people , and that is very easy , but ...it is also very easy to just play as it was intented ...

    How many stories have been told here by Pirates , who did a Tall Tale ,and came toe to toe with a Pirate ...Hundred stories will tell they got shot but many tenfolds will tell that the other Pirate asked if he or she could help with the Tale , back in the day...

    You see , every gamer has the ability to "break or make" the game.

    And to come back to Mr Chapman , who in my eyes still is a genius , i think he didn't import rules in this game in the hope that players would develop symphaty towards others .. Any player who has done one or more Tall Tales has been kidnapped into a Great Adventure packed with a great story , accompanied with Music that is composed full with Passion and love for the game and it's Lore ...

    Any well being Pirate can't simply destroy that for others because they hope that the Tall Talers have the same or even more intense sensation like they once had...

    i don't board Pirates much but sometimes i do sneak aboard just to see what kind of mission they are doing , just out curiosity , and a Tall Taler ship is left untouched without even a spiltsecond of doubt because the game has grown so much towards us , accompanied with Mr Chapman's vision , that we just let them experience the Joy and Awe of a Tall Tale...

    i, but i maybe speak entirely for myself , don't need a punishing Moderator system in this game because i keep word to an Alliance , attack only if attacked upon and consider Tall Talers to be persons who just want to enjoy their Tale in peace , okay i sometimes search them in order to ask if they need help but a simple no, told or written , is enough to set sail without fighting or sinking them...

    We aren't all toxic , because we have grown with this game and understood a philosophy that ,sadly , isn't repeated much anymore...

  • @fayere426237 So if I am playing a game that is, and has been stated numerous times by devs, been built to have an active PvP threat from any player at all times and I decide I want your loot by being one of those active PvP threats, then I am toxic and a horrible human being. I guess I'm a bottom feeder then. You want a game that is built to have PvP threats to not have any so you can sail and do anything you want. The active threat is what makes the game what it is. It would be boring otherwise. As a side note Arena is not made to fulfill the PvP aspect of the game. It is a completely different game mode.

    I do not attack every ship I see. If I realize it is a new sailor, I will help them or even give them my loot. Had a new guy roll up around the corner not long ago, sunk him immediately because he approach me and my crew as a percieved threat. He messaged and said he was just curious and never seen a galleon. We invited him to the party, aligned with him, gave him his loot back and ours, taught him how to approach a ship correctly and sailed for many hours with him and gave him everything we got. He had a blast. So yes, I believe that you should help new sailors because that is going to help the game live longer. Running off every new player is not good for the longevity of the game at all. Yet everyone that sets sail, new, veteran or anywhere in between, should have in mind that they could loose everything they get. There are actual players out there that do name and shame and should be reported and banned. I rarely run into people like that though. Toxic is a word being used way to loosely these days simply because someone isn't getting their way. This a beautiful game and one of the best games I have ever played and I started playing games during the Atari age. With that said, any other pirate in these forums or on the seas in general that catches me off guard or wants to fight simply because that is the way they want to choose to play, then if they can sink me and kill me the loot is theirs. Not because their toxic but because that is the way the game is made.

  • There is no such thing as toxic pvp.
    There is just pvp.

    Toxic behaviour is when they hurl insults and become offensive.

    If you are allowing yourself to be attacked and then the problem is with you, not the game or other players.

    Many of us especially solo slooper a enjoy a relative peaceful and relaxed game because we observe our surroundings and don't resort to noob tactics such as leaving your ship for long periods of time, hoarding loot and generally making yourself an easy target.

    This game would die quickly without pvp and rare know it.

