PvE Skelly and Ghost Cosmetics

  • I get that earning cosmetics through beating players in HG can be rewarding, but lets face it, not all of us want to grind out 300 levels just to get a shiny black skelly skin. So what about adding new cosmetics for doing various PvE oriented stuff around the SoT?

    -Sink 50 Skelly Galleons with the skelly/ghost curse equipped: Unlock the Splintered Skelly/ Perforated Ghost Cosmetics (skelly would have a cannonball lodged in his chest cavity and a board jammed in his skull or something, Ghost would have splinters and various see through holes in the body)

    -Kill 150 Snakes with the Skelly Curse: Unlock the Fanged hook cosmetic (skelly hook that's a curved snake skeleton)

    -Back stab 150 ghosts: unlock the Back Biter Ghost Cosmetic ( several daggers in your back)

    Stuff like this. What others could y'all think of?

  • 7
    generaljust for fun
    • Overgrown Grass Skeleton set

    Requirements: While having the skeleton curse equipped, touch grass or quit the game for X amount of time.

    Comes in 5 Grades:

    • Grade 1: Touch Grass for 24 hours
    • Grade 2: Touch Grass for 168 hours
    • Grade 3: Touch Grass for 730 hours
    • Grade 4: Touch Grass for 4383 hours
    • Grade 5: Touch Grass for 8766 hours
  • If you reached 100 for the starting curse. What another 200?

  • All for more cosmetics. There are a few pve commendations for using the curses but they don't give very specific rewards other than the ashen bones for doing heart of fire

  • I think that it is good idea - commendations that push you into adveture stuff after 100 level are fine additon to organic gamplay.

    I love idea of ghots curse with cannobal holes in it.

  • Yes, we need skeleton cosmetics tied to PVE, including obsidian skins, but before thinking about that they needed to rework the curse to allow for more customization.


  • @snazzyarc5

    Some of us don't want to grind out the PvE to get the variations or the Black Skelly, which is fair and why I made the choice not to do it at first and don't have those cosmetics yet. There's minimal rewards for hourglass already and arguably a lot more effort than grinding adventure.

    I think it's a good crossover to entice people to keep playing hourglass and to partake in adventure. When I first started hourglass I did it solely for the cosmetics and then grew to appreciate it. The same can be said for the BB 8 streaks. I had fun doing it the first time and look forward to completing it now. The rewards enticed me to play and it gave me a reason to try it

generaljust for fun
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