[Hi Rare! It's Never Too Late to Optimize for QOL]Please Help Me Optimize My Controller Inputs

  • Hello! I would love some help optimizing my controller inputs. I'm beyond sick of opening storage crates when I want to switch weapons. Getting killed when this happens is awful. Recommendations, sharing what you use, etc. would really help. I'll share what I have now and why I have it. Also, I know there's a bug right now, and my inputs don't stay mapped between sessions. Reverts back to the way I've had it before (I've been experimenting with different inputs). Either way, I'd like to have something set for when this bug is fixed. I do have a gaming laptop, but I've always just loved the comfort of console. Sitting on a couch or bed, a compact controller, big screen. Idk. Just a preference. I acknowledge the perks of PC but I'm cozy and sweaty at the same time. A unique mix.

    Quick side thought: I really think Rare could optimize controller inputs so much more. I wish they'd look into this. I LOVE this game and it would improve QoL so much. We could use button combos or more wheels to increase how many inputs we can have. Text chat could be accessible by clicking right stick while the communication wheel is open for example. Or they could have the DPad inputs do secondary things while holding either bumper. There's so many easy options here.

    Anyway, I currently have food mapped to right stick because I believe right stick is unmapped by default. I speculate that Rare will use that for crouch when they release that feature in Season 14. Yay... more inputs we don't have optimized room for. I have food mapped to keep up with PC players to pull it out quick and give me the ability to cycle through it which we can't normally do on console. I have throwables mapped to right on DPad (same reason, quick use, cycle through). Im debating removing that and just using the tool wheel to free up input space but I really don't want to. Then I have bucket as left on DPad because I'm sure you know that the second it takes to open the tool wheel and select it could be the second you sink. So quick access for bucket. I had worms mapped to right on DPad to puke on people in combat, but moved things around because I don't utilize it enough and I wanted to add text chat in so I can tell the new players to go to game chat since we can't hear game chat and party chat on console. Big shame too, because other games have proved this is possible. Very very upsetting how many uncessesary disadvantages we have. Like, why can't we increase the sensitivity of how fast we can move our cursor around the map table!? Ugh. Anyway, sorry I'm so wordy with my sidetracked mind. Text chat would have to be up because right or left overrides paging through quest books, and down is the emote wheel. Should I take text chat off and just use the megaphone with the preset "CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" text?

    So, food is right stick
    Text chat is up
    Bucket is left
    Throwables is right

    My goal here is to learn from what works for you and to remap Switch Weapons! I know there will be an adjustment period, but it's absurd that such a crucial input is shared with interacting with common objects. I don't want to open storage crates. I want to two tap you. So if I move Swap Weapons to maybe right stick, and put food to the DPad, or perhaps move Swap Weapons to the DPad, what is a good thing to move to Y that will 1) Not be used in circumstances where I'm around storage crates in combat, and
    2) Not remove the ability to actually open storage crates with Y.

    Can you change the input for opening crates? I actually didn't look. If so, can you have a double input? I.E. open crate with right on DPad but also still be able to turn quest pages and do whatever the main input is assigned to it such as my current throwables mapping?

    This is a long post. I know, sorry. I look forward to good discussions though. Console players kinda have the short straw here.

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  • @secret-vveapon doesn't matter how you change your controller settings..."Y" ond XBox or triangle on PS is ALWAYS secondary interaction...so weapon change, storage crate opening, collector chest opening...you CAN'T CHANGE THIS

  • Yeah unfortunately controllers are stuck with the default input for interact and weapons. As for the rest. I have throwables on right stick. On the dpad wood left, bucket down, food right. Up is emotes.

  • @schwammlgott Ah, so we have an even bigger issue than I realized. I hope Rare can consider these things moving forward. It's never too late for improvements, especially when an entirely new console to the game is now flooding into the seas.

  • @secret-vveapon sagte in Please Help Me Optimize My Controller Inputs:

    @schwammlgott Ah, so we have an even bigger issue than I realized. I hope Rare can consider these things moving forward. It's never too late for improvements, especially when an entirely new console to the game is now flooding into the seas.

    This topic has been brought up since years, still nothing has changed, do don’t be hopeful it will change in the future

  • @Secret-VVeapon People don't realize all they need to do is show support haha. They'll say "dont be hopeful it will change" while they don't even upvote the post haha.

    We should be able to change the button to change weapons to be separate than the button to go into the crates. Pretty easy fix. If Rare wasn't so busy improving SOT in new and unexpected ways then they would have for sure done something about this by now.

    It's just a matter of time. The thought that they won't fix it because it hasn't been fixed already is just hilarious to me.

  • @straw-hat-blake I'm with you on this one. I play a lot of games made by a lot of different devs. Is Rare perfect? Of course not. But in my experience, they've been absolutely fantastic compared to many others. I don't genuinely think they ignore things that would improve our experience. I know they're busier than ever now with an influx of new players, but I'm with you. When we come together and speak up, that's the easiest way for them to hear.

  • I feel your frustration sir. New sot ps5 gamer here. The other day in game my X and O buttons have switched functions. X has always been to select O has always been for back out/close. Maybe I hit something by accident, so I have looked and scanned the in game settings to no prevail! I didn't change this, atleast not on purpose. There seems to be nothing I can do to switched those functions back! I'm either blind as a bat or just that stupid! Lol. Either way it's like trying to relearn the game play and now its definitely not as smooth and efficient and we all know every second counts! Is this a bug? It's not my set up because pre joining sot my X and O function as they should. As soon I I enter sot, the X,O function switches. Never was like this. I can't even submit a question due to the system wants me to add files after I write my question and wo t let me submit unless. Now I'm not very tec savey but why so I need to do that when I only have a question there's no pic to screen shot etc! Just a question. Any advice would be deeply appreciated! Thank you and good luck on the seas.

  • really annoying to open a crate mid fight when trying to swap weapons. anyway i have my dpad set to up = text chat left = throwables right = food and down = emotes

  • I personally have my controller inputs bound by order of importance. Bucket is bound to right stick so I can pull it out immediately without having to lift my finger to bucket the ship.
    Food is bound to up on the dpad as that is the next quickest button for me to access.
    Throwables are bound to right on the dpad
    And lastly wood is bound to left on the dpad as repairing your ship should be reserved for when you have a moment to do so.

    As for opening inventories when swapping weapons this is indeed an annoyance. The best way I found to combat this is to organize the boxes on your ship to not be in the way when fighting. If you are on an enemy ship then jumping before you swap weapons will also prevent you from opening inventories assuming you aren't looking to far down.

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