  • @clumsy-george I agree it's great that there are a lot of players who actually have the human decency to realize when they shouldn't pick on some defenseless player, and I again want to clarify that I don't think pvp is a bad thing and I don't think it should be removed from the game completely, I usually mind my own business, but sometimes it is fun to throw up a reaper flag and go hunting down reapers chests while preparing to defend myself against any enemy players. Skeletons can get kind of boring after a while on their own and having a real person to try and outmaneuver and outgun is fun every once in a while, but only if I know that the other person has made the decision to take that risk upon themselves intentionally. I don't even understand why the more reasonable players like yourself sometimes disagree with the need for a way to opt out of pvp, what could it possibly do to hurt their experience? There are TONS of people itching to fight other players and so for ppl who enjoy pvp it will still be there, but by making it something that has to be consented to they will be fighting against overall better players, their fights will be more challenging and satisfying, the only thing they lose is the ability to ruin peaceful players days with zero effort or skill which as I said before is something only sociopaths would be disappointed by anyways. I have been playing sot off and on since beta, at first I would take long breaks from the game mostly just because there wasn't really a whole lot to do in the beginning, but I have come back to it several times and each time my reasons for why I stop playing for a while are less because of lack of things to do, Rare has done a commendable job of adding some great content, and has become more because of the increase in toxic players. I highly doubt that Rare's original "vision" for sot as so many toxic players like to refer to, was a game filled with nothing but a bunch of jerks killing each other in quick, boring, unevenly matched fights over scraps of loot, because that's what it's become. And again I think the setting that it's currently taking place in is nothing short of incredible and awe inspiring, I desperately want to be able to suggest this game to my friends and other players I meet in other mmos for its immersive and beautiful atmosphere, emotionally moving music, thrilling adventures, and its overall potential for player crafted experiences, but I cannot and do not EVER suggest this game to anyone because despite all its positive aspects, the pvp completely ruins that for most people and it just becomes a waste of their hard earned 40 dollars. The "get gud or quit" attitude is pathetic, childish, and is just a thinly veiled excuse used by cowards who can only sink people who aren't able to defend themselves properly and somehow still find it entertaining because their joy only comes from the misery of others, which is just sad and gross.

  • The game was always advertised as a multiplayer PVEVP shared world an nothing else, deal with it. Getting attacked and sunk is part of the game, nothing toxic there.

  • @fayere426237 you lurked for 3 years and this is the first post you make? I expect this from a 1st day/week player but you should have known better. This game is about PvPvE. Not PvE or PvP. Arena is not pvp mode, it is a condensed gameplay mode, intended to give you all the rush and fun of adventure crammed into a 15 min match.

    There should never be a way to turn off pvp, the uncertainty of how it will go down is part of the fun.

    If you have played off and on for 3 years you should understand this.

    let me lay some info out for you
    What isn't toxic:
    sinking you
    attacking you
    spawn camping you
    stealing all your loot/supplies
    sinking you at the outpost
    chasing you to try and sink you

    what is toxic
    using voice/text chat to be insulting.

    See the difference? one is a much shorter list.

  • @captain-coel no, the difference is that out of all those things the using voice/text chat to be insulting is the one that bothers me and most people the least. I couldn't care less what you say to me or how you say it. I'm an army vet with a filthy mouth and no amount of "naughty words" is going to do anything to even dampen my experience a tiny bit. What DOES ruin my experience is when I put time and effort into the game only to have all the work undone in seconds by some toxic trash. You are part of the problem if you think insults are more toxic than ruining entire play sessions for other people, YOU are the toxic element in this game, and YOU are why the only decent people playing this game are masochists like me willing to put in the hundreds of hours it takes to develop the skills to be able to effectively avoid pvp completely when we want to.

  • @fayere426237 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @clumsy-george I agree it's great that there are a lot of players who actually have the human decency to realize when they shouldn't pick on some defenseless player

    Human decency is to not ridicule, harass, or dehumanize other humans. Human decency does not require passive gameplay in a multiplayer game revolving around the pirate experience

    This is why words and accusations lose the value they should always hold because people loosely throw them around to benefit themselves.

    People can play as a pirate however they wish as long as they don't cheat and as long as they don't mistreat the people behind the pirate.

    You are not a victim in this game you are a pirate that lost a fight. Had you won those fights you wouldn't be here making a case against pvp.

  • @fayere426237 just a quick note. Anyone that puts up any factions emissary flag has opted into pvp. Reapers are incentivized to attack and steal any emissary flags, even grade 1. So remember that at least.

    Beyond that, treat others the way you would like to be treated. You seem to disrespect individuals who take loot from others. But why would they respect you? Not everyone is a good person but if you act respectfully and in response they act like jerks. Then they are jerks.

