Alienation Completionists of in Captaincy

  • (Warning, whiny rant)
    Now I understand two thing:

    1. Not everyone who plays this game does so for the same reasons I do
    2. I take this game too seriously sometimes.

    But I still feel like Captaincy went about things the wrong way. As someone who plays as a Completionist most of my 1 600 hours have been grinding for commendations or achievements only to have all my hard work basically mean nothing with the captaincy update, because everything on the ship and my pirate has been reset.
    All the fish I've caught, all the Shrines I've raided and all the Fort of the Damned that I, despite all odds, have completed suddenly doesn't count anymore, at least not for my ship's cosmetics.

    And I really struggle to understand why the bar has to be so high for certain things? Yes, miles and selling treasure chests can be high because that's what the goal of the game is, that's something that happens every session.
    But I struggle to remember the last time I saw anyone on my crew fishing for a specific kind of fish. Not to mention that you have to catch 250 of them now to get somewhere, which is 40 (!!!) more than what the commendations demand! I pride myself on the work I've done for the Hunter's Call and now it's rendered moot and void because if I want to showcase nice stuffed fish on my ship, I have to start over with my grind. Not to mention, doing it on someone's Galleon is no longer an option, I can't join a fishing Galleon if I want to level up my ship in The Hunter, because it needs to happen on my sloop, where we only have room for two people. Less effective, but still requires the same amount of fish despite the difference in manpower.
    (Aslo, those stoves that are on seaforts, super useful for cooking a lot of fish and meat? Now useless, if you want to level your Hunter levels)

    And some of these are just silly, 60 minutes of sitting, sleeping and playing music on the ship. This is just asking for people to AFK on the boat or to have crew-mates that not help angling sails, keeping lookout and whatnot. Why are these a thing, other than put some kind of importance on mechanics that, no one except the screenshot community, asked for. I really don't like it.

    I've worked hard to feel some sense of satisfaction over my accomplishments in the game, it's gotten me through some real rough sessions where all seem lost.
    But this just makes it feel like the devs are telling to "get lost and your grind don't matter".

    I mean for the love of, There is no such demands on selling specific chests, or skulls or anything for the trading companies. But for the Hunter, apparently, every different fish counts. I would feel way more ok with this if any fish caught could contribute towards Levels in Hunter, that way I could at least catch a few splashtails as my crew mans the ship. It just doesn't feel fair at all. There isnt even an importance placed on selling the fish, so you can't just find them in shipwrecks and such, you have to catch them, on your ship. (Does that mean you can't stand on the beach either?) And Hunter's Call isn't even an option for the Gold Seeker Levels. Why are they getting such a rough cut, if you make the grind so hard?

    And I am genuinely surprised that there is no levels for PvP stuff, but maybe they don't want to encourage sinking other ships more than it is appealing already?
    Also, Skeleton Lords is a category but not Ashen lords? Are they the same or do they not count? But no, every fish need it's own category of course. Also why are sea forts not on the list?

    And why is there different options for different company options for Gold Seeker? If you're a captain, why would you ever sell to someone who wasn't the sovereigns? Doesn't that defeat the entire point? Why should I walk all the way to the Gold Hoarders on dagger outpost or into the Tavern to sell my Athena when I can just, use the Sovereins? What is the idea?
    I am not saying I might never set my foot on a non-captain ship ever again but, why would I?

    The list feels inconsistent and asking too much on certain things, while other things seems to get a free pass.

    TLD: I've finished my Hunter's Call grind one year ago and am upset that I have to start over if I want to decorate my ship with fish, and I hate the sitting mechanic.

    I don't expect a lot of people to agree with me, this is very much a 'me issue' here.
    I just feel unheard and like my grind doesn't matter.

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  • Since other postings brought this issue up and mentioned that they are a completionist, I have to say that I understand the devs' decision to get everyone started from 0. This brings back the desire for some players to redo some old content, bringing some more life back to the game.

    However, I do agree with all the other points. Your number of 250 fishes is low, as you need 2500 to get the last trinket, making it 25000 fishes to get all the hunter trinkets. Some other requirements are also a bit ridiculous as you've mentioned, like 100h spent in storms or on fire. These numbers will not be achieved for a very long time if you play normally.

    I understand that these are meant to track progress, but you can still do that after you have got the requirements for the trinkets. I really hope Rare reduces some of these to not make it seem as impossible to achieve The Rogue and The Hunter.

  • I will do one reply to this & one reply only.
    There's is a saying from my part of the world.
    ( With the respect that everyone can have their own opinion )

    To quote: "Seriously you guys... need to wind* ur neck in"

    *(as into "wind a clock")

    It's a game.

  • @piratecraggy why are other people not allowed to moan about a controversial system in a game they care about? yes, it's a game, that's why we're here.

    that said, these milestones are astronomically ridiculous and you're kidding yourself if you think these goals are reasonable or achievable without retroactive progress.

    ludicrous they published it in this state

  • @dogsocks23 said in Alienation Completionists of in Captaincy:

    @piratecraggy why are other people not allowed to moan about a controversial system in a game they care about? yes, it's a game, that's why we're here.

