April 25th Update - State of Play

  • Hey everyone,

    Following the launch of our latest update on April 25th, I wanted to share a hot off the press update on the current state of play and what we are doing behind the scenes to improve the player experience - not just right now, but with our plans for next week too.

    Open Crew Matchmaking
    As shared in our release notes, we identified an issue very late in our release process that would have caused Open Crew sessions to experience a game crash. We made the difficult call to mitigate the impact of this issue by removing the option to start an Open Crew session for launch on April 25th as we worked on preparing a fix with sufficient test time to ensure we were confident we could return this feature safely.

    This was a really tough call for the team as our launch into Early Access on PlayStation®5 was a fantastic opportunity to allow our wonderful community to use Open Crew matchmaking to step into cross-play sessions and show these new pirates the ropes. However, we stand by the fact we prioritised the stability of your experience here.

    As we approach our Season 12 launch we have a confident fix now in the bag and will be returning the Open Crew option for our update on April 30th. We look forward to reopening this matchmaking option and welcoming both seasoned and new pirates together to build bonds on their journeys ahead!

    Within a few hours of opening up the servers on Thursday we saw alerting and player reports that large amounts of players were experiencing issues Guilds, being unable to access them on the Front End. While April's update included a fix to a longer-standing issue which caused this menu to fail to load in some scenarios, this issue was affecting large Guilds consistently and was a different root cause.

    In an attempt to return players access to Guilds in the interim, we deployed a mitigation which would only return the three most recently used ships when selecting a Guild.

    While many Guilds regained access to their Ships, this mitigation did cause further unexpected issues which led to issues sailing Captained Ships and not gaining progress towards their Milestones. Larger Guilds with many pledged ships also still suffered with the same issues with them being unable to access the Guilds menu.

    Returning fresh this morning, the team have reassessed our options - and while a full solution is being worked on behind the scenes, have made a further change to Live which has now been rolled out.

    When accessing the Guilds menu now, players will be shown their own pledged ships as we have confirmed the root cause of this issue is not located with a player's owned ships. The result of this change is that players should regain access to the Guilds menu, able to sail their own ships on behalf of the Guild earning progress and in-turn be able to sail Captained Ships without the prior progression issues.

    While this temporary mitigation has returned Guild play to our players, we recognise that this will affect a player's ability to view active Guild Ship sessions easily, and may require players to use regular game invites to form their crews. Again, a tough call to make, but on assessment we feel returning Guild play in this way over the weekend should return players access to their ships and allow them to continue to contribute to their Guild Reputation.

    The question I'm sure you're all asking is 'When is this going to be fixed?'. Now that we have the root cause identified the team are working on a fix, however we'll still need some time to gain confidence in testing the various Guild scenarios before we can commit to a fix date - this will not be arriving on April 30th.

    However we do feel this issue is in need of a critical fix, therefore we'll be scheduling a hotfix shortly after Season 12's launch to return full Guild functionality - we'll keep you updated once we have a plan locked in.

    Game Health
    I shared an update on Game Health in our '24 Preview last month and acknowledged that keeping on top of game quality is an area we haven't been doing a good enough job with recently and an area we just need to improve.

    While a new strike team will be deployed directly to this space, we aren't quite there yet and therefore need to review and tighten up our current processes and get it back under control.

    While Thursday's update delivered fixes to some long-standing issues like Voice Comms, Xbox Game Stability and Ship Interactions after diving - we quickly saw reports of new issues that hadn't been caught and slipped through to Live.

    For transparency, and while it's not an excuse, a large focus for our team has been our recent integration onto PlayStation®5 and with this we're disappointed to see issues slip through at such an important time for us.

    The team are preparing fixes for the recently introduced water visual issues, and are jumping back to investigate the longer-standing bugs that seem to be causing us a real headache with shark frequency, passive Megalodons and inconsistent Captaincy Supplies.

    We'll be monitoring the launch of Season 12 closely and will triage any issues we see following the introduction of the new items arriving across the seas.

    We appreciate all of the bug reports and feedback provided since we brought the update live on Thursday and for myself and the team it's disappointing that so many of our players are experiencing issues right now. We hear your frustrations and will be working hard to both resolve the immediate issues but also tighten up our processes so we can improve the experience for everyone - so thank you all for your patience!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

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  • Thanks for the transparency!

  • Thanks For Providing us with updates.

  • While Thursday's update delivered fixes to some long-standing issues like Voice Comms, Xbox Game Stability and Ship Interactions after diving - we quickly saw reports of new issues that hadn't been caught and slipped through to Live.

    Respectfully, is there a QA team? Isn’t that their job, or have Insiders become the de-facto team for these issues? Just feels like you’re always playing catch up each time a new patch drops.

  • The team are preparing fixes for the recently introduced water visual issues, and are jumping back to investigate the longer-standing bugs that seem to be causing us a real headache with shark frequency, passive Megalodons

    First fixing skelly ships and now acknowledging passive megs as a bug with intent to fix?

    alt text

    Awesome! Thank you

  • Hey Drew, thanks for the update and acknowledgement that the game is in such a an unfortunate state.

