Heartfelt Request Regarding Time-Limited Cosmetics in Sea of Thieves

  • Dear Sea of Thieves Support Team, I hope you're having a fantastic day! I’m writing to you as a longtime sailor of the Sea of Thieves seas, and I just wanted to start by saying how much this game means to me. With over 2,000 hours of adventure under my belt, Sea of Thieves has become more than just a game—it’s a world I escape to, where every voyage is a new story, and every battle for treasure feels like a thrilling chapter of my pirate life. The love, detail, and passion that has gone into crafting this world have not gone unnoticed. From the stunning sunsets on the horizon to the adrenaline-pumping ship battles, Sea of Thieves has offered me experiences I could never find anywhere else. I’ve made memories with friends, met incredible people in the community, and always look forward to what new adventures lie ahead. One thing I absolutely treasure about the game is the ability to express myself through cosmetics, and I’ve always admired some of the rare, time-limited items like the Festival of the Damned Lantern and Golden Sailor Cannons. I completely understand and respect the exclusivity of these items, but it breaks my heart knowing they’re no longer obtainable, as they would make my adventures feel even more special. I was wondering if there’s any possibility, no matter how small, that these cosmetics could be brought back for players like me who are deeply passionate about Sea of Thieves but missed the opportunity to earn these particular rewards. Whether through special in-game events or a new system to allow us to earn or unlock these items, it would mean the world to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my message. I can’t express enough how much Sea of Thieves has impacted my life, and I’m so grateful for the endless adventure and joy it provides. No matter what happens, I’ll continue sailing the seas, but if there’s any chance to make these cosmetics a part of my pirate’s journey, I’d be incredibly grateful. Wishing you all calm seas and endless adventures, Rager

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  • OMG love that !!
    TY my friend for this nice words , its a great idea and hope this items back for us
    cuz we wish that to happend ... but sadly i think they wont lsn for u :(

  • I completely understand and respect the exclusivity of these items, but it breaks my heart knowing they’re no longer obtainable

    o.o" Really though?

    as they would make my adventures feel even more special.

    At this point, I feel this more of a troll post than anything.

  • for context:
    I am a day one player in SoT and I do have all the old and time limited cosmetics.

    Rare has decided to allow people to show their past voyages and the stories they encountered via time limited cosmetics.
    I am personally not a fan of time limited stuff, because it creates a lot of FOMO, if you are a person that cares about collecting.

    I have had times where I did not have the motivation to play SoT, but I did login just to unlock the items my friends told me about.
    This creates weird and unenjoyable moments of forced gameplay.

    my personal opinion:
    It would be much better if everyone could unlock all cosmetics by earning them via long term ingame goals and achievments.

    • kill 100 hungering megalodons and earn the original blue meg figurehead with the glowing eyes, sure!
    • complete FotD 100 times to unlock all FotD related cosmetics, sure!
    • bring back "Wandering Reaper" styled voyages as server-wide PvP-voyage to unlock the Wandering Reaper set, sure!
    • play the game for 1000 hours to unlock golden sailor cosmetics, sure!

    I know some people think "if you have not played in 2018/2019, then you should not be able to get those time limited cosmetics."
    And that it would somehow make those cosmetics less valueable to them, if those could be unlocked again.

    Someone who has logged into the game in year 5 has "golden sailor stuff", just because they were there at the time,
    but someone new with 1000+ hours can not unlock it anymore? Why? I do not see the point of it. (personal preference... I know)

    But to me personally it feels like new players are being locked out of all those cool skins and gameplay elements + stories to tell.
    Let them unlock the cosmetics by long term gameplay mechanics, instead of forcing them to play within a certain time frame.

    Why does it have to be: "yes, I was here on day X" rather than "yes, I did this thing 100 times and got this cool cosmetic for it!"?
    One way is based on luck and timing and the other one is a choice you can make and a grind to focus on.

    I know Rare will not change their mind about this anytime soon. Still a good topic to share my thoughts.

  • the Festival of the Damned Lantern and Golden Sailor Cannons.

    Time limited cosmetics, in their majority will not make a return. Golden Sailor cannons are among the likely to reappear since they showed up at SoT’s anniversary, so if you wait till March next year, there’s a chance they’ll reappear again.

  • @rager6989 time limited should remain time limited.

  • @drfauli said in Heartfelt Request Regarding Time-Limited Cosmetics in Sea of Thieves:

    for context:
    I am a day one player in SoT and I do have all the old and time limited cosmetics.