    Finally, reapers are on the map 100% of the time so use the map to avoid them, and remember, as soon as you raise a flag you are the target

    Edit: @DaringClarky the only toxic pvp is suiciding 8+ times and continuing to sail back in an attempt to fight without any actual tactics or skill. Once the treasure is sold and done, there is no gain for them to do so. It's not that it's hard to repel them, but it gets tiring to fight the same people every 10 minutes.

  • @captain-fob4141 The emissary system is new to me this most recent time I picked the game back up and although I'm still thinking it through I think I can concede that flying an emissary flag should be considered a form of opting into pvp, I don't fly them when i'm not looking for a fight and when I do fly them I don't get mad if I get sunk because I understand I'm the one who decided to take that risk in the first place. I have said it multiple times now but i'll say it again because it seems like people just aren't listening when I say I don't think this game should be without pvp, and I don't think pvp is inherently a bad thing. But I think there should be a way for people to enjoy this game that they paid good money for even if they don't have the time or ability to become skilled enough to be able to defend or evade player attacks. Right now the laissez-faire attitude towards the regulation of pvp that allows underskilled players to have the game rendered practically unplayable for them only excludes people from enjoying the games incredible potential, makes the quality of pvp worse than it could be for the people that do enjoy it, and fosters an environment of distrust and contempt between players. I have yet to hear a SINGLE good reason why having an OPTIONAL method of playing this game where you can sail the seas in peace would make the experience worse for people who do enjoy pvp. If anyone could even give me one I would consider it but so far all i've heard is excuses from people who don't want to lose their easy targets to fulfill their immoral desires.

  • @fayere426237

    These posts scare the living heck out of me. I'm absolutely terrified that Rare will submit and cater to you non pvp'ers.

    It's the core concept of the game that pirates might come and fight you for your stuff. The Sea of Thieves is dangerous!

    The treasure in this game has some value right now because you can buy cosmetics with it. If you are allowed to farm treasure without the threat of PvP the treasures value would go down into nothing. Granted, the value of the treasure now is probably in "less then a penny" range, but I'm more than happy with playing with penny's in a video game.

    To any one who will listen: Please don't break Sea of Thieves.

  • @fayere426237 hey man 2 things

    1. my personal reason for maintaining the status quo is that learning the tools needed for evasion and having to watch the horizon become trademark characteristics of the game. A game without challenge is not going to be as rewarding as one with a challenge. As such my proposal to you would be what of instead of a opt put mode, there was a new faction that sent you temporarily to an area without other pirates in it. I'm this area you would have to sink a ghost ship (think ghost ship with skeleton ship AI). Then follow the crew onto an island to kill them and get treasure. Some of the treasure would be gold and instantly rewarding while the rest would have to be sold when you return to the seas. This multistaged battle would allow newer players to get a taste of all of the aspects of fighting and sailing such that they could get some skill without the higher risk of pvp without taking them out of the instance all together.

    *Also when you make a pve mode, you have to either make it so that you are the only one on the server or you make it so that other players can grief you in a much truer sense of the word. Ie. another crew goes on your ship and anchor blocks you. Another crew grabs your treasure and sits there holding it so you cant sell.

    1. on a more personal note, it may not be the best idea to state you are an army vet with no purpose. As far as your point or argument goes it did not lend any validity to what you were saying but does make others look at you and other vets in a certain light that may not be the best idea. When you reply to this, I will edit it out, but I ask that you edit your comment as well to get rid of that statement. (Not that you shouldnt be proud of being army. )
  • @captain-fob4141 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    Edit: @DaringClarky the only toxic pvp is suiciding 8+ times and continuing to sail back in an attempt to fight without any actual tactics or skill. Once the treasure is sold and done, there is no gain for them to do so. It's not that it's hard to repel them, but it gets tiring to fight the same people every 10 minutes.

    Sometimes I think that you should server merge into a different server after you sink. It doesn't seem right to have your entire session slowed down to a crawl by a crew who you can repeatedly best. Especially if we can't just switch servers because we will lose progress on our emissary flag.

