Hiii ! I'm looking for normal people .

  • Heyy, im playing this game from some time .. Im looking for normal crew .. all the time i meet ppl. who is devatating my ship .. i make mission they just throw bombs.. im looking for some fun with normal ppl..

  • 5
    windows 10
  • Add me ExoMerx

  • Hey Ozz!

    If you're in need of a crew dm me on discord: HappyBoostio I'm part of a large SOT guild that sails daily. It is low commitment as well, Ill send more information on discord if youre interested!

  • I use to have the same problem a lot until I started doing the following:

    1: enter the game on your captained ship starting with a closed crew.
    2. Gather all the supplies you need and do any ship customizations you want.
    3. Raise emissary flag if you want.
    4. Select an event, voyage, or treasure maps or tall tale.
    5. Raise anchor, set sail
    6. Open crew.

    I hope that helps! You’re welcome to friend me. I promise I won’t firebomb you.

  • I’m somewhat rusty, does that still work? PSN name is Planet Troy

windows 10
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