    Rare has decided to allow people to show their past voyages and the stories they encountered via time limited cosmetics.
    I am personally not a fan of time limited stuff, because it creates a lot of FOMO, if you are a person that cares about collecting.

    I have had times where I did not have the motivation to play SoT, but I did login just to unlock the items my friends told me about.
    This creates weird and unenjoyable moments of forced gameplay.

    my personal opinion:
    It would be much better if everyone could unlock all cosmetics by earning them via long term ingame goals and achievments.

    • kill 100 hungering megalodons and earn the original blue meg figurehead with the glowing eyes, sure!
    • complete FotD 100 times to unlock all FotD related cosmetics, sure!
    • bring back "Wandering Reaper" styled voyages as server-wide PvP-voyage to unlock the Wandering Reaper set, sure!
    • play the game for 1000 hours to unlock golden sailor cosmetics, sure!

    I know some people think "if you have not played in 2018/2019, then you should not be able to get those time limited cosmetics."
    And that it would somehow make those cosmetics less valueable to them, if those could be unlocked again.

    Someone who has logged into the game in year 5 has "golden sailor stuff", just because they were there at the time,
    but someone new with 1000+ hours can not unlock it anymore? Why? I do not see the point of it. (personal preference... I know)

    But to me personally it feels like new players are being locked out of all those cool skins and gameplay elements + stories to tell.
    Let them unlock the cosmetics by long term gameplay mechanics, instead of forcing them to play within a certain time frame.

    Why does it have to be: "yes, I was here on day X" rather than "yes, I did this thing 100 times and got this cool cosmetic for it!"?
    One way is based on luck and timing and the other one is a choice you can make and a grind to focus on.

    I know Rare will not change their mind about this anytime soon. Still a good topic to share my thoughts.

    I could not agree more. More things to unlock is better than things lost forever. Make the unlock conditions more difficult if needed. HG is crying out for unlocks between 200-1000, the various arena sets seem ideal for that. Maybe a reaper-esqe variant of each for servants (Bad Boy set anyone? with a rabid dog)

    Repackage adventurers and other story stuff into tall tales (obviously some adjustment would be needed, but workable). Another examples example would be the in game hoarders hunt stuff would make a pretty decent special voyage like the sunken kingdom.

    I'm in no way suggesting just hand out everything, but I think challenges equal or greater for previous events would add content and encourage new players.

  • @rager6989 no, I like my cosmetics being a story of my play and not just watered down consolation prizes.

  • ...as they would make my adventures feel even more special.

    While I completely agree that time-locked cosmetics are largely awful, I don't particularly understand how they would make your adventures feel more special.

    If they were re-introduced as a new event honoring the original event, I could see how those could create special adventures for you and your friends. The cosmetics themselves do nothing.

    But, why not just introduce new cosmetics and events since they (Rare) seem dead set on sticking to the time-locked model (at least as it pertains to Y1/Y2 cosmetics)?

  • @burnbacon Hey, I totally get where you're coming from, but I assure you this isn't a troll post! I've genuinely spent a lot of time in Sea of Thieves and love every aspect of the game. For me, the cosmetics aren't just about looks—they add a personal touch to my adventures and make my pirate feel unique. I’m really passionate about the game, and I just wanted to express how much these items mean to me. It’s all in good fun, and I'm just excited to see where my pirate's journey takes me!

  • @qu1etone I totally understand and respect that viewpoint! Time-limited rewards are definitely special and mark important moments in the game’s history. I guess I just feel so connected to Sea of Thieves that I’d love the chance to experience some of those iconic cosmetics I missed. That being said, I get that exclusivity is important for those who earned them originally, and I wouldn’t want to take away from that. I just wanted to share my perspective and passion for the game!

  • @captain-fob4141 I totally get where you’re coming from! The cosmetics you’ve earned tell the story of your journey in Sea of Thieves, and I really respect that. I definitely wouldn’t want to diminish anyone’s achievements or make the items feel less special. My main hope was to explore a way for newer or returning players to still have unique experiences while also respecting the legacy of those who’ve been there from the start. It’s all about finding that balance where everyone’s story still feels meaningful!

  • @rager6989 right so the balance is the continued release of newer time limited cosmetics, not returning old ones.