    Though can I ask.
    Can we get an updated patch notes?
    Quickly, update, accurate patch notes?

    For the past year or more, we’ll get patch notes and there’s one of 3 issues.

    1. the patch notes is missing known issues.
    2. the patch notes say things are fixed, and line items are not fixed.
    3. an old issue that was fixed, has returned (cannon misfire direction for example)

    This I’m sure is disappointing to the team, but it disappoints the players GREATLY. While some communication is getting better at rare to players, it can be improved further.


  • There needs to be a whole season dedicated to bug fixes because every patch fixes current bugs and then presents old bugs. A lot of the times im either falling thru my ship or just straight up game crashing. All the new updates are amazing but whats the point if the game is so unstable that its unplayable. (Absolutely love the game and the direction its going, just tired of the instability)
    ~Xbox series X.

  • This sounds great keep up the hard work.

  • @tesiccl Insiders test new features and stuff but can’t catch everything, including bugs that happen at scale/due to large server load that doesn’t occur on Insiders.

    Think of it like medication side effects. Some come through in small studies, but more come to light when your sample size gets larger and the general public is taking it.

  • Es wäre schön, wenn alle (auf der XBox) erspielten Erfolge auf der Playstation 5 übernommen werden 🏆 Viele Trophäen sind leider nicht freigeschaltet worden. Für die müsste man extra einen neuen Piraten erstellen😲

  • @sqwerlydan said in April 25th Update - State of Play:

    There needs to be a whole season dedicated to bug fixes because every patch fixes current bugs and then presents old bugs. A lot of the times im either falling thru my ship or just straight up game crashing. All the new updates are amazing but whats the point if the game is so unstable that its unplayable. (Absolutely love the game and the direction its going, just tired of the instability)
    ~Xbox series X.

    This. I would gladly take a "Season of Polish and Stability" instead of any new content.

  • @tesiccl Honestly, If there is, They need to be replaced asap. This is 5 updates in a row they have released a video saying "Hey, Weve fixed these things", Put it in the patch notes, Then weve all found very clearly that not only is it not actually fixed, But They've added a tonne of new bugs and problems, And most of them being pretty game breakng.. Its actually insane to think these things make it to the live build every single time.

  • I´m scared about S12 release tbh.

  • I know many seasoned pirates that are all taking a break from the game because it is so broken. It's tough to get a crew together when the first question in the chat is, "Did they fix..(fill in major flaw here)..yet?"

  • Just wanted to say thank you for the update.

  • Appreciate the update, Drew.

    Whilst it’s very frustrating for everyone (devs and players) to see issues pop up so often, the transparency is always good. Regular and open posts like this go a long way towards rebuilding trust with the community. So please continue to keep us updated.

    Good luck with figuring out fixes, and Happy Sailing.

  • The transparency is great. This should be a CONSTANT thing yet it seems it never is. To me this post seems to be done simply because there is the new player base from PS5 coming in. If you are here from PS5 I am glad you are seeing what we have witnessed for years right off the start. Maybe this will open up eyes and force a change that has been long needed. I have actually hoped the release to PS5 and S12 would be full of these failures. The game is at the point it needs that to get the focus where it should be. So many of these issues are continuously brought up by the community and never get acknowledged until they are supposedly fix and yet are still broken. Small bugs here and there happen yet large ones that the community brings to light in every post made by SoT NEEDS to be acknowledged. Things happen. We know that. Just say a simple hey we are working on it. You say you are doing all these things but many seem to never get done. Almost everything in the game has a bug associated with it. It can be an amazing game, and it is, but the bugs drive people away. I love Rare. They have made so many of the great games I have grown up with. They are one of the best game studios there is with a huge impact on gaming over the decades. Yet in the past year or so my respect for them has declined. The way things are handled it seems they don't care. I know thats not true but when things are left for weeks, months and even years then thats how it feels. I hope these arent more hollow promises and become a substantial change for a game and a studio we all love!

  • Appreciate and respect the transparency, Drew!

    I know it's frustrating on both ends to have these issues, but just keep doing your best and don't let the negative nancy's get you down. You all are great!

  • @venomous-sloth7 said in April 25th Update - State of Play:

    The transparency is great. This should be a CONSTANT thing yet it seems it never is. To me this post seems to be done simply because there is the new player base from PS5 coming in.

    There have been multiple over the years on different issues. There is a history of it.

    An example that I use (because it mattered/matters a lot to me) was data loss. An issue that did eventually improve significantly.

  • What a mess. Appreciate the update though, hope it gets sorted soon. Thanks.

  • There's a couple of things I've noticed from your update today and I wanna ask some questions about them, Knowing full well as is usual this post will be removed.

    @sonicbob said in April 25th Update - State of Play:

    While a new strike team will be deployed directly to this space, we aren't quite there yet and therefore need to review and tighten up our current processes and get it back under control.

