What's going on with private servers?

  • Just curious from other posts I saw people saying progression would be turned off but would I have to pay for this service when it comes? And if so why the hell would I want to pay for a creative mode basically? 🤔

  • 19
    xbox onequestiongeneral
  • Why should private servers allow you to progress when you won't have to play the game with barely any challenge whatsoever? Why should private servers reward one for playing with less to none probability of being sunk or having treasure stolen? That seems a bit entitled

    From my understanding, private servers are limited only to role-play, it's not meant for actual gameplay but to interact with others and help to share unique videos and images with others online. Based on the vision for the game, and developer statements private servers for the sake of actual and regular gameplay will not be a thing (ever). Other crew interactions and clashes are part of what makes this game what it is, arguments toward private servers for the sake of gameplay have been rejected by the majority of players in the community and the devs, and any form of "private servers" will not satisfy any desire one may have to play the game without the challenge of others as it destroys multiple gameplay mechanics that require interactions with others

  • From what Ive heard

    If its paid for, you will be able to control alot of things. Weather, Mobs, Spawns, voyages, loot etc.
    So you can setup your own Tournaments, games, RP, or use it as a personal sandbox to explore and get to know the land.
    Maybe if able to spawn Skeleton ships, practice fire fights?

  • @red0demon0
    You think far too small. It wouldn't be that hard to increase skelly ships spawns in such servers. Nor would it be hard to code a few ships within said servers to hunt the players more aggressively. And with how people go about setting up alliance servers it isn't much different at that point with private servers it's just be easier to set up. Idk why you think it's entitlement either ya arrogant twit when it was a question. No need to be getting rude 🤣

  • @taymaniacle making private pve server is definitely possible, it is Rare's choice not to do it. At this point it's just beating a dead horse. It won't happen anytime soon.

    As of why should you pay for it : you shouldn't. It's not meant to be used by regular players for classic gameplay.

    It is aimed at content creators and larger communities.

  • @taymaniacle, What's going on with private servers? içinde yazdı:

    You think far too small. It wouldn't be that hard to increase skelly ships spawns in such servers. Nor would it be hard to code a few ships within said servers to hunt the players more aggressively. And with how people go about setting up alliance servers it isn't much different at that point with private servers it's just be easier to set up. Idk why you think it's entitlement either ya arrogant twit when it was a question. No need to be getting rude 🤣

    "You think far too small"

    As if PVE is anything hard. A little decent solo slooper can take on the skelly fleet. PVE in this game is easy because it is just a tool. A tool to create player interaction (not counting tall tales, they are there to learn the lore).

    This game is not a PVE or a PVP game.
    This game is a sandbox tools not rules game. Everything is there to create player interaction.

    Those alliance servers are actually against TOS as a certain one of them takes 5 dollar per month. The devs are aware they break the nature of the game, but "they are a really small group in the community" as they say so they dont bother fixing it (Also they like the events created with these servers).

  • @taymaniacle said in What's going on with private servers?:

    You think far too small. It wouldn't be that hard to increase skelly ships spawns in such servers. Nor would it be hard to code a few ships within said servers to hunt the players more aggressively. And with how people go about setting up alliance servers it isn't much different at that point with private servers it's just be easier to set up. Idk why you think it's entitlement either ya arrogant twit when it was a question. No need to be getting rude 🤣

    You consider it rude because I am arguing with logic, reflecting your own statement in the opposition? or because I asked you if you thought the idea behind one who demands private servers over those that do not take part in said servers to be entitled in act? It was an honest question. My argument wasn't targeted at you personally, you took offense by taking it to heart. It is easy to blame others without seeing one's own limitations. Much more so, when many do not know how to argue, and allow emotions to give way to ignorance. I don't believe you are ignorant nor below learning, resist such pettiness, be better.

    Your argument is illogical, the experience of player interaction and clashes will never be equal to that of an increase to a npc ship.

  • I am sure some people must have answer your question already but just in case, the private server are not intended to play the game. There will be no gold or rep. It is strictly designed to help content creater and community events like the NAL league or the Solo legends Cup.

    I don’t know how much it will be but i can see how some content creater could want that to create content without being bothered or to create exactly the conditions they want.

  • @red0demon0
    When you start up the way you did how else should one take it? Seemed quite targeted and negative and now you're seemingly Targeting me further 🥱 get over yourself. You came right out the gate passive-aggresive.
    Honestly I just see no point in there being no form of progression at all it wouldn't be that hard to give the two modes separate progression.
    But from what I can tell with a majority of the talking players this would be seen as heresy because they feel entitled to judge how others play and demand they play the same 😁 or am I missing the point cause that seems to be the case with most of these complainers and whiners?

  • @taymaniacle

    No, you just dont understand what a sandbox game is.

    Any sort of playerbase split or letting people play in their own bubbles would go against the sandbox nature of the game. Private servers are there as a way to make events and cinematic content for the creative side of the playerbase who wont leave the sandbox anyway.

    Us telling you this is not "being rude" by the way.

  • @taymaniacle said in What's going on with private servers?:

    When you start up the way you did how else should one take it? Seemed quite targeted and negative and now you're seemingly Targeting me further 🥱 get over yourself. You came right out the gate passive-aggresive.
    Honestly I just see no point in there being no form of progression at all it wouldn't be that hard to give the two modes separate progression.
    But from what I can tell with a majority of the talking players this would be seen as heresy because they feel entitled to judge how others play and demand they play the same 😁 or am I missing the point cause that seems to be the case with most of these complainers and whiners?

    I'll give you a reason why there will be no progression, gold or achievements and can do it with 3 simple words:


    And in regards to your overly defensive stance/responses when the reasoning was explained you in a calm, rational way (not in any way as you framed it), I have 3 more words for you:


  • They're paid for because servers cost money to run.
    I still support the idea of opening private servers to the public.
    Not a fan of limiting them to hand-picked "content creators". That's a completely opaque and unfair process.

  • @taymaniacle we're pirates
    pirates no smart.
    go play brain training or cool math games if you want smerts.
    maybe then you can understand why there is no progression.

  • @red0demon0 Why should private servers allow you to progress when you won't have to play the game with barely any challenge whatsoever? Why should private servers reward one for playing with less to none probability of being sunk or having treasure stolen? That seems a bit entitled

    you anwsered your own question me dude why would they? money but rare has said they don't wanna right now they might change minds might not who know who care i say let people play how ever they want be it pve pve sweaty pvp/pve or a chill player the seas are ours to command

  • @realwebber69 where was i advocting for pve servers guy said why should private servers let you you progress and i gave an answer money small part of comunity wants it make them pay for it thus giving more funding for the devs towards the main game then followed with rare has said they don't want to might change minds who know but let people play how they want be it pve or pvp ( was not talking about pve servers here talking about people hating each other for how they play the game) sorry for the confusion again not simply put out the one reason why they would thats all i couldn't care less if they did or not

  • @subject-18-jord me too 😌

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