  • @tenriak I agree with this sentiment, maybe the 3rd time you sink you get sent to a new server so people have a chance to legitimately fight for their treasure but cant do so ad nauseam.

  • @tenriak said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @captain-fob4141 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    Edit: @DaringClarky the only toxic pvp is suiciding 8+ times and continuing to sail back in an attempt to fight without any actual tactics or skill. Once the treasure is sold and done, there is no gain for them to do so. It's not that it's hard to repel them, but it gets tiring to fight the same people every 10 minutes.

    Sometimes I think that you should server merge into a different server after you sink. It doesn't seem right to have your entire session slowed down to a crawl by a crew who you can repeatedly best. Especially if we can't just switch servers because we will lose progress on our emissary flag.

    Where skill is lacking persistence will reign supreme

    The fight ends when the spirit breaks

    The fight for gold and glory doesn't end simply because a vessel has felt the cold despair of the seabed.

  • @wolfmanbush I would say that the fight ended when all their treasure was sold and after 3 hours we hopped off to go for bed without being sunk a single time.

    At that point, there is no glory or honor in their actions. Just fanatical devotion. They earned nothing, won no battles, and sent many messages saying we were trash for stealing their emissary flag.

  • @fayere426237 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @captain-coel no, the difference is that out of all those things the using voice/text chat to be insulting is the one that bothers me and most people the least. I couldn't care less what you say to me or how you say it. I'm an army vet with a filthy mouth and no amount of "naughty words" is going to do anything to even dampen my experience a tiny bit. What DOES ruin my experience is when I put time and effort into the game only to have all the work undone in seconds by some toxic trash. You are part of the problem if you think insults are more toxic than ruining entire play sessions for other people, YOU are the toxic element in this game, and YOU are why the only decent people playing this game are masochists like me willing to put in the hundreds of hours it takes to develop the skills to be able to effectively avoid pvp completely when we want to.

    You seem confused. I am playing the game as intended, you are not. I am playing the entire game, you do not want to. Calling me toxic for playing the game as the developers meant it to be is you being the problem.

    The issue with wanting a PvE only server is that the devs don't want to. It really is that simple, this question has been asked and answered. They said no. They will be bringing out private servers with 0 progression. You can sail to your hearts content but you will earn 0 gold and 0 rep and 0 commendations.

    You really ought to look at the type of game you are playing. But I've said it before. Some people are pirates, some people are content. Thanks for being content.

    See you on the Seas.

  • @captain-fob4141 glory and honor are worthless ideals only fools strive for, if one players entire peaceful morning is taken by you and they decide to give you the rest of their day by suiciding into you to cause you as much grief as they can because they decide it would be more fun to try and get better at pvp by practicing on the people who sunk them first than to go out grind pve again only have more of their time wasted by another group of miscreants, does that not fit the anything goes, pirate attitude that pvpers hold as their main reason for why their actions aren't reprehensible? I say if you're going to attack someone unprovoked you should be prepared to weather any kind of retaliation they decide to bring upon you in whatever form that takes, even if it's just repeated suicide runs. Seems to be pretty piratey if you ask me so I don't see the issue.

  • @fayere426237 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @captain-fob4141 glory and honor are worthless ideals only fools strive for

    alt text

  • @fayere426237 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @captain-fob4141 glory and honor are worthless ideals only fools strive for,

    Glory and honor are the only ideals worth striving for. Those who dont are the very people you want to sepparate yourself from.

    if one players entire peaceful morning is taken by you and they decide to give you the rest of their day by suiciding into you to cause you as much grief as they can because they decide it would be more fun to try and get better at pvp by practicing on the people who sunk them first than to go out grind pve again only have more of their time wasted by another group of miscreants,

    If they didn't have an emissary flag up then it would be fine. But frankly SUICIDE specifically is a deplorable tactic. If they were actually attempting to fight in ship to ship combat or boarding parts it would be another thing. But they literally sailed straight at our broadside. That, is griefing.

    does that not fit the anything goes, pirate attitude that pvpers hold as their main reason for why their actions aren't reprehensible? I say if you're going to attack someone unprovoked you should be prepared to weather any kind of retaliation they decide to bring upon you in whatever form that takes, even if it's just repeated suicide runs. Seems to be pretty piratey if you ask me so I don't see the issue.