    Ok.. a reply to quote from my original posting

    ( With the respect that everyone can have their own opinion )

    Think I had that covered already.... point being? :)

  • The fishing thing really needs a look at and some adjustment. I really like fishing and not many players do. Even so, i am not even going to attempt it in its current state - just getting the basic achievements for fishing is a lot of work and this multiplies it a hundred fold or more. Its even worse for the extremely difficult to catch fish, like stormfish or battlegills, where specific bait and in game circumstances can make catching the fish time consuming and a challenge.

    I was on a fishing crew that took a look at the days catch and then considered the achievements - the crew then fell apart and thats quite something as fishing players are some of the most dedicated people when it comes to doing something that most other players find unbearable or only good as a diversion. If we are giving up - then it has gone badly wrong.

  • @andrew2747 said in Alienation Completionists of in Captaincy:

    Since other postings brought this issue up and mentioned that they are a completionist, I have to say that I understand the devs' decision to get everyone started from 0. This brings back the desire for some players to redo some old content, bringing some more life back to the game.

    It really doesn't. It aggravates most of your original completionists, and forces them to have to redo, to a much longer and higher extent... everything's they've done up until now. That's 4 years of work for some of us.

    The desire and interest in going back and doing it aaaalll over again only applies the absolute die hards, or people who've only really skimmed that particlar content at the time (they're probably newer), and I'd call anyone that keeps running on this completionist wheel of redo redo redo.. a sucker at this point.. and I'm truly sorry for what you have to endure.. again.

    That isn't content. It's not fresh and new because you did it all over again after completing it once, just this time under captaincy. The grinds in this game are intentionally and horrendously padded, and it just keeps getting worse.

    Yes.. the content of the game is fun... but it isn't THAT fun, it feels horrible to look at new numbers that coincide with old numbers you've got really high, and be told "do it again, but from scratch now"

  • To be honest, it feels like Rare used this update to say to the completionists :
    "That's not how you're supposed to use our product."

    But in a very inefficient way. :p

  • @tre-oni said in Alienation Completionists of in Captaincy:

    That isn't content. It's not fresh and new because you did it all over again after completing it once, just this time under captaincy. The grinds in this game are intentionally and horrendously padded, and it just keeps getting worse.

    Yes, I understand what you mean. It's not fun to redo old content, but there is now an incentive to redo the OG forts, for example. Most veterans wouldn't be bothered, as there is nothing there worth the 15-20 minutes spent. This is what I meant when I suggested that a new breath of life was blown over the old content.

    However, if more of these were tied to commendations and all the numbers were toned down greatly for some requirements, Rare would be able to please both sides. Veterans still have something new to grind, but they also keep old progress. For example, we already have the commendation tied to fishes. Why not cut the numbers down to 5 fishes per class (instead of 25), and maybe even fewer depending on rarity?

  • Sucks don’t it?

  • I do really think that Hunter got the worst cut out of all of them.

    25 fish per level is bad enough but it is a bit annoying that some fish are less plentiful or just harder to catch. I wouldn't say that Pondies or Splashtails are are equal to Stormfish or Battlegills, but neither are they equal to defeating a megalodon.

    Like, The Hunter didn't even get "capture animals" as a thing, which is a grind I haven't completed yet. Or just like, deliver animals...

    Really feels like we're scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

  • I can guarantee there are pirates out there grinding away at these achievements.

    As you read this a pirate set himself on fire again and racked up his 75th hour on fire. This pirate is well on the way to 100 hrs.

    Some will even show up here and brag about their achievements, as they should, because they ain't easy. They will push the old completionists, especially those who refuse to participate in the new milestones, to the side and will be revered as the new completionists, as they should.

  • I think - please correct me if I’m wrong - that if you’ve already got Legendary Hunter (all hunter commendations) then you just need fish NUMBERS, not specific fish, to get the trinkets?

    So rather than 50 orchid pondies, 50 bronze pondies, 10 bright pondies etc, it’s just X amount of pondies total + the commendation you already have?

    Still a pain in the backside but not as brutal as I once thought? That said - sort it out rare, make our progress from the last 4 years count.

  • Getting Legendary Hunter took me month and already feels like enough of a grind that most of my M'8 will never try it...

    And I feel like for to get the best trinkets you need to be a Legendary Hunter+ caught 2500fish of one spieces is just over the top.
    It would make much more sense to me if you unlock the best trinkets by fishing 250 fish of that spieces + legendary hunter. Because for legendary hunter you don't catch all the fish yourself you get help by others on a galleon....
    Because for trinkets only "fish caught" count

    Cause as I sad legendary hunter took me month and it's only 1/10 for the best trinkets(2500). Not mentioned that for legendary hunter I was doing it with others on a galleon.

  • People in here don't think only that the legendary hunters are salty because our progress isn't tracked. Really we don't care and we enjoy fishing.
    But we know how much of a grind it already was to get that. So multiplying it by 10 is just cringe.
    I don't think anyone wants to complety waste they're lifetime fishing in a video game.
    +People have jobs man 😅 I just cannot devote my life so much to this

  • @bubblebro666 I didn't complete my fishing that quickly, however I did other things in-between and a lot of the ships I am on don't have time for fishing nowadays.

    And starting a fishing galleon won't help if I want to get a title for my sloop.

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