Adventure History - In Game Museum

  • Hi Everyone,

    My crew and I decided to run through the Tall Tales again for fun and we were reminiscing about all the Adventures and how cool the hiding place was at Port Merrick but we were disappointed that it cannot be accessed again (like Wanda's Lab and Stitcher Jim's lair).

    Which then got us thinking ....

    The top floor of the tavern was originally supposed to be an intro / walkthrough for new players.

    What if they made the top floor of the tavern a museum for all the adventures. As adventures are time limited and cannot be replayed wouldn't it be cool if you could "catch up" of everything that has happened on the adventures in a single place.

    They could have mementos or relics from the adventures (just like they did in the hideout at Port Merrick) and they can add journals or introduce video clips to summaries the adventures.

    They will always be adding to it (adding trinkets or pictures on the walls) that represent the new additions.

    It is also something that is not going to be accessed all the time so it's not taking up space on the beach as a new building.

    Upstairs finally has a purpose and new and old pirates can follow/reminisce about the adventures.

    They can bring back some characters from Sea Dogs tavern (arena) to help guide players with interactive dialog. Dimitri is someone that comes to mind.

    Thanks for reading

  • 7
  • Fantastic idea, I endorse.

  • Brilliant
    The crew of Innsmouth supports you

  • I've always been slightly off put that the adventures added all this lore to the game, but that if you missed doing the actual adventure, your knowledge came second hand from those who were able to play. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there is almost always a certain amount of bias to it, and as time goes on, the memory become murky.
    I would like them to add the adventures back in the form of a tall tale, maybe similar to the A Pirates Life ones, where you get migrated to a new server solely for the tale. No rewards to be given, just a chance for new players and old to see the history of the seas.

    But failing that, a museum of sorts would be a very cool option, either in the unused upper level of the taverns, (though with Port Merricks redesign, there are some issues there) or perhaps even placing it within the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern and giving one of the more impressive structures on the waves a new life.
    I love the idea of recruiting the old Sea Dog NPCs for this purpose too.

  • The last Adventure had a room with all the previous Adventure items, it would be great to expand that out to a permanent museum. Each one could display the items and characters with a ghost/Monkey Island style visual-audio memories you can watch.

  • I still think this would be very useful since the last Adventure was almost 6 months ago.

  • Not just the adventures, at the beginning of the game we had stories told that we cannot read or see, except through fragments in journals spread across the map.

    Hungering deep, Cursed Sails, Forsaken shores...

    I think you should post it in the feedback and suggestions area

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