PS5 user looking for crew mates

  • Adult gamer looking for some players to sail with. I'm more of a pve player looking to do missions, would like some people to maybe run Athena mission with. I have a mic and a guild. Hit me up if interested

    Ps5 Oaktree76
    Thieves Oaktree376

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  • The Royal British Navy of Sea of Thieves is recruiting. We are a discord based MilSim with 350+ members and are always looking for new sailors to join our ranks. We have a unique rank setting with everyone have the equal chance to rise the ranks. We have members from all around the globe from every platform and we do voyages daily. If you are interested let me know, add me on discord: chase10101010 and I will send you an invite.

  • Also a new PS5 user with similar interests. I’d love to be a part of your crew! TTVWarpixe1 = live account

    PSN = warpixel-

  • 30+ sot ps5 pirate legend players here we do a lot of emissary and fort of the damned missions if youre interested to play with active players add me CptPrice010.

  • @oaktree376 looking for a good crew on ps5 adult down for any mission interested BarrelOfWhiskey

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