Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak) [We guessed right!]

  • So, I was reading the SoT newsletter, as one does, and I stumbled across THIS:
    guild flag

    Now I don't know if this was in the preview or something else, so sorry if this is old news, but it's the first time I've seen it!

    Anyway, just wanted to see what you guys think. Is this just art, or something else? A feature maybe?

    Anybody know?

    EDIT: It has not been mentioned before.

    EDIT 2: Called it!

    Happy Sailing!

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  • @riptide3683 Insiders deny all knowledge of this and you should move on and never speak of this again................ Or at least for one week.

  • Just checked, and this was not mentioned anywhere else. I think they messed up lol

    Happy Sailing!

  • I suggested this, lol. I guess I should actually play insiders since I signed uo for it or I'm gonna get in trouble on accident.

  • @crowedhunter I think someone at Rare goofed and put it in the newsletter. Wonder how it'll work.

    Happy Sailing!

  • @riptide3683 Me too. In the post I didn't have a good suggestion for how it should be balanced. I just wanted to put up an emissary I was actually aligned with.

  • @riptide3683 Also would you happen to have a link to the newsletter signup? I can't get mine to work.

  • So let’s just not talk about Insiders alright? NDA and all that…

  • @crowedhunter Found it! You can sign up for the newsletter here.

    Happy Sailing!

  • @tesiccl I'm not an insider XD

    Found this on accident lol

    I haven't signed an NDA.

    Hope I don't get banned

  • @tesiccl said in Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak):

    So let’s just not talk about Insiders alright? NDA and all that remember?

    There's a reason I'm not an insider 🙊🙉🙈

  • @pithyrumble I’m sure there’s another reason but I won’t speculate 🤭

  • @tesiccl said in Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak):

    @pithyrumble I’m sure there’s another reason but I won’t speculate 🤭

    Bro just called them a child XD

  • @riptide3683 highly unlikely. Season 10 is around the corner, and if this is related to the guilds, then they’re teasing, not making mistakes.

  • @riptide3683 NO! I’m just saying…Pithy isn’t exactly…well behaved…😜

  • Looks similar to other info they shared about guilds with the hands shaking, maybe teasing a the way you level up your guild by doing quests while flying the flag for one?

    If I remember right, there will be guild-related cosmetics to unlock and maybe it will involve this flag.

  • @tesiccl said in Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak):

    @riptide3683 NO! I’m just saying…Pithy isn’t exactly…well behaved…😜

    I didn't get removed, I left. Partly because it was waaaaaay too tempting having forbidden knowledge! Aaaaaaand I never played the insiders build like I should have either.

  • @tesiccl But why would you tease in the newsletter of all places?

  • I've been wondering how cheese filled guilds are gonna be, this doesn't necessarily answer that but I appreciate the Dutch and Dillon handshake as a design.

  • @tesiccl Plus, I think we've seen some promotional material for guilds with this symbol. They mentioned "guild reputation" in the preview too

  • I wonder if guild flags will be added as a commendation to reapers? Turn in 25 of any grade and 5 as grade 5? First new reaper commendation in years maybe? Maybe?!?!?!?! Wonder what the reward will be? Is there a sovereigns hat?

  • I'm planning on starting a guild with some family and friends and have the gold saved to buy a new ship purely to be the guild flagship (the Raven's Claw) so anything - clues, leaks, and teasers - helps!

  • @riptide3683 because it’s Rare, they put stuff in weird places, just take the mystery for example! Guess we’ll find out next week when all gets revealed ^^

  • @abjectarity said in Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak):

    I wonder if guild flags will be added as a commendation to reapers? Turn in 25 of any grade and 5 as grade 5? First new reaper commendation in years maybe? Maybe?!?!?!?! Wonder what the reward will be? Is there a sovereigns hat?

    Hopefully they're separate, I plan to still fly emissary flags with my guild ships.

  • @tesiccl said in Guilds Emessary Flag!? (Leak):

    @riptide3683 because it’s Rare, they put stuff in weird places, just take the mystery for example! Guess we’ll find out next week when all gets revealed ^^

    Yep "Sea of Tease" is a phrase for a reason. They tease all sorts of things in all sorts of places.... Often on accident.... Remember when fire got leaked on the old dev YouTube they used to do?

    And they've even Sea of teased features that ended up never making it into the game.

    So, point being I am not commenting or speculating about this particular photo(shop?). But I am commenting on Rare's penchant to tease things in general. It's a thing.

  • For anyone wondering, the newsletter in question is here

  • I see nothing!!

    -Sgt. Schultz

  • Also, what kind of a land lubber takes a picture of an E4 flag?? 🤣

  • Ohhh. What if the guild provides an emissary bonus based on how full your guild is?

    That'd be a neat concept but 24/28 or w/e is a big number for that bonus. I can't imagine I'm going to have that many people in mine so I hope I can join more than one.

    It's also somewhat of a low number for a bonus as big as emissary grade.

    I've got so many questions about the coming season. 7 whole days away.

  • @crowedhunter Hopefully they drop a proper trailer soon. The wait is killing me, especially now that I found this!

  • @riptide3683 I can't take another trailer. I'm too obsessed atm already.

  • Also- just noticed as I was examining the image and I noticed that it just so happens to be next to a sovereign's tent. Could be a coincidence, but maybe we vote for it there? Some of the guild cosmetics in the preview seemed sovereigns themed too....

  • I do think it has something to do with sovereigns becuase you need a captain ship as well. I wonder how we level it up?

  • @riptide3683 Noooooooooooooooooooo. I'll never work with those tyrannical custards.
    That sounds about right though. Dang.

  • So, in the Safer Seas FAQ, they said THIS:

    Gilded Voyages are also unavailable in Safer Seas.

    Are they talking about captaincy voyages, or are we getting Guild voyages?!

    EDIT: They mentioned captain voyages separately. We are getting Guild voyages!

    EDIT 2: nevermind XD

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