  • @rager6989 Wailing Barnacle set and all the Arena cosmetics are what I wish would come back to the game. As Fry9889 said, HG is crying out for more unlocks. I really really wish Rare would just bring back a bunch of the old events again. The mercenary voyages, like black powder stashes and smugglers runs are just a few examples of "events" that they could easily bring back on a rotation. We go so long with out any content, when all they need to do is periodically recycle old events and bring back the old cosmetics with them. Only a small portion of players have issue with the exclusivity part. Most are more than happy to see other players finally have access to certain cosmetics as long as they earned them in some way. Having FOMO be the only gatekeeping requirement is a terrible way to keep players engaged. They NEED to bring back old stuff to excite us and give us players who have missed certain cosmetics the ability to get/try for them again. Considering this is a cosmetic progression only game, time gating and never brining back large amounts of amazing skins that devs worked hard to create and current players wish so badly for, seems like a great way to eventually alienate a lot of players to appease a vocal minority who managed to receive said items solely from luck of no time constraints. People have jobs, school, kids, etc. Why not let everyone have another or two more tries at "time-limited" cosmetics? Even if you had an event every single October for the Wailing Barnacle set, it could still be considered "time-limited", so let's do that!

  • @captain-fob4141 I appreciate your point about maintaining the integrity of time-limited cosmetics. However, I believe there’s room for both new releases and the occasional return of older items during special events. This wouldn’t diminish their value but rather celebrate the game's history and connect players, both old and new. Imagine the excitement of revisiting classic cosmetics while honoring the achievements of those who earned them originally. It’s all about enhancing our shared love for Sea of Thieves!

  • @thamb0 I completely agree! Bringing back old events like the Wailing Barnacle set or mercenary voyages would not only allow more players to earn those cosmetics but also keep the game feeling fresh and engaging. It’s a great way to honor the effort the devs put into creating those skins while making sure everyone has a chance to experience them. Plus, with so many players juggling jobs and responsibilities, having periodic opportunities to earn these items could really enhance the community and excitement around Sea of Thieves. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  • @rager6989 I have missed things over the years due to life happening, as it dose to us all. When I see players with clothing or ship cosmetics that I have missed i think it's awesome. Means things have happened in the time I was away. The world has evolved, and I would not like to wear or display them after the fact. (Whispers) "because i wasn't there..."
    I think personally it would be more productive to keep pushing Rare for new ingame earnable content. Be it via season events or added longterm commendations. We gotta stop Rare being lazy with their rehashed content. Just like the gun skins, clothing and ship cosmetics for completing the Burning Blade this season. Lazy lazy. Yeah I'm pointing at you Rare!

  • @rager6989 No.

    Fundamentally destroys the story. When I see wandering reaper sails or origional bone crusher cosmetics on the horizon I get excited because I know the owner has a shared experience with the game. The cosmetics are returning in part as recolors which is 100% fine, but none of the time limited sets should return in full.

    Your proposal does nothing to respect the history of the game and just serves to destroy it. You missed out, it sucks, there will be new things you can earn to tell your personal story.

  • @captain-fob4141 I appreciate your commitment to preserving the unique stories and shared experience behind cosmetics, but I believe that the game's narrative can evolve without excluding players. The excitement of seeing rare cosmetics is rooted in shared experiences, but those experiences should not be a barrier to entry for others who love the game. Allowing the reintroduction of time-limited cosmetics during special events honors the history while broadening the narrative.

    The world of Sea of Thieves is meant to be inclusive and welcoming. By giving all players a chance to earn these items, we enrich the community's story, fostering connections rather than division. Exclusivity can create a divide, whereas revisiting old cosmetics allows everyone to contribute to the ongoing narrative of their adventures. It’s not about diminishing past achievements; it’s about celebrating a living, breathing world where every player can participate and share in its rich legacy.

  • @rager6989 Yes, and if you actually read, they do this with reskins and with new time exclusive cosmetics. You missed the events and weren't part of the narrative, that's ok there will be other ones to participate in.

    If, for example, they brought back the cosmetics for the battle of golden sands it would just undermine that the cosmetics serve as a reminder for those that helped save it.

    Or, if they brought back the hoarders hunt skull and sails it would take away from the people that worked hard to solve the real world puzzles under the time constraint. The very fact that you feel a burning desire to ask for the cosmetics to return in full proves that they have sentimental and real value to those that do hold them.

    So just wait, enjoy the game, earn the new cosmetics coming out. Write your own story in the cosmetics you earn.

  • @drfauli I'm also an old player and I think items from before season 1 should be kept exclusive, it was only from season 1 onwards that Rare indicated that it would bring old items back... however, they can do what they've already been doing, recolors of old skins, I don't see a problem with that.

    Undeniably what makes an item special is the context in which it was earned, more than appearance, be it an old item or through a difficult task, that's what gives the skin meaning, that's my opinion.