    One may call that griefing, which is a thing. Any repeated harrassment or play without any plans to ensure the survival of your ship is not pvp its petty.

    Btw, without honor you get those who attack unprovoked and you get those who suicide run. The fact you condone one behavior and not the other shows that you dont actually care about improving the game you just want them to tailor it to you.

    Edit: Rules of Engagement are important to honorable play.

    1. are you a reaper?
      1a) are they an emissary?
      1b) did they engage first?
    2. are they a reaper?
      2a) have you engaged them less. .
      than 3 times?
      2a) have they stolen your flag?
      2b) do they still have your loot on
    3. are you or them at a world encounter?

    If yes to any then kill, if no then let them be.

  • @captain-fob4141 what exactly is deplorable about suiciding? You're just whining because you wanna be able to pvp with anyone at anytime but can't handle the pressure when you pick on someone with more persistence than most of the poor sailors who give up after being sunk once. It's YOU who wants the game tailored to you, you wanna pvp when the odds are stacked ridiculously in your own favor but suddenly can't handle it anymore when they decide to play the game YOU started with them in the first place. That attitude is just cowardly and pathetic if you start trouble you had best be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions. Also not that it matters but asking to be protected from weaker players with more determination is neither glorious or honorable so, so much for that I guess.

    Edit also I realize how being ok with suiciding and not unprovoked attacks may seem to be conflicting views, but just know that I would agree with the suiciding being uncalled for ONLY IF it weren't literally the only recourse some players have due to there being no way for them to play peacefully. If there were pve servers and people were doing that kind of thing then I would see it differently, I would just suggest to them that they go play on a pve server if they don't want to deal with pvp but as it stands if the whole world is gonna be all pvp all the time no tactic outside of actual cheats should be barred from the game. Its your own fault if you bite off more than you can chew.

  • @wolfmanbush some people don't want to battle at all. And before people start, I pvp with my crew all the time and are the aggressors in almost all encounters. I know it's the way Rare designed the game. But I can understand some people would love the ability to sail without pvp threats. I get their point of view.

  • @captain-fob4141 let me fix that for you...

    rules of engagement:
    Is it another boat/crew?

    if yes attacking is fine

  • @fayere426237 for context, I did not run from them once nor did I spawn kill at any point. Their actions were not under the pretext of pvp to the point where we were able to fight and sink 3 other crews while continuing to fight them. If at any point they actually tried to stay afloat then I'd have no issues with their actions but they were just griefing. The difference, their intent clearly wasnt to steal our loot or perhaps even sink us, they just wanted to harass us.

    That said, you being ok with actual griefing is indicative cognitive dissonance. I recommend you reevaluate your argument and see that you are saying that people are acting reprehensible and without honor and yet you say that honor and glory are foolish ideals.

    Edit: In response to yours, you are encouraging play based solely on revenge instead of grace in defeat.

  • @captain-fob4141 "you are encouraging play based solely on revenge instead of grace in defeat" and??? like I said in a game where players have no methods of opting out of pvp revenge is a perfectly acceptable motivation, and who cares about "grace in defeat" you have such reverence for all these stupid lofty ideals of "grace" and "honor" and "glory" which are nothing more than tools used by the powerful to try and manipulate those beneath them and [Mod edit]

  • @FayeRe426237 Ahoy matey!

    I can see you are very passionate about this subject but please remember to treat your fellow members of the community with the respect you too would like to be treated with.

    As such, I have removed the remark you made in the post above.

    As you were....

  • @fayere426237 sounds like you're fine with those who relentlessly hunt other pirates under the guise of any excuse they can think of.

    When you come up with an argument for why we need a pve game mode that you arent willing to contradict, then come back.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @fayere426237 sounds like you're fine with those who relentlessly hunt other pirates under the guise of any excuse they can think of.

    why would anyone need an excuse to sink and kill people in this game?

