Release Notes - 2.5.3

  • Release Notes - 2.5.3
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.5.3

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • 6 ships?

  • Under "Fixed Issues" it lists:

    Players should no longer experience an extended wait time on the Ferry of the Damned before the portal opens.

    From what I have seen so far watching streamers, the respawn time is much shorter than it has been for as long as I have been playing. I am trying to figure out if this release note is supposed to mean:

    1. The respawn times I have seen since I started playing (~6 months ago) were considered a "defect" that has been fixed
    2. The fix addresses an issue whereby the regular respawn we are used to periodically got extended in some cases (e.g. like the blackscreen bug)
    3. This is simply a gameplay change reducing the respawn time, not a "fixed issue"
  • I just had a solo vs solo fight and the dude spawned back significantly quicker than I have ever seen before

    very very quickly

    would have never been able to save his boat at that moment in any other conditions before today so that's a pretty big change if it's the new way of handling that.

    Interested to hear what experiences others are having with this.

    also the soulflame captain didn't drop any loot during the belle part of the veil quest just in case that wasn't a fluke and other people see this happen.

  • Surprised the meg spawn rate wasn’t mentioned. Crossing my fingers it got a stealth patch.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Release Notes - 2.5.3:

    Surprised the meg spawn rate wasn’t mentioned. Crossing my fingers it got a stealth patch.

    always possible but I doubt it

    the decline was happening long before it started becoming a more common topic/observation on the forums and before recent updates.

  • @slarow said in Release Notes - 2.5.3:

    Under "Fixed Issues" it lists:

    Players should no longer experience an extended wait time on the Ferry of the Damned before the portal opens.

    From what I have seen so far watching streamers, the respawn time is much shorter than it has been for as long as I have been playing. I am trying to figure out if this release note is supposed to mean:

    1. The respawn times I have seen since I started playing (~6 months ago) were considered a "defect" that has been fixed
    2. The fix addresses an issue whereby the regular respawn we are used to periodically got extended in some cases (e.g. like the blackscreen bug)
    3. This is simply a gameplay change reducing the respawn time, not a "fixed issue"

    From the wording it looks like they identified a bug that was causing respawn times from the Ferry (using a mermaid might be separate) to be longer than they should have been, so it's a fix and not a feature change.

  • @wolfmanbush - I encountered the same thing the just the other day. 1 vs. 1 and somehow this player spawned back from the Ferry in record time and saved his boat. I have tons of hours in this game and I know what the default time is which is why I left his boat and returned to mine. But alas, he saved it. My biggest issue has been the black screens. I have lost my boat several times just waiting on a black screen for 1-2 minutes while I can hear my boat taking holes, getting torched, etc. And then voile, I hear it go down and I finally appear at an island. So frustrating when you lose everything and it is the game's fault, not your own.

  • As a professional paleontologist.. please don't confuse archaeologists (dead people and their stuff) with paleontologists (dead creatures/animals/plants etc).. (Eg Prehistoric Plunderer Figurehead).. Pls fix, Rare!

    • Treasure items left untouched following a Haunted Island encounter should no longer disappear if the Veil Stone is used prior to collecting the rewards.

    ^ seems like this still isn't fixed, as we just killed the captain, put the veil stone in and when we got back to collect the treasure items, there were none.

    correction: It looks like the soulflame captains are not dropping any loot at all now.

  • @meroviel would love to know who ever played on a sloop in the sot developer team.

    U cant fight galeons with this update anymore if they have a little bit of game knowledge. Why buff the big ships again and again? The players respawn so fast with 2v4 u are outmached everytime.

    Would love to hear a strat where u can sink a galeon(or a good brig) as a sloop without spawncamping the players :D

  • @d3adst1ck said in Release Notes - 2.5.3:

    @slarow said in Release Notes - 2.5.3:

    Under "Fixed Issues" it lists:

    Players should no longer experience an extended wait time on the Ferry of the Damned before the portal opens.

    From what I have seen so far watching streamers, the respawn time is much shorter than it has been for as long as I have been playing. I am trying to figure out if this release note is supposed to mean:

    1. The respawn times I have seen since I started playing (~6 months ago) were considered a "defect" that has been fixed
    2. The fix addresses an issue whereby the regular respawn we are used to periodically got extended in some cases (e.g. like the blackscreen bug)
    3. This is simply a gameplay change reducing the respawn time, not a "fixed issue"

    From the wording it looks like they identified a bug that was causing respawn times from the Ferry (using a mermaid might be separate) to be longer than they should have been, so it's a fix and not a feature change.

    that's what the wording sounds like, but it appears the ferry has gone from the standard 30 seconds to 17 seconds afaik. the door opening has always been 30 seconds which would make it hard to believe its a bug... hence the confusion.

  • I'm wondering if there's something wrong with usage of older files at Rare. The location where a sloop spawns at the dock of Golden Sands is again just a bit too far. IIRC it took years to fix.
    They certainly didn't use the file(s) with the latest versions.

  • the respawn times are crazy short. I counted about 10 seconds on the ferry (without the blackscreen times) on every ship type.

  • They have plans to protect the island from future threats, meaning that more changes will emerge over time.

    ...oh no. I hope they don’t add cannons to outposts. :(

  • @wolfmanbush it gained every time now

  • Players should no longer experience an extended wait time on the Ferry of the Damned before the portal opens.

    From what I experienced it has become way harder to fight brigs and gallys as a solo slooper now that other than player advantage it barely matters killing them as they respawn way to quickly

  • Hi, my crew are having issues with the veil quest. For the Belle portions we kill the soul flame captain and he doesn’t drop any loot anymore. Is this a deliberate decision? For reference we’ve done 11 veil quests and 8 of them we had the Belle part. None of them drop loot anymore.

  • I can back this experience. Our other issue is that when we are playing with larger crews and go up against an equally sized crew, spawn camping is the only reliable way to make sure they sink, which is not a style of play we want to do. @sleepyslayer592

  • New respawn times are horrible. Needs to scale with crew size or be reset to what it was previously.

  • Respawn times are game breaking. Horrible experience, I hate it. Bring old times back!

  • Since the release when I'm going to the death boat I lost all my clothes and caracter settings ...

    I must disconnect/ reconnect to have my previously skin.

    When bug fix ?

  • I wonder if others players also encountered the issue that I am having since the 2.5.3 update. Both me and a friend of mine have had these random cases where the game application just closes or crashes without an error message and returns to the Xbox dashboard. On restarting the game the dialog in the main menu asks if we want to return to the previous session.

    Both of us are playing on an Xboxs Series X|S console. We've been playing together for 7-8 months now and this issue only started appearing after the 2.5.3 update. Today I played a Tall Tale ("Dark Brethren") solo and the game closed twice during my sessions.

    I created a support ticket (#414181) but after some exchange it was closed due to the assumption by the support that there is a network configuration error on my side. I am a bit confused since it all worked well up until the 2.5.3 update.

    Is anyone else having this problem?

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