Pieces of Eight - Melee Island not spawning

  • Hey there!

    I finished the first of the tall tales for Melee island. I needed the 200 Pieces of Eight to buy the book. I've watched every youtube tutorial, I've left, restarted. I can't get the Clocktower bag, the bag in the hallway at the beginning of the mansion, the one in the prison, the one in the kitchen to spawn. It's about the 25 I'm missing to 100% this tall tale. I'm quite literally incapable of making them spawn even after restart.

    Does anyone have advice on what to do? I've done everything else, followed every video tutorial and pictures I could find. I'm not missing any spots, I promise. I have 165 Gold coins, and I need 200... but they just are not spawning. Help?

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  • I had the same issue except the onlyyyy one not spawning was the prison one - im literally down 3 🤡 im at 197 and i cant get the last three its so frustrating

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