  • @jollyolsteamed they dont. I'm pointing out the original poster's hypocrisy

  • Arena was not made to provide a PvP Mode, it was made to provide a "Condensed Competitive Mode" to the game. There is no real Competition with other players in Adventure, you don't win or lose a match. You do in Arena. Things in Adventure generally take a bit of time to do, in Arena everything is in a condensed space and on a timer. Granted, when they announced Arena this is exactly what I said players would start doing to try and push more Modes that split the player population into different pools more and more, and here we are. Arena also does not encourage PvP players to stay away from Adventure, it provides them one Faction associated to the Mode in the Sea Dogs while reaching Pirate Legend (which you must be for some rewards in Arena) needs Rank 50 in 3 Factions. They absolutely have to play Adventure Mode if they want to compete for the top stuff.

    How would a PvE Mode negatively impact the feeling of Adventure Mode? Well, it would make it more aggressive than it is now as the more peaceful portion of the population simply remove themselves from the pool of possible players. This means servers become all the more predictable, rather than being something where you never know what this session might play like. Sometimes I'm on wildly quiet servers, Ships sailing close by with no conflict, other times any Ship I see is gunning for me immediately and it is very combative, and still other times I find it to be a healthy mix where some Ships are more passive and others more aggressive. It would also fly in the face of what they have done with past Modes of you were somehow able to just get to Pirate Legend and experience everything in the safety of a PvE server.

    At best, if you actually want some kind of compromise, at most a PvE server could feature a single Faction that is only featured in this particular Mode. It should have a different currency associated to it, much like Arena works on Silver, so that it isn't getting you currency to use in the Adventure Mode. It has to be isolated, and that isolation has to prevent you from having the full experience of the game. Because it wouldn't be the full experience. Yet, every time I see these threads I never see this concession, it is always "let me have this game without the threat of anyone else" which seems odd for a game marketed to have PvP in it.

    We also have to accept that this game has been out for coming up on 3 years. Not having a PvE exclusive Mode has not killed the game in this time frame, in fact it has only managed to gain more players by opening up to more platforms. So allusions to how badly this is needed are wildly overblown exaggerations that are disingenuous at best to the success of this game at being something a little different than so much else out on the market.

    There are many things a player can do to mitigate the threat of other players on the Seas. Getting oneself into a position where they feel they have wasted hours of their time is something on the player. Same can happen in other games (played for 3 hours, didn't save [see Sell Loot in SoT] once in that time and manged to die). You should sell more often, then if you suffer a loss it isn't so catastrophic. Having trouble with Tall Tales, they now feature a checkpoint system so you can potentially resume easily only a few steps back from where you lost. Voyages for Factions are not required, don't finish one it really doesn't matter. Gameplay is session based, need to hop servers cause there is someone on the one you first loaded to who is more aggressive than you can handle this session - no big deal. Getting spawn camped by people who seem to enjoy that, Scuttle the Ship and respawn somewhere away from them. People being vile on Chat, you can Record/Report and then Mute Other Crews so you don't have to endure it (and now you've made those other pirates glorified AI that has really weird patterns compared to other AI in the game, consider them the hard AI at this point).

    I'm sorry you (or others) have had some bad experiences with the game and the gameplay loop it relies upon. I'm sorry you (or others) have had people treat them poorly during their gameplay. Thankfully Sea of Thieves is loaded with tools to address these kinds of problems that can come up in online games.

    I wish you all the best in your future Voyages, and good luck on those dangerous Seas.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @jollyolsteamed they dont. I'm pointing out the original poster's hypocrisy


  • @fayere426237 said in Rare made a beautiful game...:

    @captain-coel no, the difference is that out of all those things the using voice/text chat to be insulting is the one that bothers me and most people the least. I couldn't care less what you say to me or how you say it. I'm an army vet with a filthy mouth and no amount of "naughty words" is going to do anything to even dampen my experience a tiny bit. What DOES ruin my experience is when I put time and effort into the game only to have all the work undone in seconds by some toxic trash. You are part of the problem if you think insults are more toxic than ruining entire play sessions for other people, YOU are the toxic element in this game, and YOU are why the only decent people playing this game are masochists like me willing to put in the hundreds of hours it takes to develop the skills to be able to effectively avoid pvp completely when we want to.

    Have you ever head of single player games? you should seriously try one out sometime...

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