Hourglass battle of honour (Commendation adjustments)

  • Hey Everybody!

    I don’t know if i’m the first one to say this buy i think since the update were factions could fight their own factions (battle of honour) things have gotten much harder especially from the servents side. The problem is that almost every battle is battles against the same faction which is okay but is bad when we think commendation wise as all commendations regarding hourglass is about Factions sinking opposite factions. Because as of now, completing commendations like ” Rack them up” (servents) is impossible. A

    Solution: The game adjusts the commendations so it doesnt specify faction and that every battle that has been against same factions goes towards the commendation like it should have.

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  • I fully agree with this, I actually made the same comment a handful of months back. The pushback I've been seeing on it are veteran players saying that it's just how it was when it started and how it should continue to be (I suffer, so you suffer type of scenario, granted at least there were more people playing when it first launched so the equivalence doesn't really hold up there).
    I'm basically giving up on paying HG at this point because of that as well as still encountering cheaters and feeling like Rare does little to nothing regarding them. I'll pick it up again when the commendations aren't RNG based.

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