Custom Servers

  • It's been 4 years since they were announced "".
    I think it's time..
    Me personally I have over 60 active friends on the game that want to do tournaments and fun game modes among us.

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  • I completely agree, currently, there is no way to challenge your friends in a battle, this would really make the game more fun and competitive.

  • I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

  • Sea of Thieves boasts the potential for publicity from its players, whether small or large communities.
    It is really absurd to think that there can be safer seas or no private servers where anyone can compete with their friends without progressing in the game.

    It would also be perfect if freecam were included so that we could take spectacular shots of this fantastic world.

  • @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    Every commendation should be disabled as well as reputation, gold and doubloons gain. This should in no way become "farming x" servers.
    It would be nice if captained ships would be allowed (but no milestones attached).
    Perhaps allow for renown getting earned and replace gold with wooden tokens that disappear after a session (in case people want to have some competition in loot hauling).

    As there probably would also be some need for kicking players or crews out (for not adhering to the rules set by the starter of the custom server or show other behaviour that would outstay their welcome), the starter of the server should also be able to kick out players that could be nice & friendly just to turn in their loot after a session.

  • @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    Why is it that most PvP players are against an expansion to Safer Seas? Everyone is saying that it's a extended tutorial, i disagree.
    Safer Seas to me, and a lot of others is a SoT game mode where PvP is not available (which a ton of folks do not want at times) ; Tall tales and other adventures can be explored with family and friends. I realize that some elements cant be experienced due to other PvP related activities, and some commendations wont be achieved, but those are not an essential element to really enjoy the game.
    I am an advocate for Safer Seas and Custom servers, yes. I play Safer Seas because of the reasons i've stated above, and i would absolutely love Custom servers so i and a lot of my friends as well will return so we can enjoy this game again.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    It would be nice if captained ships would be allowed (but no milestones attached).

    Morning Lem0n, Tell me what the Milestones are good for? I honestly don't understand how they are important. Are they just another log entry, or a type of achievement that is attached to captaincy?

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @lem0n-curry said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    It would be nice if captained ships would be allowed (but no milestones attached).

    Morning Lem0n, Tell me what the Milestones are good for? I honestly don't understand how they are important. Are they just another log entry, or a type of achievement that is attached to captaincy?

    Just to make it easier for the devs, instead of having to code that some could count and others not or deal with complaints why some are allowed and some not. E.g. completing world events or other stuff that could be disrupted without possible interference from other crews and dealing with Allegiance related. Couldn't care about most of them though.

  • The only viable way I’d see Rare giving the playerbase access to these would be if they paid for them.

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @lem0n-curry said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    It would be nice if captained ships would be allowed (but no milestones attached).

    Morning Lem0n, Tell me what the Milestones are good for? I honestly don't understand how they are important. Are they just another log entry, or a type of achievement that is attached to captaincy?

    The milestones are the measure used to decide if your ship reached legendary status or not which is a form of progression that could easily be farmed too easy on a passive server too and allow you to buy the next ship of that type sooner.
    And honestly I think that outside of cosmetics you unlocked from high or safer seas you shouldn't even be able to buy stuff from a custom server basically it should be completely disconnected from the currency servers, the fake currency would be a nice option for events and score tallying but "custom seas" should be disconnected from the rest of the servers as much as possible.

  • @astralenigma said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @lem0n-curry said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    It would be nice if captained ships would be allowed (but no milestones attached).

    Morning Lem0n, Tell me what the Milestones are good for? I honestly don't understand how they are important. Are they just another log entry, or a type of achievement that is attached to captaincy?

    The milestones are the measure used to decide if your ship reached legendary status or not which is a form of progression that could easily be farmed too easy on a passive server too and allow you to buy the next ship of that type sooner.
    And honestly I think that outside of cosmetics you unlocked from high or safer seas you shouldn't even be able to buy stuff from a custom server basically it should be completely disconnected from the currency servers, the fake currency would be a nice option for events and score tallying but "custom seas" should be disconnected from the rest of the servers as much as possible.

    Thanks for the reply! To me personally, i dont think Milestones are that important. if its connected to progression like you say, then I think it's fine to cap it so players wont cheese the system. but I disagree that you shouldn't be able to buy anything on a custom server. and you think that custom server players should get fake currency? can you get anything with it? Basically, you are telling players that want custom servers they cannot to do anything you can do in the game other than just float around and shoot at each other? Really, That is like going to a restaurant; and because you wanted a booth, you are forced to eat plain broccoli because the cook says that's all you get, be lucky you get something to eat, while those who chose a table get thier choice of anything on the menu :)
    I think the team did well with Safer Seas, and it wouldn't be a bad thing if they made custom servers the same way
    If they somehow make it where you have to create a new pirate that is strictly a "SS pirate" that cannot cross over from SS to HS and visa-versa, that would stop the "cheesing" issue

  • I personally think that pretty much everything should be disabled because that opens the door to things like commands such as being able to spawn loot or world events or supplies or even teleportation I think that is one aspect that would make custom servers great, being able to do whatever you want. As an example, if you wanted to do capture the flag you just do a command to spawn a chest of fortune or a reapers chest and maybe even on the island you want it to spawn on and boom, you're ready to play capture the flag with your friends.

