The new adventure momentos not unlocking?

  • Hello all,

    Anyone else noticed this. The new momentos for the adventures are not unlocking and tells me I still need to do the adventure which I have AND done every deed.

    It’s all ticked but no unlock. It’s strange.

    EDIT: Got it!

    So, it was not unlocking at all for me so here is what I did.

    I reloaded the game, done the entire first part, go get the compass etc, took it to Belle... Then I gave it to her and selected complete adventure again, no unlock so waited for the dialogue and pressed it again because it keeps showing complete and then it worked. Not needing to do all the others.

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  • @menphuess Ahoy matey!

    We are seeing this a fair bit... give it a little time and they should safely arrive in your customization chests.

  • @mintharp184509 Ah yikes when I handed the skull in, the island was swarming with two other crews and I could barely deliver the skull to belle. I've left the session some hours ago and didn't interact with her, would I need to do that to unlock the item? And if I so would I still be able to do that or would I have to restart?

  • EDIT: Done! Corrected first comment with how I got it.

  • Yeah I messed up too. Got the skull and rune, took it too Belle but misclicked. Went to hit end adventure but hit the 1 above which started the 2nd part.
    All deeds are done, tried starting again, got compass, went to Belle but no option to end adventure.
    I'm guessing I've got to go kill the boss again and go back to Belle?
    The Reaper ships are at shipwreck but didn't have time to go see.

    1 thing, IF you have all deeds done, WHY is there not a prompt JUST to end adventure? It would stop idiots like me misclicking and having to go do it again.

  • @thrownbacchus
    If you click on the wrong button ie. the continue adventure one, go to your ship and cancel that adventure and vote up the correct one ie. the chapter three and go up to Belle and hit complete adventure.

  • @courtingnose1
    I've had a look, there's nowhere to vote up chapter 3. Looked in adventure tab, tall tales tab and voyages.

  • @thrownbacchus If have already given the skull to Belle then go up to her and hit complete adventure, that should do it.

  • @courtingnose1
    That's the problem, gave her the skull and rune, went to hit end adventure but hit the prompt above which starts part 2. The A button on my controller is VERY worn and had my thumb on it as I scrolled to end adventure.
    I'll go back to Belle and the boss tomorrow, see I'd that fixes it.

  • OK, managed to get it done.
    Went to Larinna, got compass and went to Belle. Went through ALL dialogue. After that spoke to her again and THIS time options to do part 2 or end adventure was there. Strange it wasn't there before when I did the exact same thing.

  • @thrownbacchus You sir, deserve an award! Followed what you had mentioned and it worked! Thanks!

  • Rare you HAVE to address this, its not even a bug, its a poor mechanic choice.

    After returning to Belle how am I suppose to know that i need to choose COMPLETE instead of CONGINUE.
    COMPLETE sounds like you want to end the mission and to continue sounds like you want to advance to the next part, it cannot happened on the next Adventure.

  • Please tell me the above is not and my buddy turned in the relic last night and logged off. It was the last part of the quest we needed to do. I assumed we completed it. Neither one of us clicked complete from Belle. If this is true then we wasted a few hours each night trying to complete this before the event went away.

  • Same here. I just finished the quest, went to equip the compass, and it's not there.

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