Cheaters and XBox players forgotten

  • I have been playing SOT since 2018, and am a big fan. Except when it comes to cheaters who are polluting this game and making it impossible to play with. Not to mention the differences between PC players and XBox players. PC players are too quick when moving compared to XBox users.
    It really affects the experience and is becoming boring and frustrating not to be able to play (as a XBox player) at the same level as others.
    You guys need to do something. I would be very sad to quit playing SOT and I think many other players do agree with my complaint. Come on guys try to keep the SOT spirit and improve your fighting against cheaters, otherwise SOT will die like an old Captain who has lost his treasures and boat..

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  • @dampweevil33895

    Console/controller preferred option already exists.
    As a permanent resident of that option: I see very few cheaters. (Never that come bother me in adventure because I don't do hourglass. )


  • Play on Xbox lobbies only. No pc players there.

  • Controller def has some situations where it is more difficult and/or less convenient than a m/kb situation but it's still pretty skill based (for the most part)

    I've played a significant amount of both and I've played a significant amount of time on both types of servers.

    Controller servers are typically more skilled on average and that makes sense. It's an opt in preference and a lot of controller players have done it their entire gaming experience.

    M/kb servers have most of the streamers/content creators and people that follow them around but they are also full of brand new players. So it's a lot more of the players being either very new or very experienced. Controller servers have a lot more of the middle than m/kb.

    Something that a lot of people leave out of this convo when they go on about cheating and exploiting and all of that is that lots of players are decent enough to hit some shots and do alright now.

    Time has brought up skill a bit and hg brought it up and content creation has wider reach now which brings up some awareness.

    Back in the day people could just get on most player ships, a lot of players had kegs, etc etc. Awareness was lower and people didn't have a lot of the strats to defend much.

    I've never seen a lot of cheating in random adventure play on either types of servers but everyone plays different and I don't make sus accusations for the most part.

  • @dampweevil33895

    I don't wanna missout on anything so the option for me as a PS5 player are always crossplay.
    And on PS5 there is no problem to have evidence saved if someone you meet cheats in SoT as it is always saved for you.
    So if any encounters with suspected cheating happends it´s just to send the information to Rare and let them be the judge over the incident.

    "Video of your recent gameplay is continuously and automatically recorded. You can save anywhere from the last 15 seconds up to 1 hour of gameplay."

    I don´t know if you have something similar option on Xbox, but it´s worth checking up.

  • Just set it to console/controller only.

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