The Iron Fleet - Official Recruitment Thread

  • Gamertag: GAURDEAN
    Region/Time Zone: EST
    Platform: Xbox X
    Experience (if any) with the game: been playing since close to release, original pirate lord (lvl 50).
    Any additional info: 400ish hours, mostly solo. Looking for people to play with, sick of sloops, want to use some bigger boats.

  • Da Yummis831
    WA Pacific Standard
    Xbox SeriesX
    extensive knowledge of strats tactics roles and mechanics
    I main Helm but am a great MC and love to Bilge on down time I would like to be part of a community of other like minded pirates such as this and feel I would nesh well with the ranks and peeps

  • @da-yummis831 @GAURDEAN I've sent you both a chat message with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: Senpai Nugz
    Region/Time Zone: NA-East
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: I've played on and off since the beta, even have the sniper and cosmetics to boot. I've been off and on with this game as i try to come back when new things get added. But i've found myself enjoying the game again.

    Hopefully this thread is still good

  • Gamertag: Senpai Nugz
    Region/Time Zone: NA-East
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: I've played on and off since the beta, even have the sniper and cosmetics to boot. I've been off and on with this game as i try to come back when new things get added. But i've found myself enjoying the game again.

    Posting to a much more recent one after posting on an old one.

  • Datass2297
    Been a pirate legend since 2020, pve enjoyer but very familiar with pvp mechanics

  • Gamertag: LawyeredUp1531
    Region/Time Zone: India +5:30
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: 16 hours
    Any additional info: Renown 24 season 14

  • @datass2297 @LawyeredUp1531 I've sent you both a chat message with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: Sikshot4
    Region/Time Zone: Central US
    Platform: Xbox
    Experience (if any) with the game: Day 1 player
    Any additional info: I love to roleplay and really get into my player for the fun of the group.

  • Gamertag: AsrielBlackwell
    Region/Time Zone: Midwest Central Standard Time
    Experience (if any) with the game: at least one season
    Any additional info: always ready to have fun and ready to cause a little mischief expect to possibly get blown up when not on ship

  • I apologize for resending this use the wrong account
    Gamertag: AzrielBlackwell
    Region/Time Zone: Midwest Central Standard Time
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game:
    Any additional info: always ready for a story and adventure and a bit of a Mischief maker do not be surprised if you get exploded if you're holding a keg

  • Gamertag:Madhatterx88
    Region/Time Zone: na east
    Platform: pc
    Experience (if any) with the game: played when it lunched just getting back in to it all ways played solo so i dont know alot about the game

  • @azrielblackwell @Sikshot4 @Madhatterx88 Have sent you chat messages with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: The Hot Glue
    Region/Time Zone: EST
    Platform: Xbox Series X
    Experience (if any) with the game: Day 1 player who's been on/off the game over the years. Now I'd like to be a part of a larger group of active players after losing my bilge-mate recently.
    Any additional info: I'm amazing at handbrake turns and knowing where all the islands are off-hand.

  • @the-hot-glue Have sent you a chat msg with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: X0N22
    Region/Time Zone: EU/CET
    Platform: PC
    Experience: Around 90-ish hours, doing tall tales and grinding solo for pirate legend status, gotten a lot more active recently and im renown level 70 in season 15 currently.

  • Gamertag: DakotaThrice
    Region/Time Zone: UK /GMT
    Platform: Xbox
    Experience (if any) with the game: Played on and off since seasons were added.
    Any additional info: Mostly slooped with a couple of friends over the years but looking to branch out into other stuff.

  • What's the current guild level?

  • @glitchthatlives Our main guild is level 961

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