  • @qu1etone It's not lazy. They took the time to make items and events. They can reuse them all they want. Stop calling them lazy. Other games exist if you're unhappy with the game. Valuing gatekeeping of cosmetics because they were "time-limited" is not the best idea. No one I have ever met on the Seas has ever been like "wow, that's so cool that you managed to be playing at the exact same time that the 1 week long event came out when I was busy, kudos for being so lucky!" Instead they almost always without fail say something like "Man, I wish I could still get that cosmetic. hopefully Rare brings it back." I think the large majority of players are fine with cosmetics being brought back, as long as they're earnable, not just given. The vocal minority complaining about time locking stuff is not the sentiment you find when talking to large amounts of players in the actual game.

  • @lleorb I agree partially. I think a few items should def be exclusive. Like, I wouldn't expect day 1 pirate stuff or something for a 1 year gift. However, things like the Wailing Barnacle set and a few other sets should 100% make a return. They were tied to Cursed Sails, Cursed Crews, and Shrouded Spoils content updates, all of which are still in the game with commendations that can still be unlocked. I know that ultimately it isn't up to us to decide what Rare does or does not, but I personally think bringing back a bunch of these sets with reused or even new events would breathe new life into the game.

  • Never say never because they have brought some back (I didn't get golden sailor cannons originally but from re-release). The thing is, the reason cosmetics are sought after are due to the rarity (some are just outright better too) but that association of not seeing them often, and them being linked to specific events or times. You take that away and they're not special anymore.

    I think anything where people had to complete specific activities by an exact time/date should be left as is. If it was purely a login bonus then sure open it up.

  • Some of us enjoy the time limited stuff. If you have it it’s a stamp in your gaming experience and shows. “You were there”

    Like the Day One Eyepatch. That was a time limited item.

  • Locking cosmetics out of time frame is just non sense,considering everyone have to download them anyway AND considering its YEARS of cosmetics unobtanaible.Some peoples bragging about exclusivity in some pixels just make me feel they have some problems.

  • @il-truth-li some people whining about missing out on pixels is goofier...

  • @captain-fob4141

    Nah its not,they have them installed,and the game Is all about progressing with cosmetics. Why i should download GB of stuff i can never use

    Considering most of this "exclusive" stuff you talk about Is probably sitting in your inventory of things you never equip.

    The only reason to wanting them unobtainable Is flexing and selling the account in future (wich Is even more sad).

    Dont grapple on glass,It Will not work.

  • @il-truth-li the percentage of unobtainable cosmetics to gold is negligible. This is like arguing that all of the emporium cosmetics should be free as well because you have to load the assets.

    It's just a foolish path to argue. Clearly the cosmetics have value because you want them. It's just very childish to think you are entitled to somthing you didn't earn.

  • Emporium has the purpose of supporting the game,wich Is not something you can pretend.

    Only you are saying that someone Is asking to get something they didnt earn,dont even try to put things in my mouth. The issue here Is those cosmetics are NOT EVEN EARNABLE,you cant buy them with real Money to support the game and you cant even EARN them in game,so why they exist? I know why:

    Fill the void of fragile ego peoples Who put them on open crew ships in Hope to get some 1 minute praise and push the accounts black market.

  • @il-truth-li they were earnable, you failed to or chose not to earn them. You are no longer able to nor entitled to earning them.

    Hopefully you learn and earn the new ones when they come out.

    I know it's hard to hear, but you didn't earn the cosmetics and they do serve the purpose of telling the story of your SoT career. I know you feel entitled to the things you haven't earned but you missed out and that's on you. Calling names or attempting to argue about the value is just a waste of time.

  • @captain-fob4141

    I didnt failed anything,i have all the old content and the alpha title+sails ( I didnt got just to have them,i got because i was playing the game and i liked the game) so its not about me. You are going personal because you are failing to give a good reason to not agree with me,and you just are attached to your exclusive stuff. Get some therapy dude,its pixels,they will not give anything valuable to you resumeè.

    How pathetic.

  • @il-truth-li then you're not downloading stuff you can't use and your original complaint is moot.

  • @captain-fob4141 You keep thinking im talking about my personal gain and not what benefit the playerbase.

    Are you doing this on purpose?

  • @il-truth-li keep crying over pixels, exclusivity is good for the game. Recolors and reskins are perfectly fine. No one is entitled to anything they didn't earn and the devs can set whatever requirements they want.

    If you don't like it you don't need to play.

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