Daily deeds in hourglass

  • I have 100 levels on servants after a long grind. i want to continue, but the mode gets boring as tight fights last long, and i get inconsistent opponents. In my head i have been trying to solve the issue of boring dragged out fights. i also want to have more presidence over allegiance without anyone being able to abuse something. currently the best answear i found was daily deeds.

    For example:
    Daily: kill 2 players representing servants or guardians.(2000 exp)
    Weekly: hit 15 chainshots while representing servants or guardians.(5000 exp)
    Seasonal: win 20 fights in hourglass.(12000 exp)

    these are small boosts compared to having multiple wins, with a 1x streak win starting at around 4000 exp i believe. even so i think it will help everyone taking part enjoying playing the mode in bursts, and not draining themselves over X many attempts. considering the matchmaking inconsistency, i think this is fair to add anyway. i still want to keep the winning streaks as the best way to earn allegiance. those who win alot deserve the reward for the practice, but the mode needs players with majority of fights being losses for there to be winners, and they need reason to use the mode and a way forward for their sportsmanship.

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  • I've long been an advocate of this, making more use of the Deeds system seems like a full win for Hourglass and for the system in general to be expanded upon. You would want to set it up to encourage both participation and actually fighting over running and resetting, while also not promoting spawn camping and things like that. So something like this:

    Hourglass Daily Deeds
    Participate in an Hourglass Battle
    Board an Enemy Ship in Hourglass Battle
    Win an Hourglass Battle
    Lose an Hourglass Battle
    Land 5 Cannonball Hits in Hourglass Battle
    Land 5 Chainshot Hits in Hourglass Battle
    Land 5 Scattershot Hits in Hourglass Battle
    Drop a Mast in Hourglass Battle
    Damage a Capstan in Hourglass Battle
    Damage a Helm in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with a Sword in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with Flintlock in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with Blunderbuss in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with Eye of Reach in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with Double Barrel in Hourglass Battle
    Slay a Pirate with Throwing Knives in Hourglass Battle

    You can also do Weekly and Monthly Deeds for all of these. To prohibit spawn camping you would make all the weapon kill based Deeds require more and more Unique Pirates (so repeat kills of the same Pirate would not be of any benefits, so no promoting spawn camping). You just up the numbers by +5 for each thing for Weekly and subsequently Monthly.

    This would encourage doing around 1-2 Battles per day, win or lose (as both have Deeds related to them, to try and goad people into going more than once). You encourage them to stay engaged in the fight while doing it with all the combated related ones, again win or lose. Then you encourage between 5-10 Battles per week, and 15-30 per month (again with the win or lose and fighting encouraged).

    This way you could get some good progress in on the mode even if you're not great at PvP as these boosts would markedly help with that. And I bet strongly it would up the participation in the battles by a fair margin as you're now effectively dangling a proverbial carrot for players.

  • Rare should hire you. I love your idea so much. They did a similar thing in World of Warcraft's battlegrounds, where you had to accept missions while in the pvp match, and do them to either help your side, or earn you reputation. Made each fight that much more fun to do.

  • Yep can't suggest this enough, HG with daily incentives for everyone to play would see more activity and create a more balanced environment for everyone. HG is really best enjoyed by just doing a couple matches every time you play, rather than a huge grind on gold n glory weekends.

  • but the mode gets boring as tight fights last long, and i get inconsistent opponents.

    Why do you think adding Deeds would fix this? Once you complete the deeds it back to square one, and some daily deeds wont offer anything or some will be "impossible"

    It all comes down to state of mind. If hourglass has become boring....dont do it, and sail the open sea and pvp

  • @wujuwarrior1375 I've always liked the idea of Deeds for Hg, just need to be remotely balanced ofc.

  • Deeds and/or quarterly Ledger rewards

  • @redeyesith Daily deeds would be immensely helpful. I like the examples you provided. Also, if they had a few cosmetics tied to the daily deeds. So you could unlock a jacket that requires 20 ships sunk as part of the daily deeds, so if the daily deed is to sink 2 ships, then it would take 10 days to get the jacket. Having cosmetics unlocked this way might help alleviate people coming in and farming it all right away and then getting bored of it. Having ledger rewards would also help with that, but the ledger rewards might need to be based on wins vs points? Considering people could just loss farm for points.

  • @burnbacon

    True, but i think changing and turning on the "elo will be difficult i would think. Longer match times and stuff. This is a supportive help, it wont cure the matchmaking issue, just make the battle a bit more worth anyway.

  • @wujuwarrior1375 said in Daily deeds in hourglass:


    True, but i think changing and turning on the "elo will be difficult i would think. Longer match times and stuff. This is a supportive help, it wont cure the matchmaking issue, just make the battle a bit more worth anyway.

    It gives incentives for players to actually fight each other for the XP and/or cosmetics. No more players running or loss farming a billion times, if they need to actually cause damage in order to earn XP.

  • Dives for daily loss lol 😂

  • I like this idea but i think as a general rule of thumb deeds should:
    *Not encourage spawn camping (no get X kills with)

    *Not lead to instances of crewmates throwing to try complete a deed.

    *Should be completable as a crew rather than an individual.

    A few good examples:

    *Win a game in under X minutes.
    *Win a game as a champion.
    *Win X games.
    *Complete a FOTD with hourglass raised.
    *As a crew hit X cannonballs.
    *As a crew repair X holes.
    *Launch a chicken firework as a reaper Gally runs from you.

    A few bad examples:

    *Lose a game.
    *Get 10 kills with a blunderbuss .
    *Spam "Rolls on deck laughing" after killing a blatant cheater.
    *Anchor an enemy ship.

  • @xzodeak

    I kind of agree, but i would not mind if quests shake up how people perform the encounter. Spawn camping is kind of bad, though you should be prepared for this in hg though.

    I dont like static and predictable gameplay, because people practice muscle memory and watch guides to recreate the same gameplay with no ideas making memorable fights. It would be funny if a quest went: kill player with blunderbomb. That would cause spontanious boarding and catch players off guard, and mabye give the defending player an opening after a reckless board, or snowball a victory. It challanges the individual to react and find a new solution on the spot.

    Also winning games as a champion as quest is niche. Going by 50/50 chance on encounters, you have a 3% chance of reacing that i believe. And we know the matchmaking. That will continue to serve the already rewarding triumph system, and not work as a wide boost of incentive for the majority.

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