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    Why is it that most PvP players are against an expansion to Safer Seas? Everyone is saying that it's a extended tutorial, i disagree.

    Its not that everyone is saying it is an extended tutorial, but that the devs them self stated that it was. It is literally in its design by the devs own words.

  • @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    Why is it that most PvP players are against an expansion to Safer Seas? Everyone is saying that it's a extended tutorial, i disagree.

    Its not that everyone is saying it is an extended tutorial, but that the devs them self stated that it was. It is literally in its design by the devs own words.

    This is the Official podcast where Joe and Mike talk about Safer Seas...These are thier own words about how Safer seas came about. It is Not primarily an extended tutorial!
    Go to 14:45 and listen to why Safer Seas was introduced.

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @fry9889 said in Custom Servers:

    I see it as an obvious expansion to safer seas. Allow players to invite known, friendly players with their own boat to the same server. I'd love to be able to practice some pvp with friends.

    Though I think perhaps alliances, stolen loot commendations and other things like that, should be disabled

    Why is it that most PvP players are against an expansion to Safer Seas? Everyone is saying that it's a extended tutorial, i disagree.

    Its not that everyone is saying it is an extended tutorial, but that the devs them self stated that it was. It is literally in its design by the devs own words.

    This is the Official podcast where Joe and Mike talk about Safer Seas...These are thier own words about how Safer seas came about. It is Not primarily an extended tutorial!
    Go to 14:45 and listen to why Safer Seas was introduced.

    Yes, i have seen it, but it is their own words that it functions as one, i never said that it was not intended as a casual place for some stuff, i was stating that it was the devs words that it was functionally an extended tutorial. When many of us say it is an extended tutorial, it is a direct quote from the devs. That pairs well with the fact that you can only do a restricted list of early content.

  • @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    Yes, i have seen it, but it is their own words that it functions as one, i never said that it was not intended as a casual place for some stuff, i was stating that it was the devs words that it was functionally an extended tutorial. When many of us say it is an extended tutorial, it is a direct quote from the devs. That pairs well with the fact that you can only do a restricted list of early content.

    But when you say it is, it is not a direct quote from the devs. They wanted Safer Seas, AkA custom servers, "They were thinking of how to have players play in the world uninterrupted" As for the view that Mike had to say; (And this is where players think that it is only an extended tutorial) He said that Safer Seas had so much to offer, and safer seas provided a different way to learn about the game and all the aspects of the game. He did not say Safer Seas was exclusivly an extended tutorial, and that was it's main purpose.
    The Devs came up with a great way for new and seasoned players to experience the game, and they found a way to make it work, Yes there are some things in HS that couldn't be used in SS, and we get it. But custom servers/Safer Seas, whatever you want to call it. should always be there for the folks who want to play that type of playstyle.

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    Yes, i have seen it, but it is their own words that it functions as one, i never said that it was not intended as a casual place for some stuff, i was stating that it was the devs words that it was functionally an extended tutorial. When many of us say it is an extended tutorial, it is a direct quote from the devs. That pairs well with the fact that you can only do a restricted list of early content.

    But when you say it is, it is not a direct quote from the devs.

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

  • @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

    Not the podcast if i recall, the news video.

  • @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

    Not the podcast if i recall, the news video.

    I havent seen

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

    Not the podcast if i recall, the news video.

    I havent seen

    Its a bit of a search and im only minutes away from sleeping. If i forget to send it within a day, send me a dm on here and ill try to find it.

  • @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

    Not the podcast if i recall, the news video.

    I havent seen

    Its a bit of a search and im only minutes away from sleeping. If i forget to send it within a day, send me a dm on here and ill try to find it.

    ok, have a good one.

  • @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    @gipperseadog said in Custom Servers:

    @goldsmen said in Custom Servers:

    I will stop you right there and say that it absolutely is in the sot news that announced it.

    I take it you are talking about the podcast, right?

    Not the podcast if i recall, the news video.

    I havent seen

    Its a bit of a search and im only minutes away from sleeping. If i forget to send it within a day, send me a dm on here and ill try to find it.

    ok, have a good one.

    Im not finding the specific video where they specifically said safer seas acts as an extended tutorial at this moment, but in this one they do quite heavily express allong with some of the more casual play aspects, that safer seas is a place to learn the mechanics and systems of the game before moving on to high seas.

    If i can find the video where a dev them self said it is basically an extended tutorial i will let you know.

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