Bring back story adventures from Year 1 & 2 - A return to the roots

  • Hello fellow pirates,

    I know it's not a popular opinion, but since it's a feedback + suggestion category, here I will write my point of view about this topic of seasonal content.

    I've always wanted to play a pirate game and I was very happy and fortunate to have played the closed beta of the game and see the game evolve. When the game launched, it was super broken with servers going down, but at the same time, it was incredible. People weren't toxics and I made many friends at that time. I have fond memories of those first story-driven adventures, especially The Hungering Deep. The thrill of summoning the Megalodon with other crews, working together through a unique narrative, and the immersion of those moments are memories I’ll never forget.

    However, as much as I enjoy the current seasonal model, I’ve found it harder to engage with Sea of Thieves as deeply as I once did. I've not played for the last 1 year or more, because life is busier, and I simply don’t have the time to grind through seasons to unlock cosmetics. So many games (Destiny 2 for example) have the same problem of inducing FOMO to players to have them spend time on a single game. While the new features and rewards are exciting, I miss the simplicity and immersive storytelling from Years 1 & 2. You could take a 2 months break and return at the same point, meet new friends and enjoy the game again.

    Why I Loved the Original Adventures:
    The Hungering Deep: This event felt like a true sea legend come to life! Merrick’s story, the build-up, and the collaboration required to summon the Megalodon were unforgettable. It felt like we were part of a living world, where we uncovered ancient secrets and faced terrifying challenges.

    Cursed Sails & Forsaken Shores: These events gave us dynamic, world-altering experiences. We had to adjust our sailing strategies with cursed cannonballs or navigate the dangers of the Devil’s Roar. These additions felt impactful and made the world feel dangerous and alive.

    The Seasonal Model: Mixed Feelings
    The seasonal content has its perks. I understand why Rare shifted to this model: it offers regular updates and rewards, and it helps keep the game fresh. But for players like me (I wouldn't say I'm "casual", but more like someone who just enjoy playing other games and discover some gems out there), who can’t invest as much time into grinding through each season, the focus on cosmetics and progression leaves something to be desired.

    I miss the story-focused content that drew me into the world of Sea of Thieves in the first place. A pirate's life adventure was great, but lackluster at the same time, because it's a story, but in a different instance than the rest of Sea of Thieves, so it doesn't really connect to the world.

    A Suggestion for the Future: Blend Seasons with Classic Story Content
    Instead of removing seasons altogether, perhaps there could be a balance. What if Sea of Thieves reintroduced major story events like The Hungering Deep on a regular basis, without the time-limited grind? Imagine more multi-crew events that encourage teamwork and exploration of lore, without the pressure of cosmetics-based progression. Back to the root where you had a real goal, as a community, to achieve something and then unlock cosmetics or other items by just playing. And I'm not talking about the current story content where you need to repeat the same quests 5 times to unlock a cosmetic piece... NO... You just had to play once!

    I understand seasons are bringing new contents too, like now we can finally crouch! But I feel like it's just Quality of Life updates that should just be that. While we could have story driven content like before. Even if it take a year to create a massive story, at least it could please to people like me who just left the ship because we just feel burned out by all of this.

    My Key Points:

    *Story-driven events like The Hungering Deep and Cursed Sails were what made Sea of Thieves truly special in its early years.
    *The seasonal model feels more focused on cosmetic rewards and grinding, which can alienate those who don’t have as much time to play.
    *Bringing back story content—either through standalone events or a permanent "Legends Mode"—could re-engage both casual and veteran players alike, without sacrificing the seasonal updates.

    What do you all think? I’d love to hear from other pirates who miss those epic, lore-driven adventures, and what ideas you might have for Sea of Thieves moving forward.

    Thank you very much! See you on the high sea!

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    story & loregeneralfeedback
  • Ah the good old days...

  • I fully support giving more emphasis to history, currently we haven't had anything about that... but bringing back old events, definitely not.

    First, it would be unfair to those who were there, if it's about bringing the rewards back, content from year 1 and 2 is not like the season pass, which Rare declared would bring items back, at that time it was limited and there was no way that would change. I lost some really cool items from 2019/2020 and I don't want them back, it would be unfair to whoever was there.

    Now about the content, why keep bringing the same events back? We already had a tribute to The Hungering Deep in the Shrouded Deep adventure, these events are meant to be done once, instead Rare should do new things, advance the story.

  • @nic727 the world has progressed, stuff happening back then wouldnt make sense now,

    Hungering deep was the first ever meg, basically the mother of all megs. Now we have all the megs, merrick has since passed away the island which was part of this als also since been transformed to reapers hideout etc etc etc

    Cursed sails, the second major content update,
    Outposts are no longer scared of skelly fleets, in fact there is only one remaining region for a reason
    Cursed balls have since been let out to the masses, golden sands doesnt exist anymore. Wanda the warsmith has since chosen to distance herself from flameheart and joined a new faction.

    I could go on and on, but fact is the world has progressed

  • @lleorb a dit dans Bring back story adventures from Year 1 & 2 - A return to the roots :

    I fully support giving more emphasis to history, currently we haven't had anything about that... but bringing back old events, definitely not.

    First, it would be unfair to those who were there, if it's about bringing the rewards back, content from year 1 and 2 is not like the season pass, which Rare declared would bring items back, at that time it was limited and there was no way that would change. I lost some really cool items from 2019/2020 and I don't want them back, it would be unfair to whoever was there.

    Now about the content, why keep bringing the same events back? We already had a tribute to The Hungering Deep in the Shrouded Deep adventure, these events are meant to be done once, instead Rare should do new things, advance the story.

    Not bringing the same event back, but bringing large events that would bring the community together to chase a similar goal.

    I need to come back into the game to see if my opinion is wrong, but last time I played I just didn’t feel the magic of the first days. With the Plunder Pass and everything they’ve added since then, I think it’s missing the simplicity of creating our own adventures with friends.

  • @nic727 Dude you are bringing back some memories of the good old days and the people I used to sail around with...

    Yes things were simpler at the start yet I remember that we always complained about the world of SOT being empty. Everyone in the forums and their cousin will come up with new ideas and the devs listened to us when the requests were overwhelming; so in a certain fashion the status of SOT today owes a lot to the way we played and our feedback as well.

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