
  • So I haven't played in a couple years until recently and I noticed a few things since my return. I noticed somewhere along the way you guys released a promotional photo of the mercenary set with a "Gold Scorpion" eye patch instead of the original "Red X"; my question is how can something like that be teased a year or two ago and not be implemented into the game yet? From what I can tell it disappointed a lot of players based on forum comments regarding this.

    Also, regarding the Mercenary Set all promotional pictures show a gold diamond/stud on the boots, but in game it is a grey/silver color not matching the set at all. Can this be changed? Along with the release of the teased eye patch?

    Additionally, there are a lot of pictures that refer to in game content cosmetics but most don't even exist. Those should really be added as well. A lot of the fan base is about the cosmetics as well as the content. Attached are a couple examples; one vest in particular and another with what appears to be a "Lord Guardian" tattoo. The Lord Guardian sails from the RPG are one of the best sails in the game and a tattoo with the same logo would be amazing. But there others including clothing, sails, and tattoos.

    Other weapons were also found in the original datamine of the game. Such as as rapier, boarding axe, heavy sword, and second type of pistol (NPC with rapier attached) Implementing additional weapons would unbelievably spice up any/all PVP as well. Why promote artwork if it is not in the game? I know these types of issues are the least of your concern but your game is amazing but a lot of people including myself are very meticulous and catch on to missed details very easily. I know a lot of players would be happy if things like this were addressed.

    Teased Eyepatch vs. Released Eyepatch

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    In game "Mercenary Boots" appearance....they look silver to me...

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    The gold stud to match the gloves that it's supposed to be....

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  • 1.4k
  • @voshell Additionally, I read that a lot of people were upset about the changes to the "Shores of Gold Curse." It seems that it originally had more variety and was then changed to be the same for everyone. This also seems to have upset a lot of the fan base. I can understand the disappointment due to what is needed to obtain it. This appears to be a very easy fix. There is the "Sailor Tattoo Set I - XVI" and I don't see why you couldn't just add "Shores of Gold Curse I - VII" to the vanity chest which would equal each variation of the Gold Hoarders NPC's. This would somewhat restore the initial uniqueness to the effort put into unlocking it. That way no one would look exactly the same.

  • Devs, this whole forum is directed at you in hopes you will do more than just consider these fixes/updates. Looking at one of your art books; you had so many original concepts that you should not overlook. Some have made it into the game but weirdly most are still absent. I see concepts of other additional weapons such as what appears to be a hammer, an anchor (both seen at 00:31 of the linked video), and even muskets! (shown below)

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    There are a ton of additional tattoo concepts/symbols; such as face tattoos, mermaid tattoos, some sort of kraken/serpent sleeve tattoo, among many others.

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    Sails have many designs that can implemented as well. At least half the sails/figureheads made it into the game shown so why not all?

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    You would literally be taking pages from your book. For anyone who watches the video I recommend viewing it a half speed. They had some spectacular original ideas. Hopefully this triggers something in the Devs so they re-acknowledge some of the great ideas that they appear to have forgotten about. Check out the link below!

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  • Dude, I checked out all the stuff you posted and checked into it. I have to say it is some pretty sweet stuff you showed. I agree that they should do something about it. The pictures of the pirates have clear rapiers in their hands. New weapons would blow my mind!

  • @verbalhat260014
    Yeah, all the original weapons in their concepts should have never been left out nor the ones that were found in the data-mine of the game....

  • The gold curse should have gotten the same treatment as when Rare wanted to lower the arena weapon victories down from 240...they went back on a decision they made why not correct this change? Rare could easily fix and or add all the things listed above except for maybe the new weapons. That would probably take a much larger patch like when the Devils Roar islands were added. But, the small things like all the sails, tattoos, figureheads, and clothing...they create that stuff all the time out of thin air. Same with the mercenary eyepatch with the scorpion tail and the discolored boots...which seems like it could be done with a quick hotfix or something.

  • @Voshell ur aware what scrapped content is right?

  • But yes some is of that stuff added would be pretty cool, especially the greymarrow sword in one of the photos.

  • @doomscorp
    Of course I am aware but I have never seen anything about them admitting it is has been scrapped and will never be used though. If it was scrapped it was a bad decision on their part. But, it doesn't hurt to try and bring it up and possibly stir up some forgotten ideas.

  • @voshell
    I can see the gold curse being viewed the same way as the Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss as Miffed pointed out as some people got awesome original roles. It would be easy to add as Voshells idea of the I - VII would work. They already have the models in game; doesn't seem like it would take to much effort.

  • @doomscorp
    Agreed at the graymarrow sword model.

  • I couldn't see the images, so I had to use the quoting feature to see the links, and then copy/paste them into the browser to finally see the images. Annoying that! Fix your forums, Rare!

    As for adding the unused cosmetics, I am in complete agreement. There's no reason why I don't believe Rare can even add in more pieces per set - for example calling that unused Mercenary eyepatch Mercenary Eyepatch II just like they do with all of the tattoos. I'm still miffed that they opted out of that opportunity with the Gold curse.