    So, We've been lead to believe that this strike team was already in force as per the 2024 preview event, So when will this time actually be hired? When can we start to see improvements to the health of this game? Because in your Christmas / End of year update, You said this year would be better than last year, With improved content updates and more focus on the core game. So far, All we've had is 5 Promised fixes that haven't come to pass, And more bugs than we know what to do with. The core game doesn't function 9/10 times now, So when can we start to see these "Health Improvements" and "Focus on the core game via a strike team".

    @sonicbob said in April 25th Update - State of Play:
    While Thursday's update delivered fixes to some long-standing issues like Voice Comms, Xbox Game Stability and Ship Interactions after diving - we quickly saw reports of new issues that hadn't been caught and slipped through to Live.

    All of the issues that you have listed in here have been known and reported to you for well over a month now. How can you class things like "Passive Megs", "Shark Frequency" and "Captaincy Supplies" as New issues that you found during this update, Which you told us was fixed in this update and surprise surprise, Another let down.

    @sonicbob said in April 25th Update - State of Play:
    We'll be monitoring the launch of Season 12 closely and will triage any issues we see following the introduction of the new items arriving across the seas.

    So i'm assuming that from this statement, AGAIN, We wont be expecting any fixes until way after season 12 comes out with all its new bugs, Problems and issues that will come along with every update that you guys seem to release?

    I guess the real question the whole community wants to know is, When are you going to actually fix any of these problems? How do these issues constantly seem to make it past your Q&A Teams? Is there a way that we can go back to a state where the game is playable and doesnt have major bugs with every feature the game has to offer? Are we going to start enjoying Sea of Thieves again or worrying each time that we will get sunk to bug number 62154? Is the problems with the game and core elements fixable?

    We can't even trust the rare update videos anymore because it just causes more letdown, We get excited that you have fixed a major issue, And then the update comes around and not only is that major issue really not fixed, but theres also 5 more new major issues that break the game.

  • [Mod edit]

    That aside, the QA team is either not robust enough or not thorough enough based on the current track record, and i share the sentiment that at this point a season of new content can wait for a season of actual game repair. The concern being that the masses need constant stimulation and new shiny things to do/buy otherwise the game dries up holds water in the long term maybe, but in the short term we are at a point where not one session goes by that I dont experience, observe, or outright suffer from bugs.

    The anti cheat is causing new problems at breakneck speed and there are still cheaters. New content every season but large scale problems stand addressed yet unresolved. I dont want to put all the blame at the feet of QA but why are we seeing petty little nods to unnecessary virtue signaling and self back-patting while the game is left in tatters with every update?

    I believe in this game, it has been and remains unique and fun, and the effort that goes into making it so is noted and appreciated, but changes in rollout have to happen otherwise this state of 'always fixing last seasons bugs' will become the status quo.

  • Thank you, eventually, for the transparent communication.

    I will echo the sentiments of others and hope that this will be consistent and not just for the benefit of PS5 players? Time will tell.

    For me for now I have detached from this game and returned to Fallout 4, which is a sad state of affairs because you have a unique sandbox game in that there is non of its type where you can load in and have an entirely unscripted game session, and this is why you have the passionate community you do. Unfortunately, the hot topic is bugs and glitches and not memory making experiences.

    I and it seems others also truly believe that a session of tripling and quadrupling down on game health is needed over another content release, PS5 have enough context to tide them over 6 months, make season 13 the “Season of Stability” as no game should crash as much as yours does and at the very minimum one that does not have a save setting should ever crash, even once…

    Again thank you for the comms, be nice to see if you can shift the sentiment.

  • So. On April 30th expect the same when a big major update hits.

    ^_^ things will break, many will flood the forums to complain “nothing was fixed”

  • @eggyboffer97 said in April 25th Update - State of Play:

    There's a couple of things I've noticed from your update today and I wanna ask some questions about them, Knowing full well as is usual this post will be removed.

    @sonicbob said in April 25th Update - State of Play:

    While a new strike team will be deployed directly to this space, we aren't quite there yet and therefore need to review and tighten up our current processes and get it back under control.

    So, We've been lead to believe that this strike team was already in force as per the 2024 preview event,

    You might have misremembered what they said, around the 9 minutes in

    In the past we've borrowed time from feature teams to address issues in the core experience, but it's always taking a backseat to the features that those teams are working on. In 2024, this is changing. We're securing a dedicated team to focus on the health of the game, bringing ( ... )

    To me that indicates they're working on getting the "dedicated bug fix team" together, not that it was completely up and running already.

  • @sonicbob
    Thanks for update.
    We as a family miss sailing together. Too many game crashes meant it became impossible to play. Hopefully be back sailing soon when the game is stable.

  • Thanks for your update and care. Keep up with the hard work. Bringing the PS community was a huge step forward for a better game with more people to experience this beautiful game. Thank you!

  • How many PS5 players are going to stick around when they see experience constant crashes and game-breaking bugs? Not many, I would think

  • Some posts have been removed and I'm going to drop a quick reminder to keep posts on at least a basic level or respect and preferably also keeping them polite. I'd also like to underline that this isn't a bug report thread - if you come across bugs or issues, file a ticket to support here.

    Carry on.

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