PS5 Pro update?

  • Are me hearties, I was wondering if any fellow sea dogs would have any news on a PS5 Pro update coming in the future?

    Or would this ship have already sailed straight to Davy Jones' locker considering it'll be for PlayStation users.



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  • @neonnyte

    Playstation will expect you to buy a new version if it does...

  • @neonnyte since they only just ported it to ps5 i would expect no special treatment.

    The xbox series consoles also never got anything. When they where released. And since recent reports state that by 2029 ps5 is expected to have a total install base of 107 million of which only 13m are expected to be pro’s i don’t see an immense appeal to do an extreme amount of work for a subset of a subset of the playerbase

  • @th3-tater I doubt it, all the PS5 Pro enhanced games have been enhanced for free unless the game is a remaster like Horizon Zero Dawn.

    Looking forward to playing Spiderman 2 once the Pro launches :)

  • @callmebackdraft I wouldn't call it special treatment, if the hardware is capable of achieving a better quality of gameplay I don't see why not. PC will have better graphics/frames than either console and that it's deemed special treatment :)

    It also may encourage some Xbox players to pick up a PS5 Pro and purchase the game again :)

  • @neonnyte said in PS5 Pro update?:

    It also may encourage some Xbox players to pick up a PS5 Pro and purchase the game again :)

    And then the xbox comes out with the xbox series x + or whatever. And people will buy that again

    In general consoles get incremental improvements and the thing is i can guarantee you that game developers where aware months ago that a ps5 pro was in the planning including its specs and capabilities.

    This would mean that during the porting to playstation Rare was more then likely aware of said hardware upgrade.

    The thing is, like i said, xbox series x didn’t really get special treatment and there is reasoning for that.

    Every newly supported piece of hardware adds to development and testing time especially if they have differences in what they are capable codewise.

    In the end we have to be cognisant that this is a almost 7 year old game running on a aging (old) version of the unreal engine.

  • I hope developers can push to 120 fps and 4K (native or PSSR, I don't care).

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