    As for additional weapons, I don't think we really need them all that much, particularly where the sword is concerned. We already have variations on the sword to such a degree that we essentially already have cutlasses, foils, sabers, etc. Add in the extra cosmetics like with Greymarrow's sword, yes, but unless it's a wholly different type of weapon, like a dagger for example, new weapons aren't really needed here.

  • Yeah, pretty much what the others said - it's quite normal for some of the concepts to get scrapped during any development process.

    BUT YES - new stuff please !

  • @galactic-geek
    True about the variations of the sword but from I remember when the game first came out the rapier was supposed to faster attacking with less damage and the greatsword was supposed to be slower with more damage per swing along with the boarding axes which I assume would cause melee damage to ships. There was also supposed to be a second type of pistol. See link below. There was a few articles on it before the game was even released.

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  • @voshell
    It would just add some more strategy to the PvP having to adjust to different play styles; which always gets my mind racing.

  • Even down to the nationality/oriental type clothing and hair/beard styles they have in the art-book is outrageously cool. I also saw tons of NPC looking characters smoking pipes which they definitely need to add!!

  • I haven't been playing too long but infusing new weapons would definitely be a smart move for pvp long term. That SoT artbook is amazing. I didn't even know that existed! They wouldn't even have to think of new ideas for cosmetics for awhile if they just used some of the ones shown. People clearly have interest!

  • I was informed that "There are several forums that the development and design teams are interested in and always monitor. It would be very helpful if you would be able to add it here so that they can be considered." so hopefully sometime soon, someone from one of those teams replies and does something about it.

  • @MiffedNote201 Pipes would be pretty fun especially if they had different smoke tricks lol

    I love seeing it when ideas and creativity flood the forum!!!

  • The character in the top left corner from the picture above has a sweet shirt with the cards banded to the sleeve lol

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  • Agreed on the above shirt. I would sport it in game for sure! A couple other cosmetics they need to add is both mysterious stranger outfits.

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  • @voshell
    Oh and maybe a new curse that gives us the glowing eyes that the mysterious strangers have! I really dig the eye patch from the female version and the male gloves.

  • All those stranger outfits would be awesome for sure. That glowing eyes curse is an amazing idea and I am positive that it would be used among quite a few pirates in the community

  • There is also the matter of adding the gold hoarder eye patch, Duke's/Stitcher Jim's face bandages, Stitcher Jim's arm chains, I could go on and on. The NPC's have more variety to their outfits than we have. I would love to have all those little details incorporated.

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  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    There is also the matter of adding the gold hoarder eye patch, Duke's/Stitcher Jim's face bandages, Stitcher Jim's arm chains, I could go on and on. The NPC's have more variety to their outfits than we have. I would love to have all those little details incorporated.

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    I have been harping on Rare about this for months.

  • @galactic-geek Like I have said previously, it is already an in game model; I can't imagine it being difficult to add. Just like most other items/cosmetics mentioned above.

  • This is another outfit they need to add (Belle's) and again showing us the glowing eyes.

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  • Then we have the below facial bandages.

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  • We still need the following hairstyles as well. How can they give NPC's such sweet looking setups and leave us out in the cold?

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  • arghhhhh because it's a pirate game, and their advertising is just as pirate-y arghhhhh

    Nah, there's actually no reasonable explanation. Rare would rather just Photoshop some promo-images to drum up hype than actually release the teased cosmetics.

    And this isn't the first time I've heard of similarly teased cosmetics never showing up.

  • @voshell I mean this is a game that only has cosmetics and we still don't get a color wheel (except maybe for hair)? And how many of the items only have 1 color option?

    You know how in the game fort-towers and trees are designed to resemble sails from far away?

    I think a lot of this game is like that: it's meant to trick players into thinking it's something it's not, all the while someone, somewhere is having a laugh at our expense.

  • @thagoochiestman They just need a little push in the right direction to add the things being discussed in this forum. Hopefully with enough views and responses it may get their attention!

  • @thagoochiestman And don't get me wrong; I love this game! I was hyped about it back into 2015 when I saw the first trailer for it. But they just need to realize that all these little details would just top off their amazing product and like I mentioned above a lot of the community catches stuff like this and wonders the same thing. If I worked as a developer for SoT I wouldn't of let any of it slip through the cracks and been clamoring for it to be implemented from the start! There has to be someone working there that has thought about all this!

  • @voshell I would to have these hairstyles available

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @thagoochiestman And don't get me wrong; I love this game! I was hyped about it back into 2015 when I saw the first trailer for it. But they just need to realize that all these little details would just top off their amazing product and like I mentioned above a lot of the community catches stuff like this and wonders the same thing. If I worked as a developer for SoT I wouldn't of let any of it slip through the cracks and been clamoring for it to be implemented from the start! There has to be someone working there that has thought about all this!

    It is a little hard to believe that not one dev has brought this up or has addressed any of this in the past 2 1/2 years....

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