Infinite pirate generetor hint

  • Hello, I would like to make a little introduction, Sea of ​​Thieves is my favorite video game ever. I think I'm the player with the most hours spent in your infinite pirate generator (I find it really fascinating), so I would like to offer you some suggestions for "implementing" this aspect of the game. if it were possible to zoom in on the faces of the characters before selecting them it would help a lot, because often the pose or the light tends to hide some details of the face. if it were possible to insert a sort of menu where we could "restrict" the somatic aspects and standardize all the pirates to those parameters it would be fantastic. (for example if a player wanted a female pirate he could ensure that only female pirates are generated), the same process could be applied for the weight, by doing so each player could select his new pirate without having to discard too many pirates because they are non-compliant to what he is looking for. I know that there are only a couple of changes and that this message will probably never reach those who deal with this aspect of the game, but I like SoT so much that in my small way I wanted to give it my contribution.

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  • @loonyjewel0748 said in Infinite pirate generetor hint:

    I think I'm the player with the most hours spent in your infinite pirate generator (I find it really fascinating),

    I'm fascinated by your fascination.

    are you looking for the perfect find based on your preferences or do you just like seeing what ends up being created? perhaps both?

    I could see it being more rewarding than fishing to some.

    • Filters (sex, age, weight, skin tone)
    • Hide clothing / Add equipped clothing
    • Cycle through emotes
  • I think I'm the player with the most hours spent in your infinite pirate generator

    alt text

  • @wolfmanbush hi, I initially started out looking for a "specific pirate" without major flaws, who to be honest had the features I see in 90% of pirates at sea. and precisely in that research, I was fascinated by exactly the opposite, it is the defects that make pirates spectacular. a scar, a missing tooth, a pointed nose or a prominent belly, all these things are often mistaken for defects but instead they are the strength of the infinite pirate generator. and so now I use the potion to change my appearance and I enjoy continuing to scroll through pirates seeing what exciting combinations the game offers me and if a valid one comes along I try it.

  • @burnbacon it might be you! in this case we have the same tastes hahahahaha

  • @theblackbellamy Exactly something like that, it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who thought about it!

  • @theblackbellamy said in Infinite pirate generetor hint:

    • Filters (sex, age, weight, skin tone)
    • Hide clothing / Add equipped clothing
    • Cycle through emotes

    I mean i think we can all get behind this one right here. I like my pirate but i got lucky after about 3 rotations i found one that suited me. My wife tried for about an hour and gave up as she just wanted to get back in the game and play. But at least she does not look like a heavily plastic surgery version of lin shaye now..... so at least that is a plus and a little less scary.

  • All they need to do is base the next pirates generated on the characteristics of the ones you kept. However this should be general characteristics Sex/Size/Skin tone/Height. It should not allow you to craft your pirate

  • @shifue-draven I've never re-rolled my main acct. Found him in the first few rolls I ever did & he's been around since then.

    I have re-rolled my alt accts, but that's because I was going for something specific. Even then, I lucked out and never had to spend the hours that folks seem to spend in there.

    I don't plan to make any more alts & I don't plan to re-roll the ones I have, so none of those IPG changes would benefit me.

    But, to steal from Wolf's comments in another thread of a similar topic - SoT has become more and more about supporting individuality over the years. These types of changes would just add QoL to the IPG experience, in line with supporting individuality, and without needing to develop a separate "creation" type system.

    While unrelated to this topic, I also think Rare should add more cosmetic options to the vanity chest around teeth, scar (removal), eye color, 5 o'clock shadow, and makeup. Let players select a base model of their choice, with a set sex, weight, age and skin tone, and then let them customize that face and body however they want.

  • @loonyjewel0748 said in Infinite pirate generetor hint:

    I think I'm the player with the most hours spent in your infinite pirate generator (I find it really fascinating).

    I challenge this! I bet I have alot more hours on the pirate selection screen than anyone considering I select a new pirate every 1-3 weeks and have done since I started playing all those years ago .... it literally takes hours to find the perfect pirate every time and it's one of my favorite parts of the whole game

    I love these suggestions and would urge rare to to implement some QoL changes into the selection screen

  • @theblackbellamy this is a change to the pirate generator I can get behind! I don't think full character customisation is the answer when people talk about adding it, but filters like this would probably scratch that itch for most people!

  • @loonyjewel0748 said in Infinite pirate generetor hint:

    and precisely in that research, I was fascinated by exactly the opposite, it is the defects that make pirates spectacular. a scar, a missing tooth, a pointed nose or a prominent belly, all these things are often mistaken for defects but instead they are the strength of the infinite pirate generator.

    I've seen people asking to be able to fully create a character and I've never been able to get behind that idea for this game, even tho I do really enjoy character creators in other games. But in sot after playing it for so long I realised the player pirates are part of the world building and character of the game as the lion share of the games content is player interaction the players pirates need to fit in to that character! I agree

  • @theblackbellamy i really wish this was a thing

  • This would be very qol for the ipg.

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